Chapter 4: (Y/n) tells his story

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(A/n: You don't give a damn if it's against the law, you beat the brains out of a group of guys who're insulting Kimihito, because your a nice guy that way.)

While accompanying you and Junior to mon Headquarters, a bunch of guys start yelling at Kimihito from across the street, calling him names that shouldn't be repeated and calling his girlfriends freaks of nature. Getting pissed, the girls seem like they are going to murder them. But before they can, you calmly walk across the street. They stare at you in confusion. Then one guy decided to speak up,

"Hey, freak get leave us superior beings alone."

"Yeah, ya big ugly liz-MMfffff!!!"

He said that because you grabbed his face and lifted him off the ground.

"Superior, you?" You snarled. "When Hell freezes over. Here's hint buddy. Nothing is superior over something else. A wise man once said this. The arrogance of man is thinking that nature is in their control, not the other way around. There is always something out there that can't be controlled by humanity."

With a sickening Shink!, two knives were stabbed into your chest. The guys buddy's had stabbed their knives into your chest. Glancing at them, you swung their leader around, promptly knocking them to the floor. Dropping the arrogant jerk, you pulled the knives out of your chest, and crushed them into balls of metal and dropped them on the ground.

"And I am one of those forces. I am the embodiment of natures ability to restore balance to itself. King of the kaiju, Godzilla."

At that, the men saw something that would terrify them for the rest of their lives. Their vision briefly flashing, they saw a face of a monster so terrifying that they passed out instantly. This what they saw.

 This what they saw

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(Ps. I don't any of the art I put in this book so far. I might later.)

Brushing yourself off, you turned walked back to the group. They awestruck at what they had just seen.

"Sorry, about that. I just needed to put them in their place."

"You know that's illegal in this world. You could get in serious trouble. Your species will be labeled as dangerous."

You had a solemn look on your face.

"That's not a problem. Junior and I... we're the last of our kind."

A very audible gasp, from passerby and the group. Miia put her hands over her mouth in shock. Kimihito just stared. Smith spoke up:

"What do you mean, last of your kind?! There has to be more of you!"

"Nope. Junior and I are the very last, making us very, very valuable. Mankind's last line of defense against evil kaiju. The last of the alpha predators. Last of the most powerful kaiju to walk the earth."

The group stared in shock as well as many passerby. To think that such a powerful entity was the last of his kind. Smith asked:

"What was the cause of your species mass extinction?"

You clenched your fist.

"The M.U.T.Os. You know what I said of how their always a being stronger than you?"

The group nodded

"Well the M.U.T.Os were the Godzilla species's match. They're parasites, who feed off radiation. The female would lay eggs and when they hatched, the hatchlings would burrow to the closest source of radiation, and embed itself there feeding of the radiation, before cocooning itself for 15 years. Then the cycle would start over. It was their natural instinct to lay their eggs near us, but soon there were too many, and our numbers quickly dwindled.

I dove deep into the oceans to avoid a horde of those freaky hatchlings, and I went dormant for several millions of years. I was awakened when a nuclear submarine first achieved the lower depths. Ever heard of the nuclear tests in the Pacific done by the U.S? Those weren't tests. They were all meant to kill me. All of them, including Castle Bravo. But, not far away a mining operation broke through an earthen area to find the skeleton of one of my kind, and the one dormant cocoon of the last surviving M.U.T.Os. The male had already woken up and had burrowed its way to a nuclear power plant, and cocooned itself there, feeding off the radiation from the reactors.

"15 years later it wakes up and flies off. This awoke me once again. It abducts a nuclear sub. And brings it to Hawaii. That's when humanity first saw me in the flesh. The M.U.T.O managed to escape, so I followed it. Little did I know that the M.U.T.Os use echolocation to communicate, and he had called out to the female. The United States and taken custody of the females cocoon, but it had already hatched before they could secure it. It stormed through Las Vegas, on a war path to San Francisco. Upon arriving there, the male had also picked up a nuclear bomb from God knows where, and the female laid her eggs around it. A human squad took the bomb away from the nest, before one of the men filled it with oil, and made the nest explode. Later on, I killed the male by slamming him against a skyscraper, impaling him on my spikes. I later killed the female by shooting my Atomic Breath down her throat, effectively killing her through decapitation. There's my story."

I heard a passerby say,

"That liminal is a badass."

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