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(3rd person POV)

After the whole ordeal with Tavros nearly having a panic attack, the atmosphere in the apartment almost seemed tense.

Gamzee and Tavros didn't talk much, outside of small talk or the latter reminding the former that he is a human being with necessities and he can't just skip meals or medicine.

Gamzee also started to go out more, with Tavros following behind to make sure Gamzee didn't do anything...violent. The apartment looked a lot cleaner too, Tavros spending his off time cleaning up.

Not because Tavros was a clean freak, if anything his old apartment was in a perpetual state of chaos with all the stuffed toys and books he left laying around, it's just the garbage of Gamzee's house left a foul and putrid smell that make Tavros cringe.

So, he cleaned up all the shit lying around and made the place look a lot nicer.

As for the girl Gamzee attacked, Tavros later learned that her name was Nepeta, and her sister was dating Gamzee's brother. He got to meet with the two, and was surprised to find that Meulin was deaf and Kurloz was mute.

Nepeta was still in the hospital, they had tried to discharge her but she had a seizure not long afterwards and had to be admitted back in.

Other than that, the cat obsessed girl was doing okay. Tavros even got to meet her best friend when he came over to check on her, and faintly recognized him as a local mechanic known for a sharp temper and a creepy aura. It was adorable, to say the least, to watch this uptight man break down in 'manly tears' and hug his best best friend.

As for Gamzee, he's been doing okay...

He didn't leave his room much, he spent most of the day sleeping and dreaming of rainbows and animals.

"Hey mother fucker," Gamzee grumbled sleepily, having just awoken from his sleep.

"O-oh, hi Gamzee!" Tavros replied, looking up from his tablet. Gamzee smiles softly at the older boys stutter. Funny how the kid is so intimidated by him, yet also quite understandable.

"Watcha doin', Tavbro?" Gamzee questions, a look of curiosity plastered onto his face as he leans over the other boys shoulder, making Tavros stiffen in discomfort. Gamzee chuckles, backing up slightly.

"Oh yeah, sorry bro," he says, rubbing the back of his neck slightly. "Forgot ya didn't like people coming near ya."

"O-oh, i-it's fine Gamzee, r-really!" Tavros retorts with a faint smile, trying to lighten the atmosphere. "I-I'm actually getting used to you being here! E-even though... th-this is your home... heh heh..." Tavros laughs awkwardly, blushing in embarrassment.

'God, can you not be a total fuck up for once?' Tavros thinks to himself, cringing at his awkward behavior. Gamzee chuckles again.

"Hey bro, I was wondering something," Gamzee started, taking a seat near Tavros at the bench. "I know you're my mother fuckin care taker and all that shit, but maybe it would be good if we could be mother fuckin friends?" Gamzee finishes with a goofy smile making Tavros grin back.

"I-I don't see why not!" Tavros replies cheerfully. "I-I'd like to be your friend!" Gamzee made what sounds like a happy honking noise, making Tavros laugh. The rest of the afternoon is spent by the two new friends laughing and honking, telling stupid jokes and doing stupid things.

Tavros has never felt happier when making a decision, he thought Gamzee would be difficult to deal with, but he's actually rather fun to be around!

Maybe this job is going to be better than he thought...

Short chapter lmao

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