-meet and greet-

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A/N: The boys all look like this in this book, so hope that helps as an identifier of sorts.

"Hyung, who the fuck is that?" one whispers.

"I have no idea. What makes you think I know any more than you?" replies another.

"Well what do we do?" another voice adds.

"Wake her up I guess..." the first voice returns.

Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder, shaking you from your sleep. When you don't immediately respond, the hand shakes you a little harder. You grumble and sit up hesitantly. 

"Where the fuck am I?" you think to yourself confused, not remembering the excitement of being in the human realm. You then become aware of 7 men crowding around you at the table you had fallen asleep at earlier. 

Feeling trapped and defensive, you quickly stand up, grab the hand on your shoulder and smash its owner down onto the counter in front of you as though you were a police officer making an arrest. You pin him down hard whilst frantically looking around at the 6 men, now having taken multiple steps back from their original place behind you, terrified by your explosive hostility and force. 

"Woah woah woah chill out calm down" they all scream at you, sticking their hands out defensively in your direction, only making you more tense. 

You had to admit that, as a demon, your actions very closely mirrored that of an predatory animal, much like your black panther counterpart. You look down at the man you still have pinned to the table, groaning and letting out sounds of pain as you continue to keep his face pressed against the cold wood. You instantly recognise him as the man with the mint green hair from earlier. 

"Just let him go, we aren't going to hurt you, your safe here, please" one of the men says, slowly edging towards you. His hair is a pastel pink colour, and you for a moment admire how it compliments his complexion. 

Seeing his attempts to approach, you press down harder on the man you are keeping captive, silently threatening the men across the room with your cold Y/E/C eyes as you earn yet another groan of pain. It's a stand off between you and the 6 men. 

"Where am I? Who are you? Are you Gods?" you say quietly into the room, not really directing the questions to anyone in particular. 

"We are BTS, and you are in our makeup room... and no we aren't Gods?" one of the says, thrown off by your last question. This one has broad shoulders and light brown hair. Feeling satisfied with their compliance, you let the man beneath you go, watching him quickly move back to the safety of his friends, who welcome him back eagerly, checking every inch of him to see if he is hurt. To this you watch him swat them away, nodding to them that he is in fact okay.

"Okay we answered your questions, now you answer ours" The mint haired man says aggressively as he wipes his nose. "Who are you? And why the fuck did you just pin me to that table"  

You stare at them, kind of lost. It was understandable that they wanted to know what was going on, but this was your first real human interaction and you weren't really sure you should be giving out your personal details on the spot. 

No. You would remain unknown until further notice. However, being a demon, you were no stranger to manipulation, and you were a master at it. 

"O-Oh umm, I just got scared that you would hurt me. I didn't mean to cause any harm..." You say, putting on a fake shy facade, sporting large innocent eyes and an 'unsure' stance. "I came in here to sleep, I didn't have anywhere else to go." Everyone nods, letting down their guard as they believe your story, except for him. You smirk to yourself as you see your charms are working, these humans are pretty easy to work your way around. 

"Bullshit" The mint-haired man spits defensively, "You are dressed way too nice for that kind of story, and you are way too strong to not mean any harm. I'm not gonna ask again, who are you?!" By the time he is finished speaking, two of the men beside him, one with orange hair and another, taller one with dark brown hair and teal highlights are holding him back from coming straight towards you. 

You see his anger and thirst for answers, it was cute really. But like you said before, you weren't about to just give yourself away, you couldn't trust anyone. You would let them think about it a little while, and stay with them, watching from a distance and revealing yourself to them when you felt like it. A fun little game to play. Why not? You were finally in this realm, and these boys seemed like the perfect group and who knows what would happen? You accidentally laughed out loud as you thought of the possibilities, causing you to startle the boys and blow your cover.

Abandoning your fake character, you stand up straight again, lifting your chin high and focusing your eyes solely on him, struggling to get out of the other men's grip. You give him a wide, aggressive smirk as you turn around and leave the room. 

"What idiots" you mumble to yourself as you turn the corner and become invisible, making it easier to slip away. You can hear the boys in the room, some mumbling to others, and one distinct voice yelling after you. All 7 of the boys come rushing out in unison, looking each way, trying their hardest to find you. You watch them from a distance, laughing to yourself at how naiive they are. 

"Yoongi-hyung where'd she go?" the orange haired boy yells excitedly, this was some sort of great mystery. 

"I don't know Jimin" the tall man replied dimly as he gave up search and walked back inside the room, leaving the 6 others to wonder what the hell had just happened.

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