-on one condition-

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"Jimin since when did you own a cat?" You hear Jungkook laugh as what you can only assume is the 5 men walking through the front door and entering the living room after their day out.

"Since we also had a demon that can shapeshift, idiot" Jimin shifts uncomfortably underneath you as the boys enter the room and take their seats.

"Oh... um where's Yoongi?" Tae asks.

"Yoongi's in his room, he won't come out" Jimin whispers over the top of you, trying desperately not to wake you up.

"What do you mean? What did you guys do whilst we were gone?" Namjoon and Jin scold Jimin in unison.

"Nothing! We played a harmless prank on him! Not my fault he can't take a joke!" Jimin ditches his attempts to be quiet as he tries to defend himself whilst the boys yell at him. You can feel his heart beat racing, telling you that he is becoming increasingly anxious and scared as he gets chewed into by all members of the group. You pretend to sleep as you listen to Jimin explain the events that led to Yoongi locking himself in his room for the past two hours.

"Aish, you cant just keep out of trouble and do what we asked can you?" Namjoon whines at Jimin. As soon as the words leave his mouth, you hear Jimin's heart almost stop. You feel your heart pang at the sadness that basically radiates off of him from Namjoon's statement. It spurs your instinctive protectiveness, you cant just let him get attacked like this, especially when he is definitely not taking it too well.

With that, you lift your head and open your pitch black eyes, scanning everyone in the room and pinning your small cat ears to the back your head in anger. Immediately, all the boys become silent as they watch you awaken. Your overwhelming anger at the boys causes you to shift into your black panther. Although crowded on the small couch you and Jimin had been resting on for most of the day, you stand over Jimin in a protective stance and let out a low, rumbling growl directed at the 5 terrified boys on the other side of the room.

Jumping off of the couch, you stalk directly towards Namjoon, who had upset Jimin the most. Seeing your redirected anger, the rest of the boys make a run for the other side of the room to escape any unnecessary contact with you. You pin Namjoon down with your stare, continuing to let out growls and hisses at him as you trap him in his seat. You are inches from his face, baring your teeth and growling loudly when you hear Jimin behind you.

"Y/N, stop... please" he manages to let out softly through his tears. You instantly break out of your aggressive trance and turn to face him. You shift back into your human form and look at him blankly. "Don't hurt him, that's my Hyung, he's my family."

You simply cock your head at him as you hear this, standing loosely in the middle of the room. You hear Namjoon behind you let out the breath he had been holding and you nod in compliance to Jimin's request. You walk to Jimin and wrap him in your arms as he tries to compose himself after the chaotic scene.

"Chim I don't understand" you whisper to him through your embrace, "he hurt you, I can fix that."

"That's not what family is about." he simply replies. "I was wrong, and sometimes families fight but we all love each other and we just have to figure it out." I listen to his soft voice as we break away from the hug, these humans are so confusing. If this were the demon realm, you would have killed anyone that had picked a fight with you like that.

Jimin seems to see your confusion and smiles happily. "I'll teach you our ways someday Y/N" He laughs as he walks to Namjoon and the rest of the boys to reassure them. You had almost forgotten all about them in the tense scene. You smirk as you see their facial expressions, amazed that Jimin was able to control you and mortified that you were so aggressive and unpredictable towards their leader.

"Uh, sorry Namjoon" you blurt out, catching them all off guard. "You hurt Jimin and I wasn't thinking. I was just doing what I have always been trained to do, so I'm sorry that you had to be a recipient of that training..." You scratch your neck awkwardly as you maintain your eye contact with the 6 boys huddled in the corner of the room.

"O-Oh, um it's okay Y/N" He replies with a small, shy smile. "I know you don't understand how things work here, so we are just gonna have to work on it okay?" You nod in agreement, smiling at his acceptance of your apology. "Oh, and I will forgive you on one condition." he adds sneakily.

You snap out of your thoughts at this. "What condition?!" you yell playfully.

"You have to go and make up for what you did to Yoongi. You need to go and apologise to him" Jimin adds for Namjoon. You look between the two of them, were they crazy? Even as a demon, you didn't want to confront that man. He was the only one of the group that intimidated you in the slightest.

Finally you nodded in agreement, instantly regretting it as you turn and walk towards his room.

When you reach his room, you can hear rap music blasting from his phone. You sigh as you try to open the door, only to find that it is locked. You look back at the boys who are lingering at the end of the hallway watching you, excited to see what will happen.

"It's locked" you say back to them in monotone. "Is this where I am supposed to 'respect your human privacy' and not just teleport in there?"

"Oh screw that!" an overly excited Hoseok replies, "just go already!"

With that you take his advice and teleport yourself into Yoongi's room. He is sitting at his computer, working away at something with his back facing you. You simply walk over and plop yourself down on the side of his bed, the sound earning his attention.

"What are you doing in here? How the fuck did you even get in here in the first place?" he says, unfazed and visibly still pissed at you. You look him up and down, observing his change of clothes, they are loose and baggy but they suit him.

"I'm literally a demon, do you seriously think a locked door is going to stop me?" you chuckle lightheartedly. He simple stares at you annoyed in response to your statement. "Anyway, I just wanted to, um, apologise for earlier. It was childish of me and I shouldn't have done it. I didn't mean to hurt you." You say quietly. You search his face for any response to your apology. You don't like that you have had to apologise twice in the last 20 minutes.

"Okay Y/N" he says smugly. "I accept your apology" Your eyes widen happily at his words. "...if you do what I want when I want, no questions asked."

"What?" you blurt back, "What do you mean?!"

"I mean exactly what I just said" he replies with a mischievous smirk.

"So basically your saying you'll accept my apology if I agree to become your personal slave?" you say unimpressed. "And what? Your gonna use my demon abilities to get what you want?"

"Yep, that's exactly what I'm saying." He coos, winking when I mention the fact that I will be his slave. I simply sigh in disgust, who does he think he is trying to use a demon for fun?

"And what if I say no?" I play along.

"Do you really think the rest of the boys out there will let you stay if I hate you? As soon as I say I don't want you here, they will practically pick you up and throw you out. Even if your a demon, your powers couldn't match the hatred of all of us 7." He says quietly as he leans into you.

You watch him cautiously, thinking about your options. You didn't want to be used and have to do a petty human's bidding, but you like the boys and you wanted to stay here with them and become their friends. He grins widely as he watches you think it over, knowing that he has basically already one.

"Fine" is all you say in response to him. His smirk grows ten times larger as he sits back in his desk chair and puts his feet up on the table.

"Once again, the devil works hard but Min Yoongi works harder" he laughs to himself, staring at you smugly as you simply let him wade in his own pride. "This is going to be so much fun Y/N."

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