- holy trinity -

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It has been two days since the last accident occurred, and whilst you were trying your best to stay calm, you couldn't help but shake the overwhelming aura and feeling of the presence of different power, much like the feeling you felt when you were at the restaurant or when you came home that same day.

On top of that, you were starting to get worried about your own powers as well. You couldn't sleep, waking up at all hours of the night in cold sweats, feeling like you were full of dark, uncontrollable energy. Being a demon, you were used to this, but being in the human realm meant you had to stop yourself from using it, and it felt as though it was slowly building up within you, waiting for release. You had heard it before... Demons not using their powers and slowly loosing control, their eyes turning blood red and them becoming uncontrollably aggressive and violent. You just hope that isn't the case here. 

All these thoughts run through your mind as you lay loyally in the corner of the dance practice room in your black panther form. The boys had dragged you around with them more frequently, but you didn't really mind, especially when you got to watch them dance and work on their music. 

When they did drag you around, however, you stayed in one of your many animal forms, usually taking the form of a black wolf when in public to be less intimidating, however when just with them, you reverted back to your favourite black panther form.

Your eyes lazily follow the boys fluid movements as they practice their latest song. You silently admire how well they move, and how good they look despite them being drenched in sweat from the hours of relentless practice. The song ends and they take a break, all 7 of them instantly breaking formation and weakly walking to their drink bottles, gulping down the clear liquid. 

Your tail waves sleepily by your side as you notice the boys break up into groups. Tae and Jungkook sitting in one corner of the room, Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok sitting in another, Jimin leaving the room completely and then Yoongi, still standing and drinking his water slowly. 

He's stalling. You can tell. The way he stands uncomfortably as he drinks and scans around the room for a place to go, unsure of where he wants to go. You sit up a little, watching him intrigued until his cold eyes meet yours, and you cock your head to the side slightly when he lowers his bottle from his mouth and walks towards you. 

He simply slides down the wall to sit next to you, not saying anything, and looks out at the other groups of boys, making conversations of their own. 

Not wanting to change form, you decide to ignore him, putting your head down between your paws again, focusing on the slow snaking of your tail. You remain like that for a while until your feel a light, almost unnoticeable petting sensation on your tail. 

You open your eyes enough to see Yoongi, his eyes glued on your silky black tail as it snakes back and forth beside him. Thinking you are asleep, he let his curiosity get the better of him, as you watch is long fingers, outstretched to touch it. 

Usually this would set off an alarm in your head, because you don't really like people touching you, but you take note of his soft eyes, different from the cold, angry ones he usually has. He hesitates in reaching down and stroking your tail, so you lift it up enough to brush his hand, causing him to flinch back.

He looks at you to see you staring back at him, his mouth open in a small "o" shape, his eyes blinking rapidly and his eyebrows furrowed. Its pretty easy to understand what he's asking. 

"Can I...?" he takes his hand back a little apprehensively. You simply nod and watch as his eyes light up, his gummy smile shining through. His huge hand comes down slowly, almost sentimentally, like hes scared to touch such a powerful animal for the first time. 

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