-good morning-

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You had spent the past week doing Yoongi's bidding. Every day was something different. It started off with simply cleaning his dishes and cleaning up after him but soon he started to realise the strength of your powers. You were soon playing elaborate pranks on the other members and taking things from stores for him. 

Although you hated having to serve a human, you couldn't lie that pranking and messing around with the boys was fun, and at the end of the day you were just happy that you were able to stay with them and form friendships with them all.

You were now good friends with all of them, except for Yoongi, you saw him more as a partnership than a friendship. You felt comfortable with all of the boys, laughing and playing around with them, being careful to keep your powers stable when you could. However whenever Yoongi entered the room you felt as though you had to be serious, and you were always tense and waiting for him to order you around again.

It's early Friday morning. You lie sleepily in the spare bedroom that you had been given, originally it was Jungkook's room, and seeing as there were only 7 bedrooms in the house, someone was going to have to bunk up. You had offered to just sleep in the living room, or with one of the other boys, but no one wanted to share a room with a demon, so Jungkook volunteered to sleep with Tae instead. You were starting to wonder how your parents were doing, and if they were worried and missing you, although you didn't really care either way. 

Suddenly you were torn from your thoughts as Jin burst through the door. 

"Hey Y/N, time to get up" he cooed. You sat up rubbing your eyes and groaning. "Oh and can you get Yoongi up? We are all going out." Your eyes widened at the statement. You hated waking Yoongi up, he was always angry, so that's why you assumed the boys made you do it.

You didn't even bother getting dressed, or getting out of bed. You simply vanished and reappeared into Yoongi's room. You leaned against the wall of the room, watching him sleeping peacefully. He looked so calm and at ease, but you knew it would change as soon as he woke up, so you treasured him in this moment. 

You couldn't deny, he was gorgeous. Even as he slept, he radiated beauty, it was too much for you to handle. Maybe that was why you were so instantly attracted to him when you first met him. 

"Yoongi Its time to wake up" you state bluntly whilst shaking him roughly. Even if he was stunning, you had no empathy for him after all the work he has made you do for the past week. "Yoongi! Get your dumb ass up we are going out" 

With that he groaned and sat up, staring at you angrily. "What the fuck I wa-" he stops yelling momentarily, you watch him as his eyes trail down your face and across your half exposed figure. You were too lazy this morning to change from your pyjamas, so you were left in front of the mint-haired man wearing an oversized baggy shirt over your underwear. He took in your entire body before bringing his eyes back up to yours. 

You simply scoffed and crossed your arms over your body as you watched him. 

"Now what have we got here?" he says quietly as he smirks at you. 

"A demon, sent to you by the overlord Jin to get your ass up and ready for the day" you reply, trying to imply you aren't interested in whatever he has to say next. 

"I cant believe I have been using you for such mediocre things" he says shaking his head to himself, ignoring your snarky comment. You snap out of your haze immediately.

"What?!" you cant believe you just heard that

"You're my servant aren't you? So you have to do what I say..." He says as he slowly moves up from the bed and stalks towards you. You are so shocked by what he said a moment before that you don't realise how close he is getting to you. You are also distracted by the fact that he isn't even wearing a shirt. Yoongi is practically inches from your face, his eyes boring holes into you as he looks you up and down, licking his bottom lip. You stay put, not taking any steps backwards to show that you are not backing down. 

"There's a lot of things I could do to that pretty little body of your's sweetheart" he leans in and whispers in your ear. Your eyes wash over black as you feel your anger grow inside you. You are getting hotter and hotter by the minute, seeing as Yoongi's bare skin is practically pressed against yours as you refuse to move from your spot in the middle of the room. 

You bring your hand up and flick it slightly, causing Yoongi to be thrown on the bed behind him and held down. You walk over to him as he struggles against your power, only to chuckle smugly as you come into view. 

"I'd watch it Yoongi" you sigh, you were amused by his attempts, but angry by the blatant disrespect for the fact that you were a demon. "It seems you've forgotten who I am, just because I let you boss me around for a week, and I really don't want to have to remind you." He just lays there, unfazed by the powers being used on him. 

"Shouldn't we be swapped places? I'm usually the more dominant one in this kind of situation" he laughs weakly, flexing his stomach muscles naturally. You release him and watch him stand up, before walking over to him and whispering in his ear. 

"Get dressed asshole, we are going out, and don't make me send Jin and Namjoon in here." You smirk at him and walk out the room.

You enter the living room to find all of the boys dressed and eating breakfast. They all greet you with a warm smile as you sit down next to Jimin at the dining table. 

"How'd it go with grumpy?" Jimin jokes from beside you. 

"It was alright" you say softly, you decided to keep that incident to yourself. "Where are you guys going today?" 

"Oh, we are going to go out shopping and get food" Namjoon answers from across the table.

"Okay, have fun I guess" you say sadly, the boys always went out, but you were always left at home, apparently you were too dangerous and they didn't trust you out in public yet, especially with all the paparazzi around. 

"Oh no, your coming with us!" Hoseok beamed next to Namjoon. You smiled brightly, reflecting Hobi's massive glowing smile. 

"Wow really? Thanks you guys! I cant wait!" You managed to say before you heard a small groan as Yoongi entered the room. 

"Morning dumbassses, lets get going." 

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