Chapter 6: (Y/n)'s roar

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As the droids continued their offensive, Kimihito, Ms. Smith, the President and the others were watching in stunned silence except Junior, who was poking Miia's face, as she was the one currently holding him.

The President was in shock that his combat droids were being so easily turned into scrap metal and slag heaps. He spent so long designing them. His glasses were hanging at a slanted angle on his face.

Smith was chewing her thumb. (Y/n) was twenty times stronger than she thought he was. The way he effortlessly turned the robots into pieces of metal and wiring and melted metal puddles.

Kimihito was in shock that someone so calm and gentle had such power. When he first saw (Y/n) he looked very intimidating at first, but just talked to him casually. Yet when he beat those racist guys up, he had shown strength ten times stronger than anything or anyone he had ever met.

Meanwhile, you turned to the final droid. It rushed forward. Big mistake. You simply clenched your fist and rammed it into the droids mechanical gut. The droid froze. It was quiet for a few moments, before the droids back swelled and exploded, sending pieces of metal flying at Mach 1.

Crashing to the floor, the droids top half of its body steamed from the heat of the friction of scaly fist harder than titanium meeting steel. It's lower body stayed in a standing position, it also steaming from the friction. Shaking your hand, you step on the robots top half. Inhaling deeply, you let out the loudest roar anyone had ever heard in this world.

The pieces of metal near him were blasted out of the way, and the sound echoed throughout the entire facility. Everything inside the facility was quiet. So quiet you could hear a feather fall to the ground.

Everyone in the observation room were so quiet that you could here their hearts beat. Well, except Junior. He had heard that roar over 50 times, so he was used to it. Instead, Junior clapped with joy. Wriggling out of Miia's arms, he dropped to the floor. Weaving in between the mass of legs, he found his way to Kimihito. Tugging on his pant leg, Junior got no reaction. Getting frustrated, he pulled up Kimihito's pant leg.

Then he bit down on Kimihito's ankle. Letting out a shout of pain, Kimihito jumped a foot into the air, waking everyone up from their shock. Kimihito looked down, rubbing his ankle. There he saw Junior with a big derpy smile.

"Wow, Junior. You have a strong bite. And sharp set of teeth."

"Darling, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Miia."

As they left the observation room, Kimihito perspective of (Y/n) had changed fifty times over. He was fine with (Y/n) being powerful. But he was definitely sure how (Y/n) had managed to survive this long. The calling him powerful was an understatement. He was... godly. Hence the name of Godzilla as a surname. He was something very ancient. More ancient than he might have implied.

"(Y/n), who are you? No. WHAT are you?"

(Fixes the order of chapter 5 and 6. Sorry for the mix up and confusion.)

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