nice guys vs the real nice guys

56 10 110

Its official.
Nice guys really fucking exists and they're shit.

Definition of nice guys?
A guy who is fucking nice to people or mostly girls because they are fucking thirsty and would treat the girl's right but if they rejected them, they wiuld start calling them names such as slut, whore, bitch, and other creative fucking insults.

Its amazing, am I right? I just met one and this is my first time too, I was so excited but then fucking shit happened and wow,

I became like my dad and mom at the same time. Like my dad's soul and my mom's just went to my body so fast, it was so fucking amazing until he muted me.

Nice guys are fucking cool. But then, when he started insulting the girl, his ego was so high? But then to guys, he became submissive?

Can nice guys actually beat the real nice guys?

Real nice guys definition
Knows how to respect women which means they can be assholes if they need to be especially when they see a fake nice guy disrespecting girls.

Nope. I dont think so.
He fucking muted me after all.

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