(Y/n) Gojira arrives in Monster Musume

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Mariana Trench

A sperm whale was slowly swimming deeper when it heard a peculiar sound. A sort of low warbling. The whale followed the sound until it can across something like a massive mountain. As swam around it, the whale saw a strange shape sticking out of base. As it swam closer, the whale notice that it resembled a head. It bumped against it, curious. Suddenly, the whales sensed started to scream. The whale started to panic as a massive reptilian eye opened up. The whale swam away as fast as it good, but the creature wasn't interested in the whale. It was interested in sudden surge of nuclear energy it sensed.

Breaking from the layers of rock, the creature swam towards the surface, aiming towards the cost. It started to hear peculiar noises. A series small high pitched screams. Frowning, the creature followed the sound to the of city New York. The sounds had gotten much louder and that is when the kaiju realized. The sounds sounded resembled his own roars, except more like screams. Snarling, he swam into the East river, following the sounds until he saw a large barge carrying a massive cage. A voice called out,

"Come and see the one and only, Godzilla Junior! While exploring a remote island, I came across this little fellow. With a few well placed traps, I caught the beast! Up close encounters are 50$! I assure you he is very gentle! Come and see-AAAAAAAAHHHHHh!"

Having enough of the human, Godzilla rose out of the water, sending humans running in terror. The announcer was screaming higher than a little girl who had just dropped her ice cream. Ignoring the annoying human, Godzilla turned his attention to towards the cage. Inside was a smaller version of him, except for the large eyes and head.

(A/n: Well, it is a baby so of course)

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(A/n: Well, it is a baby so of course)

Prying the top of the cage off, Godzilla slowly lowered his claws towards the baby. Curious, the baby walked up and sniffed them. Wrapping his claws very gently around the hatchling, Godzilla raised it out of the cage. He lowered the baby into the water. Squealing, the baby kaiju splashed around like a drowning human. Letting out a chuckle, Godzilla slowly turned back towards the bay. Noticing this, Godzilla Jr. followed his older counterpart.

In the JSDF.

A group of men wearing formal attires watches as Godzilla rose out of the East river, open the cage, take he hatchling and leaving with said hatchling. One spoke,

"Interesting. So Godzilla showed no aggression towards mankind when he claimed the hatchling?"

Another man, wearing combat fatigues, responded.

"No sir. After taking the hatchling he did no serious damage, only a few scratches ships and destroyed cage."

Another official spoke up:

"I think we should just get rid of him. Who's nows what will happens if we anger him somehow."

"But what if more kaiju start to appear?"

"Bah, we just have blast them with artillery!"

"That doesn't always work. We got a lucky shot on the big one. It's gills were hit by a tank, but it doesn't mean all kaiju will have a weak spot."

Many nodding heads, whispers of agreement. Growling, the kaiju-hating official say back down.

"So far, there have been sightings of the two Godzilla's residing on an small island near Hawaii. The president has demanded we send nuclear waste to the island, so we can both keep the hatchling and the big one fed. And also to prevent them from attacking nuclear power plants for food. All in favor?"

All raised their hand, except for the kaiju-hater. As everyone left the meeting room, the official, went in a different direction. Be heard about the construction of a satellite cannon that was called the Dimension Tide. The weapons supposedly shot a miniature black hole. A perfect weapon for destroying a kaiju.

Godzilla was sleeping near the human city where he met the male MUTO. Good times. Poking around the forest was Godzilla Junior, adopted brother to the big guy. He just having fun freaking out the animals and chewing on rocks.(Probably teething). Suddenly, he saw animals running in many directions, except in the direction of his brother. Quickly, the baby kaiju turned around and toddle-ran back to his big brother.


Snorting, the older kaiju woke up. Slowly, his eyes opened. Hearing his brothers voice, he rose to his feet. Frowning, he noticed how everything was quiet.

"Junior, get behind me. I have very bad feeling about this."

He slowly looked around. No signs of other kaiju. He turned his eyes towards the skies. His eyes widened as he saw something from his nightmares. A mini black hole was quickly descending towards their current location. They wouldn't have enough time to get away. Whirling around, he grabbed Junior and pulled him close to his body. Juniors scales weren't strong enough to not get him torn apart by the black hole. His armored back facing the orb of extreme gravity. As the black hole absorbed them, he wondered where they will end up.

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