Social Taboo

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(Oh I hated writing this one. The assignment was to force us to write words that are considered "social taboo". Basically words that gross us out, we HAD to write with. I cringed for every letter, I wrote with a rant in my soul)

"You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm" -Colette

I'm OCD, there's a lot I can't stand, a lot I don't like, a lot that makes me want to fall to the ground and submit into a panic attack (no exaggeration). Words, sounds, and expression especially. The list of personal words that I can hardly say is immense! Down to a point, though: bodily functions. If it's in, I don't want to hear about it coming out. You can tell me you got sick, but please never say "vomit" or any form of the word. I don't care that your dog vomited on your carpet. I understand that the bathroom is a must, but just say, "I need to go to the bathroom." There is absolutely no reason to add the detail of, "I need to poop!" or "I have to pee!" That is far too much information than needed. "Spit" as well, is something I can go without. I'll accept "saliva" if I must but "spit" is such a crude word to me. "He spit on me!" I'm sorry that happened to you but can't you just slap him instead of announcing it to the world? Not that I promote violence; these words just drive me insane!

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