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You stand weakly in the middle of the room. Your body practically dripping with black blood, not knowing whether it belongs to your enemy or yourself, at this point it could be either. 

You disregard it, keeping your eyes focused purely on the demon standing in front of you, breathing heavily, you take note of his stance. It seems he is struggling to stand on his back left foot, and his front right. 

In between the two of you lies a motionless animal, you had managed to rid of him and now only one remained. It had been a struggle but you were keeping up better than you had imagined. 

The leopard in front of you sees the thoughts washing over you, and mustering his strength, lunges towards you over his friend. Instantly, you dodge his sloppy attacks, biting his wounded back-leg as he passes you. As he yelps, you take this time to pin him down, putting all of your might into holding him to the ground next to his dead friend. It saddens you that you have to kill him, he used to be your friend, but you cant risk it. 

Using your powers, you keep him down whilst he talks.

"Please..." he pleads through pain, "this is bosses orders, I'm just doing my job, I wont come back just let me go" You grimace at the choice, running through the logistics in your head. As you stare at the animal below you, you notice something move in front of you. 

Lifting your head to the end of the hall way, you see the 7 boys you fought so hard to protect standing, huddled together. You observe the individual looks of worry they exhibit, making you wonder how long exactly they have been watching for. Namjoon, Jimin and Jin seem especially worried, whilst Tae, Jungkook and Hoseok's faces show pure terror as they see the amount of blood flooding the corridor, and dripping from your body and Yoongi's face conveying pure anger and hatred as he glares at the struggling animal you keep underneath you. 

"You cant kill me can you?" the demon snickers. 

"Excuse me?" you reply, thrown off by his sudden cockiness.

"I mean you wont kill me with them in front of you, will you?" he laughs. You guess he thinks that just because you were starting to become a little attached to them, that you wont show your demonic side in front of them. He has you all wrong, but you have always been one to play a good joke on someone.

"Maybe your right..." you sigh pretentiously, acting as sad and conflicted as you can manage. He smirks as he seems to think he has won. 

Keeping your hold on the boy, you re-direct your gaze to the men in front of you, waving your tail behind you hypnotically. You step off of the leopard and instead stand weakly between him and his dead friend. You can feel the blood loss is starting to effect you, your sight starting to spot and your strength wavering, but you refuse to let the weakness show. 

Breathing in, you change forms back to a human, standing up as tall as you can and looking down at the large animal, still under your power's grasp, laying on the floor beside you. 

"Y/N! Are you okay?" you hear Jimin shout from the end of the hallway. You simply hum in response as you look at them. Right now you cannot focus, feeling the intense looks of each of the boys as they see the full extent of the wounds you have gathered whilst fending off the demon duo. Multiple deep, large wounds cover your body, their presence causing excessive amounts of black blood to flow from them. You grip your stomach, trying to keep them from bleeding out too much. 

You release the leopard from your power and let him stand up behind you as you stumble weakly towards the boys, making the demon believe he is free to leave. You smirk sadistically as you move your eyes to Yoongi, who's look of worry changes instantly when he sees your mood switches from weak to amused. 

You have the demon behind you exactly where you want him. You know he has fallen for your tricks, thinking you are weak and struggling to stand, leaving the fight early. This leads to him letting down his guard as he collects himself again and prepares to leave, changing back into his human form. 

"I knew you were too--" he spits at you. Not shifting your gaze from Yoongi's, your eyes flashing momentarily a deep red, you flick your hand by your side, sending the demon crumpling to the ground. His neck snapped before he could finish his sentence. 

The 7 boys flinch as they watch the mans body hit the floor, finding itself laying perfectly in place with his demon animal counter-part. You instantly drop the sadistic smirk, your job finally done. Instead, your face adopts a painful grimace as you realise that you are in-fact bleeding out. 

Noticing this, Jin runs to you, grabbing you before you manage to drop to the ground. Your eye-sight becoming severely blotched as you struggle to stay awake. The boys band together to grab you, carrying you slowly and painfully to the dance practice room and setting you down in the corner of the room. 

You watch through heavy eyes as Taehyung, Hoseok and Namjoon race out the room to find a first aid kit, whilst Jin and Jungkook assemble a place to put you whilst they all work, leaving Jimin and Yoongi to asses the wounds. 

From the looks they exchange as their eyes scan your body, it isn't good. 

"Don't touch me..." you growl at them weakly. "I can fix it myself"

"No Y/N, actually you cant" the mint haired man states bluntly, reaching down and placing a firm hand on one of many deep cuts stretching across the front of your stomach. You swat his hand away aggressively. You had always been independent, you didn't need them. When he moves his hand from your body, you replace it with your own, clenching your eyes shut and trying as hard as you can to focus your healing powers on yourself.


Well shit

Jimin grimaces noticing your painful efforts to save yourself. 

"Y/N, your gonna have to trust us" he lets out quietly, scared of how aggressive you currently are.

"Or what" you spit. 

"Or your gonna die" you scan Jimin's eyes when he blurts out the sentence. He's right, they are only trying to help, but right now you cant think straight, and it takes a lot for you to trust someone, especially when they were the reason you were about to die in the first place. But right now isnt the time to be picky. You simply nod at him, his eyes softening with relief when you comply to their help. 

You relax, feeling Jimin, Yoongi, Jin, Tae and Jungkook work together to keep pressure on as many wounds as they can whilst they wait for Namjoon and Hoseok to return. You stare at the ceiling as you notice the minutes start slowing and the black circles in your vision rapidly grow. 

"Y/N, stay with us okay? Stay awake okay?" you hear Jungkook as he shakes you loosely to wake you up, panicking as he sees your eyes closing every time he stops shaking you. 

Suddenly the doors of the room burst open, followed by heavy foot steps. Hoseok and Namjoon have finally arrived with the medical kit. 

"Guys, I think she's going into shock from the blood loss." Namjoon plainly states, you just hum in response, feeling your body growing more and more cold. 

You muster the strength to lift your head, open your eyes and scan the room, watching the boys working tentatively on your drastically bloody body. You manage to catch the eyes of the minty boy working on the same wound on your stomach, giving him your warmest smile before dropping back down, finally letting sweet unconsciousness take over.  

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