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Screaming filled the house. 

With black eyes, you stood and watched as the 7 boys, all sitting arrogantly on the sofa before you exploded in terror and fright. You laughed as Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon jumped up and scrambled to escape the room, tripping over each other as they ran for the door. You simply flicked your hand by your side, closing and locking all of the doors that prevented their escape. 

Meanwhile Yoongi and Jungkook had grabbed the closest object to them and were now standing, wielding them as weapons for attack against you. Taehyung and Jimin were cuddled together on the sofa, screaming like children and clinging onto each other for dear life. 

The sight of the 7 men was sending you into hysterics. You had never seen anyone react to you the way they had. Being a demon, it was a normal and usual part of life for you to change forms, so attention it created was liberating for you. You were practically on the floor in stitches as you watched Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon bang at the doors you had looked, furiously trying to search for a way out like trapped mice. 

"HYUNG HELP WHAT THE FUUUUCKK" "WHAT IS THAT" "SHE LOCKED THE DOORS SHE LOCKED THE DOORS" WE'RE FUCKED WE'RE SCREWED WE'RE ALL DEAD" You heard them all scream. You could have stayed in this place all day, feeling the mischievous side of you taking control, loving the chaotic energy. 

In an effort to calm them, you change your eyes back your usual Y/E/C colour, finally looking like a relatively normal female human, despite the multiple bruises and cuts that showed themselves on your body from your time in the demon realm, your clothes struggling to cover the vast amount of them.  

"Calm down" you stood calmly in front of them, still catching your breath after laughing so hard. "Stop freaking out" They didn't listen. Instead, Yoongi and Jungkook nodded to each other slightly, and Jungkook made a run for a phone that wasn't far from them. 

Seeing this, your eyes turned black again, and with one flick of your index finger, you sent Jungkook flying back and pinning him against the wall behind him. This caused Yoongi to lunge towards you, attacking you with what seemed to be a lamp? You simply dodged his advancements and pinned him against the wall directly opposite where Jungkook stood, groaning and trying with all his might to fight against the power you had. 

The rest of the boys now stood frozen, scared to even move due to the explosive amount of power you had displayed. You smiled tiredly at the Jimin and Taehyung who were still clinging tightly to each other on the sofa in front of you. 

"I'm don't want to hurt you guys" You say loudly, "I just wanna talk with you, but I cant do that when you all freak out!" 

"Yeah um its kinda hard to 'just chat' with you when you are literally a - a... what are you?" You hear Yoongi spit from behind you. You turn and walk towards him slowly, smirking at him slightly. When you reach him, you lean in closely, placing a hand on his shoulder and whispering in his ear. 

"Don't fucking test me Yoongi, I could have you in a much worse condition right now, had I been in a worse mood, or any other demon for that matter." You took a step back, releasing him from the wall, as well as Jungkook. Yoongi death glared you as you turned and faced the rest of the group, feeling his eyes bore into your back. 

"Hang on a second" Hoseok yells from the back of the room, still subtly trying to unlock one of the doors with Jin. "Aren't you that girl from the dressing room the other day?" 

"That's me!" You chirp, "Names Y/N" 

None of the boys moved, staring at you like you had murdered their family, until you realised you still had pitch black eyes. 

"Oh sorry, I know its probably a little scary" you excuse yourself as you quickly change your eyes back to their normal colour. "I never notice"

The boys slowly creep forward again, and once close enough, they rush to each other, furiously checking Yoongi and Jungkook to see if they are hurt from their earlier run in with your power. You smile to yourself sadly, you didn't mean to hurt them, but your impulses were too strong to resist and you were only doing what you had been taught to do as a demon. 

"Okay Y/N" Namjoon stands in front of the rest of the group protectively, "What are you, and what do you want from us?"

"I uh" huh, you didn't really have an excuse for what you were doing here. "Well, I want to be friends"

"Are you kidding?!" Yoongi shouts from behind the pink-haired man, "You come in here, days ago you pinned me to a table, then you scare the life out of all of us, turn from a - a wolf into whatever the fuck you are now! You slam me and Jungkook into a wall and lock us all in here and expect us to be your friends?!" 

You stood emotionless as he yelled at you, you could tell he was really angry by the way he was slurring his words. 

"Poor Jungkook's terrified! Look at him!" You followed Yoongi's pointing finger to the shaking figure at the back of the group. Taehyung was gripping him tightly to him, comforting him as best as he could. He had a small cut on his right cheek and blood was running down his face. You felt incredibly guilty for what you had done. 

"I - I didnt mean to" You whispered, "I didnt mean to hurt any of you, I just wanted to be a part of something, I got lonely always watching from the shadows and..." You stopped yourself, you werent about to get into anything they werent gonna understand. 

"What even are you? Because for gods sake your not human" Yoongi pressed on.

"Hey, dont bring God into this!" You snapped back. "I can explain" you took a step forward towards the boys, to which they took a step back. Sighing, you continued to walk towards them, directly towards Jungkook and Taehyung. 

"My names Y/N, I'm a demon from the underworld, and now, I guess I'm an outcast" you say calmly as you advance towards the shaking boys. "I am very powerful, one of the most powerful for my age, but I disagreed with the laws we have, and wanted to escape that kind of life." You reached the two boys and reached out you hand to Jungkook. Your eyes washed over black again, and the necklace around your neck began to glow as you placed your hand on his face, brushing your fingers over the cut you had caused. Instantly you healed it using your powers. 

Turning to shoot an arrogant look to Yoongi, you smirked and walked away. "Happy now?" you said smugly. Jungkook looked amazed as he felt his face, which was perfectly healed. 

"Now if you guys just sit down, we can talk, and I'll answer any questions you have for me."

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