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You wake up the following morning to a loud thump, lifting your head to see a startled, scared Yoongi on the ground beside the bed. You watch him as he scuttles as far away from you as possible, only to end up hitting the wall behind him. You simply stare at him with your cold black eyes, cocking your head slightly and pricking your ears forward when you hear him calling out to the others in the house for help.

"Um Help! Help me guys! Jimin? Hoseok? Anyone?" he yells, keeping his eyes on you. Soon enough all 6 of the other men rush to the entrance of the room, stopping suddenly when they see the situation. A large black wolf lying on the edge of the bed, staring intensely at poor Yoongi, backed up against the wall. 

"Who's dog is that?" Taehyung yells from the back, pushing his way through excitedly to pat you, only to be grabbed and held back by Namjoon.

"Ughh Tae, I don't think that's a dog." Namjoon whispers. They stare curiously at you as you redirect your gaze to them. 

"Why are its eyes all black? Aren't wolves supposed to have yellow eyes?" Jimin says loudly. "shit" you think to yourself, "i need to be a little more realistic." Not looking away from the group of men, you change your eye colour to a piercing amber yellow, causing the boys to once again freak out. Yelling and screaming to each other about the apparently impossible way your eyes changed, you direct your gaze back over Yoongi. You decided you would stay by his side from now on. Jumping off of the bed, you walk calmly to Yoongi across the bedroom and sit by his side. 

"Is this your animal Yoongi-hyung? You guys seem like friends" Jungkook laughs from within the doorway.

"No! And i would appreciate a little help, Im as confused as you guys!" The mint-haired man snaps back. 

"What happened in the first place?" Jin asks.

"Last night I had a dream that there was a wolf in the hallway, well I thought it was a dream. And then I woke up this morning and it was just laying at the end of my bed! It scared me so much I fell out the bed" Yoongi explained. You watched the men discuss the difficulty of the situation, you decided it was time for a change in scenery. You looked to Yoongi, who was still sitting startled on the ground next to you, and let out a small low howl. His eyebrows furrow in confusion as he looked down at you. 

"what the fuck do you want? I dont speak wolf" he said, you could hear the annoyance starting to arise in his tone. Over the course of 4 days, weird things had been happening, and he always seemed to be the victim of it. You ignored it, getting up and heading to the door. The boys moved out of the doorway as quick as possible as you walked past them happily and into the living room. 

All 7 of the boys raced to follow you, curious of where this strange creature could be going. You entered the living room and stood in the middle of the room, facing the sofa and watching the boys pour into the room after you. You looked at them, then back at the sofa, then back at them, then back at the sofa, communicating as best you could that you wanted them to sit. 

"I think it wants us to sit down" Hoseok said cheerily, chuckling at the sheer absurdity of what he had suggested. 

"Don't be stupid" Jimin laughed, "Its a dog, it cant communicate with us like that!" 

You pinned your ears back and let out a growl, hushing the talk, and bringing the attention back on you. You trotted over to Hoseok, the only one who seemed to understand what you wanted, and sat loyally by him, looking up and giving out a short yelp to assure him. 

"See guys! Its siding with me. I think we should go sit" With that said he walks to the sofa and plops down at the end, you walking satisfied by him, escorting him to the couch. Seeing this, the boys hesitantly follow, taking their time finding seats, and eventually turning their attention to you. You hear Yoongi and Jimin scoff to themselves as they face you, causing your yellow eyes to return to their black state again out of anger as well as your ears to pin back, letting out a low raspy growl at them to shut them up.

Before you had fallen asleep last night, you planned to reveal your human form to the boys. It was not like they hadn't already met you before, but they didn't really know who you were, let alone that you were a demon, and had many different forms. You wanted to actually talk to them, you didnt want to harm them or anything, but it was hard to hold back your tendencies seeing as you were a demon. You thought you could be friends, you were lonely and, if you were honest with yourself, you were a little afraid of this world, although you would never admit it to anyone.

"Okay the fuck" Jimin says, terrified. "How does it keep doing that? Thats not normal, surely you guys agree." 

"Yeah last time I checked, animals couldnt just change eye colour" Jungkook backs up.

Tired of their useless talking you stood up confidently and felt the power in you build up again. Then, with a swift movement, you changed back into your human form and stood before the boys. 

"Hello boys, remember me?"

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