- rituals-

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After all your screaming you had calmed yourself down, and returned to your somewhat cold and calculated appearance. Feeling your powers returning to their idle state, you realised your eyes were still washed over with black, making you stand out like a sore thumb. Cursing yourself for letting you get too ahead of yourself, you close your eyes and return them to their normal Y/E/C colour. You were honestly overwhelmed by what had happened, you had made it to the human world, and with quite a lot of ease you might add. You thought it would have been a lot harder than it had been, even though you had passed out on arrival and bled, you had expected worse.

"Now you were faced with the real challenge" you thought to yourself as you looked around at the people pushing past each other trying to get to where they needed to go. They looked just like you, or rather you looked just like them. Although they acted nothing like what you had been told about them. You knew that you were the bigger of the two evils here, and that you were the demon, but you had always been told that humans were dangerous and not to be trusted.

Not knowing where to go, you followed a large group of girls, who appeared to be around the same human age as you. There were around 6 of them, all screaming excitedly and jumping around as they walked down the sidewalk. Not wanting to be detected by them, or anyone for that matter, you decide to become invisible, feeling your eyes wash over black moments before. In this form, it is easier to track them and stay close without anyone knowing. You listen to their shouts and screams as they gossip to each other about something.

"OMG!" one screams to the rest, "I have never been so excited! Can you believe we are literally an hour away from seeing BTS in real life?! I ACTUALLY THINK I AM GOING TO FAINT!"

"I know" Another says, fanning herself to keep calm, "I cant wait to see Jin up on stage, fuck he's hot" The rest of the girls nod along and begin to scream about the boys that will appear on stage.

You are so confused, you cannot even comprehend what is going. Is this some sort of cult, ritual? In the underworld, you only knew work and rest. There was no use in playing around, it was for children, and would only lead to softening demeanour, immaturity and lack of skills. But, here all they seem to do is just that. So what are they about to attend?

You are so caught up in your head that you don't notice the girls stop walking momentarily, causing you to bump straight into the back of one of them, knocking her over. You are instantly spurred into panic and hostility as the girls scream, confused as to what seemed to be an invisible wall had knocked their friend over. Their screams and tension cause you to involuntarily take your animal form, which unfortunately causes you to reveal yourself to the girls from your previously invisible hiding spot. It all happens so quick, you have no time to process any thoughts about the situation. You follow your training, focusing your cold black eyes on the girl who is now screaming and threatening you with something she has pulled from her bag. You take a predators stance as you bear your teeth at the girl, hissing and swaying your long black tail from side to side. The girl ignores your warning stance as she steps closer to you. That's it, she has to go. You focus your eyes on her and gather your powers. Then SNAP. Her neck snaps to the side and she collapses to the ground. Her friends scream and wail as they realise what has just taken place. You take this as a opportunity to disappear, teleporting to the nearest alley way and calming down.

"Well that was a fucking disaster Y/N" you scold yourself, "You have been here less than an hour and you have already managed to accidentally kill one human and alert yourself to tons of others" You shake yourself off and return to your human form, not wanting to be noticed any more than you already have been. That's when you see it. A large arena with what looked like thousands of people crowding the entrances, pushing to get in. Interested, you move cautiously toward it, teleporting into the large crowd of people unnoticed.

"Excuse me" you say coldly to someone beside you, startling them slightly. "What is going on here?"

"Oh, um its the BTS concert? Ya know, THE BTS concert?" she says sarcastically.

You simply roll your eyes at the blatant disrespect and walk away, you could have easily snapped her neck right there, or suffocated her until you watched the life drain from her body, but you knew this wasn't the place to do so. But you were starting to see why demons hated humans. Disappearing around a corner and out of sight, you teleport your way into the facility, and into the backstage area. If your ever going to find out what the fuck is going on in here then here is probably the place to be. You walk around confidently, there was nothing to be worried about, you were the most powerful thing to probably ever walk this part of the city, let alone under this roof. You scan the place efficiently for anything out of the ordinary. Tens of people rushed past you, panicked and hurried, carrying stylish outfits and makeup. All walking to the same place. You turn and silently followed them, trying not to be to noticeable or obvious as you stalked them like prey. You cant help but be extremely curious. Who were BTS? Where they Gods or something? People here seem to worship them just the same, probably Gods, you concluded.

You continued to follow the workers until you reached a room, the door was open, and inside sat 7 men, being furiously worked at by what seemed like 20 workers to one man. You stood watching them, they were beautiful. Like nothing you had ever seen before. Each one had a unique, unreal beauty about them, that effected even you, a demon. Shaking yourself from your thoughts, your black eyes returned, and you become invisible again, not wanting to alarm anyone to your presence.

Slipping into the room unnoticed, you sit in the corner and watch them. The way everyone is fussing over them tells you that they are in fact BTS. Although they are all gorgeous, your eyes are drawn to one specifically. His hair is mint green and his voice is low and smooth, as he sits lowly in his chair, letting the workers do their thing. Something about his calm demeanour reminds you of yourself, although you are generally cold and emotionless. Suddenly, someone runs in and yells at them large mass of people in the room.

"Okay its go time everyone lets do this!" The man yells. Everyone jumps up, including the boys, and they rush out of the room, hyping each other up and shaking themselves out as they run down the hallway, toward the large concert area and leaving you alone in the corner of the room.

"This must be when they perform their rituals and the people worship them" you say quietly as you sit in the room by yourself. "I'll just wait for them to come back then." you whisper as you return to your normal human form and take a seat on one of the seats at the counter, laying your head on the table. As you drift off to sleep, you cant help but here the copious amounts of screaming and then.... Music? You dont think too much of it as darkness encompasses you and you fall into a deep sleep.

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