-yes sir-

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-Yoongi's POV-

You sit in the corner of the room, watching the shallow breaths of the demon laying in the bed across the room from you. You take a mental note of how peaceful she looks when she is asleep, not awake and causing chaos everywhere she looked. 

She had passed out again after healing Jimin, luckily you had caught her before she fell and put her back to bed. Now you were sitting loyally and watching her, making sure that she was okay. 

For a moment you find yourself admiring her beauty and nature, even though the two of you had started off a little rocky, and had ups and downs since knowing each other, the two of you were undoubtedly more connected than the others. 

You had no idea why, but she had always stuck by your side, both in animal and human form. Loyally sitting beside you, often tuned in to what was happening if anything concerned you. 

Despite any of that, the way she had looked at Jimin yesterday was making you angry and, as much as you hated to admit it, you had felt a small pang of jealousy as well. You were never good at hiding how you felt, especially when you were mad. 

Even the thought of her touching him was making you irritated. She was yours, not his. You had claimed her first, and you would remind her if you needed to. 

You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard the girl in the bed stir, groaning as she attempted to move. You watched the sheets tangle between her legs as she tried to sit up, the large oversized shirt you had given her now hanging loosely on her shoulder. 

You get up silently and move to the side of the bed, bending down lowly over her and placing a hand on her shoulder. 

"Hey Y/N, wake up okay?" you speak lowly, your voice still husky from just waking up as well. "You've been sleeping all day."

-Your POV- 

You feel a large hand on your shoulder, warm and inviting, stirring from your sleep. You look up to find none other than Yoongi, bending over you slightly. 

"What time is it?" you question.

"I dont know like 10am" he replies shortly. You scoff at him, it wasnt even that late in the morning. You roll out of bed, gritting your teeth through the pain of the wounds. They were getting better, but you still needed more time. 

As you rise up, you catch Yoongi's eyes make their way down your body, only to snap back to your eyes when you cough sarcastically at him. You smirk to yourself, thinking about it as you lean against him for support as you make your way towards the door.

You jump slightly when you feel his arm wrap tightly around your waist, for what you could only think was for stability's sake. 

However, the sudden closeness of your bodies seems to catch both of you off guard, and there is a moment of awkward silence before you both walk out the door of the room, down the hall and into the lounge room. 

It never ceased to amaze you how warm human bodies could be. Being a demon, you looked, sounded and acted for the most part like any other human, however you were a powerful entity and contrary to popular belief, you were always freezing cold.

"We are just having a lazy day today, nothing crazy" Yoongi breaks the silence as you hobble down the empty hallway. 

"Good" you speak softly, "Oh and is Jimin okay now?" 

Hearing the words spill out of your mouth triggers something in Yoongi, causing him to angrily flip you around and slam you hardly up against the wall. 

"Stop. Talking. About. Jimin" he hisses, his face inches from yours and his eyes watching you furious as you squirm under him. The sudden movements and harsh contact with both the wall and his body was causing amazing pain to your already weak and injured body, however you were fascinated by the anger within him. 

"Why?" you grunt through gritted teeth, trying to subdue the pain. 

"Why do you always think of him? He's a child" he takes a step forward whilst holding your arms beside you, bringing your bodies together. He leans into your ear, "You obey me, remember? Not him" 

You curse under your breath as your stomach twists. Even though you could see Yoongi was unbearably angry, you were feeling other emotions. The way his dialect shone through as he yelled at you and the way he pinned you so dominantly against the wall, not fazed by the fact that you were possibly 1000 times more powerful than him all made him extremely... hot?

Biting your lip, you shake your head trying to rid yourself of the thoughts and focus back on Yoongi. You must have been staring for a while because by the time you are thinking straight again, he is already staring intensively into your eyes, and scanning your face for answers.

"Whatever you say, Yoongi" you say informally with a sarcastic tone. Since you were so weak and wounded, you had no powers, making you practically human like the rest of the boys, not that they had any idea you were powerless. There was no escaping the inevitable. He had you cornered, literally and figuratively. 

Thinking the conversation to be done, you push yourself off of the wall to leave, however you fall instantly back down when Yoongi refuses to remove his strong hands from either side of you.

"uh uh uh" he tsks, leaning in closer to you again. "How old are you Y/N?" he sternly whispers.


"Ugh" he scoffs, "Do you have no respect for your elders, talking to me so informally?" You watch as his smirk starts to spread across his face.

"Call me Oppa from now on" he whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. 

"Or what?" you say, not believing he has such guts to request this from you. If you had full power, he would be on the ground, choking on his own blood by now.

"You dont think we have noticed" Yoongi prys, "but we have. Someone isn't as strong and all-powerful as they claim to be right now" he takes your cheek in his pointer finger and thumb squishing it sarcastically. "I guess all that fighting with the other demons to save Jimin has made you weak in a couple different ways." 

"And how would you know" you coo, trying to deny as much as you can. You didn't really want them knowing that you had momentarily lost your power, who knows what would happen then? 

"Because if you were still in control, you would have done something by now. You would be on top of me instead of the other way around... unless you enjoy this kind of thing" he looks you up and down, biting his lip. 

You scoff and try to push him off of you, only to have him tighten his grip on your arms either side of you. His way of saying you weren't going anywhere until he was done with you. 

"You will speak to me with respect from now on, or I will have to punish you Y/N" he speaks slowly now, almost grunting out the last part as his eyes burn with seeming lust.

"Okay fine" you spit at him, uncomfortable with being scolded by a human. Hearing your still informal speech, he slams you harder against the wall, earning a loud groan from your mouth as your wounds start to hurt again. 

"Lets try that again shall we?" he looks down at you dominantly.

"Yes... Oppa"  You can't believe this is what you have been reduced too, but at the moment you cant fight him. He is for once the stronger of the two of you. This is what you get for fighting for humans. 

He smirks sadistically at you, his eyes roaming your body proudly. He simply leans back, retracing his hands from your sides and releasing you from his grip. 

"Good" he whispers, before taking you up again for stability and helping you into the lounge room.

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