- blood red marble -

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When you first open your eyes, you notice your surroundings. The way the light flowed through the large open curtains, allowing a cool breeze to circulate throughout the room. As you look around, you notice that this is in fact not your own room, but it is familiar to you.

Continuing to scan the room from underneath the black sheets you lay in, you take note of the large computer monitor on the desk next to you, and a piano on the opposite side of the room. You smile as you lay your eyes on the chair at the desk, remembering that it was the same chair that Yoongi sat in as he tricked you into becoming his personal slave in order to stay in the house.

'....which means that this is Yoongi's room' you think to yourself '...and that means this is Yoongi's bed.' 

You curse under your breath as your eyes fall silently on the man himself, sleeping soundly in a lounge chair in the corner of the room. He must have stayed here to keep an eye on you but fallen asleep. The thought makes you secretly happy and appreciative.

Gathering yourself together, you put your hands on either side of you and attempt to sit up. However, the task is harder than it seems, as the action causes searing hot, sharp pain to radiate from every wound that has accumulated on your body, causing you to yelp loudly in agony.

Gritting your teeth and pushing through, you manage to get up into a sitting position against the backboard of bed. By the end of the seemingly impossible movement, you are breathing heavily and groaning quietly. 

Slipping your hand under the sheets, your hand finds one of the multiple severely deep wounds crossing your stomach, only to feel a warm, wet sticky substance coat your palms. Lifting your hand in front of you, you just sigh as it is in fact covered in deep crimson black blood. 

"You fucking idiot" you raise your head quickly, scared by all the sudden sound, only to find Yoongi getting up from his chair and making his way across the room towards you sternly. 

"What?" you bicker, "I was just tryna sit up is that too much to ask?" 

"Yes, obviously it is" he says leaning down close to your face and picking you up bridal style from the bed. You gasp out in pain and press your head into his shoulder, gripping his neck fiercely to try and distract yourself from the pain as he makes his way down the hallway and into the living room. 

Upon entering the room, the rest of the boys, who were lounging around lazily, snap to attention, quickly clearing a space for Yoongi to place you on the table. 

You groan as you feel the cold white marble underneath you, your skin not used to being outside the warmth of the bed. You didn't know how long you had been out for, but judging by how shocked the boys looked as they began to crowd around you, it seemed to be quite a while. 

"Hey Y/N, how are you?" Namjoon cooed pitifully to you, seeming to sense the immense pain you were in. You just closed your eyes and attempted to move as little as possible.

"Hyung she moved, now shes bleeding again." You hear Yoongi say bluntly. 

"Go and get the bandages, I will take her current ones off and we can fix it." Jin replies. You slowly open your eyes to find Jungkook staring intensively into your eyes, almost a little scared at them. 

"Hey Kook?" you whisper sweetly, a little confused. 

"H-Hey Y/N, whats up?" he jumps as you notice his focus, but continues to talk to keep you from focusing on the pain.

"Nothing much" you joke, dismissing his weird behaviour, "Just bleeding out on your marble bench top, ya know, the usual" By now, you are basically naked as the boys remove your shirt and bandages to get to the wounds underneath. 

Sure enough, deep black cuts, deep enough that if inflicted on a human, they would probably have died within a small amount of time, lie across your body. Your happy you could have taken them on in order to protect Jimin and the rest of the boys. 

Speaking of the boys, you look up from your cuts to see each of them bewildered. At the back of the group stands Jimin, his face almost as pained as yours. You notice he is sporting a black eye, cut cheek, stitches above his eyebrow and a bruised collarbone. 

Whilst the rest of the boys work quickly to wrap the wounds with fresh bandages, you and Jimin both lock eyes and you can practically read his thoughts without having to even use your powers. He is feeling extremely guilty. Somehow he thinks the extent of your wounds are his fault. 

Compassionately, you sit up, grimacing with pain but trying your best to hide it. You know you don't currently have the power within you to heal yourself, your wounds are too severe, but you cant stand the sight of Jimin standing, riddled with self-hate and guilt for what happened to you.

"Woah Y/N what are you doing?" Yoongi says, placing a steady hand on your shoulder, stabilising your slight wavering demeanour, "Take it easy pabo" You appreciated Yoongi's caring side, but right now you needed to get to Jimin. 

Nodding to Yoongi, painfully you let your eyes wash over black, signalling to the entire group that their favourite demon was about to do something. 

You hop off of the table and stumble slowly to Jimin, who seemed stuck in place with fear, thinking that your demon self must only be approaching him out of anger and revenge. 

"Chim..." you whisper quietly, watching him gulp as you mention his name, "I'm so sorry I didn't get to you earlier..." With that you watch a small tear slip down his cheek. You just smile and continue, gathering up your strength as you speak. 

"I'm sorry Y/N, I should have done something but I was useless and it's my fault you almost died. You got hurt because of me." By now Jimin is beside himself, a waterfall of endless tears streaming down his face.

"It wasn't your fault Chim" you smile sweetly at him, "This is what I was born to do, fight. I'm here to protect you guys" You lift your hands up to cup his face, lifting his gaze from the ground to your own eyes. 

You can almost feel Yoongi's eyes burning into the back of your head, Jimin also seems to notice it as his eyes momentarily leave yours to find Yoongi's behind you in the group of boys watching on at the scene. 

Gathering your strength, you grit your teeth through the immense pain as you let it flow through your hands and into the boy you hold in your hands. Jimin instantly stops crying, a small sniffle leaving him as you smile warmly, feeling the power in your body leave you and travel to him, healing him instantly.

You watch relieved as the bruises that covered him seconds ago are now gone, glad you could at least help him in any way possible. 

"Thank you" he mouths to you as you pull him into a warm hug, gasping a little as he squeezes you a little too tight, hurting you a little. 

You pull away and stumble a little as you do, now as tired as ever from using your energy on healing Jimin. You feel a hand on your shoulder, turning to see Yoongi again. You stare at him, his eyes are warm and soft, but you know he is just hiding his anger in front of the rest of the boys. 

"Come on Y/N" he says lowly, "Thats enough fun for today, you need to rest now" you nod and let him sling his arm around your waist to assist you in your journey back down the hallway to his room, leaving the rest of the boys to their own devices.

"Somethings not right" you hear Jungkook whisper to the other members. 

"Why? Whats wrong Kookie?" Tae answers for the rest of the group.

"Her eyes... They were weird today" he just replies, looking down at the ground and shuffling his feet.

"I saw it too" Jimin adds hesitantly, not wanting to admit it.

"What was wrong with her eyes?" Namjoon joins into the conversation.

"I... Well Uh...They were..." Jungkook stumbles over his words.

"...Flashing blood red?" Jimin finishes the younger boys sentence without looking up from the ground.

"y-yeah, that" the maknae just whispers to himself, creating an almost unbearable environment of worry and fear between the 6 men.

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