- follow through -

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Friday Morning. Today is the big day, the day of the initiation. You cant believe that today, you will finally follow through with your plan. After what seems like forever, you move slowly to the shower, stepping inside and letting down your Y/H/C hair from the messy bun it had been in all night. You wanted to be fresh and ready for when you entered the human world. Stepping out of the shower you examined your figure in the mirror. Smirking to yourself as you admired the bruises that covered your body from head to toe. Your week had been excruciating, attending class after class as your teachers rushed to prepare you for your big day. There had been twice as many mock fights as usual, and even though you won almost every one, you had still taken a few good hits from worthy opponents.

Initiation started at 3:00 pm, giving you enough time to get ready and pack all the things you needed for your plan, and de-stress yourself enough to carry out the plan in an orderly and safe fashion. You put on some old clothes from your closet and walked down stairs lazily to get breakfast. As you turned the corner into the kitchen, your mother and father jumped out at you, screaming excitedly.

"Happy Birthday!" they yelled, grabbing you and hugging you tightly. They rushed you to the table and sat you down, simultaneously handing you wrapped presents, smiling widely. 

"O-Oh Thank you so much" you say as convincingly as you could muster. "how the fuck could i forget it was my birthday today" I think to myself. 

You had unwrapped almost all of your presents, only one remains in front of you. Your parents had insisted that you leave until last, saying it was special. You look at them sheepishly as you reach out and take the small box in your hands, unwrapping it delicately. Inside is a jewellery box, completely white. You smile to yourself as you open it slowly. In it lies a fragile necklace, and on its chain is a single diamond. 

"It's beautiful" you say, a slight hint of sadness in your tone as you are reminded of what you are about to do. Your parents love you, but you need to know about the world, about the human world, and unfortunately abandoning your family is what you must do to achieve that goal. 

"We thought you would like it!" My mother pipes up, tearing you from your thoughts. You look up and smile thankfully. 

"It's special, Y/N." Your father adds. "This was left to you from your grandmother, she was absolutely set on it being yours. Said that it would be the most important thing to you, and would help you when you needed it most. Whatever that means." 

You look at it curiously, what the hell was that supposed to mean grandma? Nonetheless, you clip it around your neck, adjusting the diamond into the centre of you chest. You jump suddenly as you feel a volt of energy surge through you when the diamond makes contact with your skin. Trying not to be obvious, you thank your parents and climb back up the stairs and into your room. "What the fuck was that" you talk to yourself confused.

You rush to your closet and put on a smart, but flexible outfit, perfect for fighting but still looking fashionable. Although you wouldn't actually be attending the initiation, you still needed to fool others into thinking you were, and you couldn't be too careful. After dressing to look the part, you joined your parents down stairs as they too excitedly got ready for the big day. You sighed to yourself as you saw how happy they were with themselves, thinking they were going to finally see their little girl be completely grown up and the rest of the demons who had come of age.

As the time finally came to go, you urged your parents to go ahead of you, telling them you wanted to spend a little more time preparing yourself for your big day. Of course they bought it, not thinking too much of your introverted tendencies and being nervous for such a big occasion. As soon as they were gone, you rush to your bedroom and grabbed your bag of things, swinging it over your shoulder. It was time. Feeling the power in you grow, you closed your eyes and let the blackness wash over your eyes, opening them again only to see your signature demon look. You loved it. You had a slight idea of what you had to do, it was just like teleporting, which you had done millions of times, except through layers of reality and into a different realm. How hard could it be? 

You closed your eyes and focused all of your brain power on going to the human world, urging every last cell in your body to go where you wanted to go. You could feel the power in you surging and building, but refused to fully commit to going until you were sure it would work. You were so focused in fact that you didn't realise that the diamond around your neck was glowing with intense light. Not paying attention, you squeezed your eyes shut, building up as much power as you could, so strong that a small drop of blood began to fall from your nose. And then without hesitation, you released it all and everything around you went black. 

When you woke up, you were in a different place. You weren't in your home. No. In fact, you weren't even in your homeland. As you got up slowly from the ground, you looked around. You were at what looked to be a bus station on a busy street, with people walking past you busily. Startled you take a step back and sit down on the seat behind you, excitement bursting from your chest. 

"I DID IT" You scream, causing people in all directions to stop and stare at you. "I FUCKING DID IT. IM FREE!" 

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