- movie time -

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You sat quietly at the table for the entire duration of the meal.  Although uncharacteristic of you, you were overwhelmed with the undeniable stare Yoongi was burning into your side profile. Not to mention the vulnerability you were feeling now that you had no power and were the weakest in the group, a feeling you were definitely not familiar with. 

You could feel the rest of the boys steal looks at you throughout the dinner, only to quickly look away when Yoongi shot sharp glances at them. His body tensing up ever-so-slightly when any boy at the table tried to spark a conversation with you. 

After dinner, everyone had agreed to watch a movie together. You chuckled slightly as you watch Tae and Jungkook wrestle each other on the 5-seater couch for the best seat, only to eventual end up with Tae sitting on Kook's lap, refusing to move. Jin and Namjoon seated themselves respectfully on two lounge chairs either side of the main couch, Hoseok skipping his way over cheerfully to sit next to Taekook at the end of the couch.

You shoot a wary glance at Jimin, who reciprocates the look with his own face. Eyebrows slightly cocked cautiously, eyes worried and a sad smile. A look that says he is sorry about the way Yoongi is acting, and that he is sorry that you are so weak at the moment. A look filled with guilt and inner-pain. You wish you could just talk to him about it all, and tell him that it isn't his fault, but as of late, your hands have been particularly full with the aggressive and stubborn Mr. Min Yoongi. 

The three of you walk, or somewhat hobble, over to the couch, taking your seats, on the main couch. Yoongi taking his place at the end of the couch, pulling you down clumsily next to him, and then Jimin sitting next to Kookie and Tae.

"I think we should watch something scary" Hobi beams from the other end of the couch. You can hear Jungkook and Taehyung let out a breathy sigh as they hear the words fall from Hoseok's mouth. Scaredy cats. The other boys simply nod along, giving you no choice in the matter. Not that it matters much since you are a demon, so not a lot is going to get to you.

"Let's watch the exorcist!" Jimin chirps from beside you, "Then Y/N can see whay we think of demons here" You nod to yourself, finding yourself somehow intrigued. You had never thought of it before, but now that they mentioned it, how do humans think about your race?

Jin wastes no time in grabbing the remote and flicking through netflix, finding the movie and pressing play before disappearing into the kitchen only to come back seconds later with copious amounts of snacks. 

"I swear I do everything in this household" he whines under his breath, "I feel like a mother with 5 useless children and 1 stupid husband" he shoots Namjoon a look as he hands him a packet of chips, a playful smirk plastered on his face

"We love you too Mum!" Tae yells back, sass evident in his tone. 

When everyone is finally settled in to watch the movie, your attention is brought to the films seeming lack of knowledge about almost everything to do with demons. The sounds, movements and characteristics are completely off. Not to mention the motives. Is this seriously what people think we are like? 

As the action begins to pick-up, you make note of Jungkook's grip tightening around Tae's waist, as if he is holding on for dear life as protection from the demon, Tae has also now shrunk down and is using an actual pillow for protection. Hoseok is somewhat regretting his decision to recommend a scary movie as he jumps every-time someone moves at all and Jin is busy eating all the snacks, and throwing the ones he doesnt want at Namjoon, who is asleep across the room. 

Whilst everyone is busy, you can barely hold in your confusion about the way the movie is playing out. Jimin seems to notice your tenseness and takes the opportunity to talk. 

"How are you coping?" he whispers as quietly as he can, sneaking quick looks over your shoulder to see if Yoongi is paying attention. Lucky for you, the territorial male is beyond busy fishing a chip out of his t-shirt. 

"The movie isn't scary at all how co-" you are cut off before you can even finish. 

"No, not the movie idiot" Jimin furrows his eyebrows, "I meant with not having any powers? With Yoongi? With everything?" You are somewhat taken back by the question. No one had ever asked you before. 

"I dont know what your talking about Chim" you try to play off any kind of questions he has floating around. 

"Dont act dumb Y/N, you used the remainder of your powers to heal me" he says witha grateful expression, "I want to know your alright" 

"Oh um" you stutter a little, "I'm okay. I never had to think about what it would be like to be one of you guys" You play with your fingers anxiously. "I can't fight back, so I am open to attack from anything. It doesn't feel right"

Jimin seems shocked by your answer, not knowing what to do with such an honest one at that. The talking seems to have intrigued the mint haired boy who is seated next to you. The chips in his shirt have obviously been found, and his hand has now defensively found it's way onto your thigh, especially for Jimin to see. 

Seeing this, Jimin sends you a look saying "Good luck, see ya" before leaning back and tuning back into the movie, leaving you to deal with the obvious issue. 

"What do you want now Yoongi?" you whisper aggressively at him. 

"Can't you tell?" he leans in closely to you, "I want your attention babygirl" 

You shudder at the warmth of his breath on your ear as he says the words, feeling his hand linger on your thigh, Yoongi making it more than obvious so that it catches Jimin's attention, letting him know to back off. 

"Alright you've got me. Can I help you?" You scoff, but dont make any attempt to get him off of you.

"Mmm" he hums in your ear, you can practically feel his energy buzzing off of him, "I wanna go to bed. Lets go" 

You turn to face him completely, your nose only inches from his. You can feel his warm breath hitting your face as he breathes. "Seriously? I dont wan-"

You are cut off by Yoongi suddenly pulling you away from the couch, you are so weak that you can barely fight back. The best you can do is stick with the boy to save energy. The last thing you see before you are fully swept away into Yoongi's room is the worried look Jimin sports on his face as he watches Yoongi's hands wrap possessively around your wrist. 

Oh god, what have you gotten yourself into.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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