Chapter 10: (Y/n) vs. Gamera and two old friends

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(Y/n) POV

As Gamera and I glared at each other, I noticed that everyone else has backed up quite a bit. Good. Now I can go all out.

"Why are constantly trying to beat the crap out of me Gamera?"

"I'm just cautious around your kind. I have had some... run ins with them."

"Are you talking about Senior and Junior? The Toho Godzillas? Listen you overgrown snapping turtle, I'm not like the Toho Godzilla Senior. I'm the embodiment of nature's power to restore balance. You are a guardian of a city that fell because of its faulty creations."

"SHUT UP! Just because you're nearly twice as ancient as we are doesn't mean you can just rule over us!"

"I'm not "ruling" I'm in an alliance with you guys. I'm even- what's that human term? Oh yeah, boyfriend! I'm even Mothra's Boyfriend! I'm much calmer than Mr. Fathead."

"While we did have our differences, I did find a good ally in him. Can't have you insulting him. Prepare for battle!"

"Dude, that's what you started when you tackled me."

"Screw it! The real battle starts now!"

He charges at me. Fortunately, I am more intelligent than the Godzilla's before me. As he attempts to right hook me, I simply grab his arm, turn around and give him a judo flip. The ground beneath Gameras tough turtle shell cracked. But he then grabs my arms and throws me away from the building. I sink my claws into the ground making eight long gashes in the ground. I get up, only to see Gamera is inhaling. Crap.


Kimihito turns to Mothra.

"Why did that Gamera guy stop moving?"

"Simple. He's about to breathe fire."

"Oh. Well, (Y/n) should be able to resist it. Right?"

"Maybe. Gamera's strength is on par with Goji's and my own."

"Holy crap!"

At that moment, Gamera raises his head and opens his mouth. Out of his mouth shoots a massive firestorm.

(Watch from 2:00-2:32)

The resulting blast sends everyone flying backwards. Rodan is thrown into a tree. Tio has hold all the liminals and Kimihito. Mothra covers her mouth in shock.


"Take that you overgrown lizard."

"Oh yeah?"

Gamera whirled around. He stared in shock. There standing a few meters away from where he had been standing before the blast, was Godzilla. His shirt is gone, showing off his ripped chest. Also his many scars. Gamera glared at Godzilla. No one had survived his breath before, except for the other Godzilla's. This man was definitely part of that family. Annoyed, Gamera snorted. He was about to leap forwards, when Mothra stood between the two.

"Stop it you two," she cried, "your supposed to be allies! Not enemies. Now make up!"

The scene is funny because Mothra is a full head shorter than both of them. But she is quite strong herself, and they didn't want to get blasted by rainbow death lasers, they walk to each other and shake hands.

"Gojira, sorry for trying to turn you into charcoal."

"Yeah, sorry for judo flipping you."


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