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(3rd person POV)

It didn't take long for everything to escalate.

The day started out as per usual, Tavros waking up and 7am to start breakfast, before calling Gamzee out for breakfast and medication at 7:30.

The only thing different about today was when Tavros popped open the cap of the pill holder, it was empty. Nothing but the grains and flakes of chipped off pills.

Tavros didn't think much of it, he simply shrugged and told Gamzee what happened, and that he had to duck out to the nearest pharmacist for a refill. He grabbed Gamzee's prescription, a small tote bag to put it all in and his keys, before heading out.

Now, the last time Gamzee had his medicine was about 12 hours earlier. He didn't think much of it either, yeah he could feel it's effects slowly wearing off, but he knew Tavros would be home in time to give him the medication he needs.

Except not only was Tavros caught in the morning rush hour traffic (as it was a school day), when he got to the pharmacy they were out of the behavioral pills he needed.

At that point, Tavros started to worry, so he shot Gamzee a quick text and said he would be out a little longer to head to a pharmacy that was a little further away.

The time is now 8:33. Tavros has been out for some 45 minutes or so, and Gamzee can feel the itching sensation return.

His eye started twitching as he scratched at his arm profusely, stopping to rub his nose every now and then. His leg started to vibrate as he tapped it, bouncing his arm on his knee. Gamzee could see his peripheral vision blur as a ringing noise enveloped his ears, eyebrows furrows in frustration.

He needed Tavros to get home, right then and there, but Tavros was still at least five minutes away.

After a minute of rapidly escalating convulsions, Gamzee snapped. The river of rage that was oppressed by the dam of his pills cracked and crumbled, releasing a tidal wave of destructive anger that tore at his very being.

Gamzee growled, the hatred flowed through him like a flood of pure rage. And the ringing. The fucking ringing noise in his ears pierced like a spoilt child screaming right in his ear drums. It was deafening. He needed it to stop. It just had to. It was total agony.

He stumbled around in circles blindly like a rabid animal, punching the walls and banging his head up against them in hopes that he just might be able to knock himself out and spare himself the pain of the ringing.

Nobody would want to help him. Nobody would want to stop the ringing noise. Who would want to help a freak?

The thought made Gamzee growl, as he seethed once more and threw a chair at the wall, chipping the freshly painted white off of it in flakes.

The paint that Tavros had applied.


Gamzee calmed slightly at the thought of his prosthetic legged friend.

His friend.

His only friend.

What would Tavros think of him when he's like this?

Gamzee couldn't handle the thought of Tavros' soft face contorted into a look of pure terror and fear, his normally soft brown doe eyes dilated displaying the emotion that he normally would love to see in a persons eyes...

Complete and utter fear.

Gamzee started to cry, knees buckling underneath him sending him crashing to the floor as tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. He couldn't, wouldn't condemn Tavros to the pain and fear that is his sober self, he cared too much for the small boy who took time out of his own day to take care of the beast.

Gamzee envied how Tavros could remain so... so him. He resented the fact that Tavros cared more for him than Gamzee ever had for himself, or any other living  being for that matter. He loathed the thought of Tavros seeing him so weak, so vulnerable...

So angry.

He just couldn't do it.

At that moment, the door pushed open to reveal a tired Tavros, waddling in with his eyes glued to the ground.

"Hey Gamzee... sorry I took so long, I ju- Gamzee...?" Tavros stopped and stared at the man before him, curled into a ball on the ground. The apartment was a mess again, Gamzee in the centre like the eye of a destructive hurricane of pure rage.

Tavros gasped, literally dropping he had and running towards his friend.

"O-oh god, G-Gamzee are you ok?" Tavros panicked, rubbing circles on the other males back. Gamzee remained silent.

"C-cmon, Gamzee... t-talk to me..." Tavros whispered. Gamzee growled at his, flicking his head up as locks of black hair obscured his vision.

"FUCK OFF TAVROS, we both know I ain't no mother FUCKIN creature you can just calm down," Gamzee roared making Tavros jump.

Despite being absolutely frightened to the core, Tavros breathed in before wrapping his arms around Gamzee's neck, pulling him in and rubbing soothing circles on his back.

"Shhh..." Tavros comforted the man as he started to break down, a sense of deja vu racking their bodies. "It's ok, Gamzee... it's ok..." Tavros cooed, continuing to comfort Gamzee as a mother would her distraught child. Gamzee sobbed into Tavros' shoulder, arms wrapped securely around his smaller frame.

"F-fuck Tav... I-I'm so m-mother fuckin sorry... I-I shouldnta yelled at you like that..." Gamzee continued to cry.

After a few minutes of Gamzee sobbing into Tavros' shoulder and clinging onto the boy like he was his only lifeline, he begun to calm down. His sobs turned into hiccups, his body shuddering slightly. Tavros helped the man stand up, and tentatively guided him to his room.

After entering the small bedroom, Tavros laid the tired Gamzee onto his bed, watching as his puffy red eyes slowly slid shut, his breathing evening out (save for the occasion shudder or sob) as he fell asleep. Tavros looked down at the broken man with soft and kind eyes, placing a hand on his unruly hair and rubbing circles on his forehead with his thumb.

"Sweet dreams, Gamzee," Tavros whispered under his breath, walking out of the room and leaving the door cracked open slightly.

Though had he stayed longer, he would have seen the goofy smile spread onto Gamzee's face as he snuggled into his blankets like a child.

For you, I'd do anything {GamTav}Where stories live. Discover now