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Your eyes widen at what Vriska said, your grip around her throat loosening as you turn to look at the bed. Come to think of it, you were interrupted by Vriska before you had the chance to check up on Tavros...

You turn your head to face the hospital bed, a familiar thin frame barely hidden underneath a stiff, white sheet.

"Go oooooooon~ take the sheet off him~" Vriska cooed from her position at the wall. You hesitantly move to the bed, your shaky and unstable hands reaching out to move the sheet down.

"Holy shit..." you breathe after taking the sheet off Tavros. His body was frail and covered in bruises and scratches, bandages wrapped around his right arm and forehead. But the worst part?

The stumps on his hips, where his legs should meet, covered in bandages and raw from surgery and what you expect to have been sliding across the pavement of the road.

"Pretty creepy, isn't it?" Vriska giggles. She stands up from her place at the wall, wiping her hands on her pants before walking to the door. "Well, seems like I've overstayed my welcome. I'll see you around, Makaraaaaaaaa~" she said, drawing out the 'a' as she walks out of the door, leaving you paralyzed with shock.

Your mouth hangs open, and you think your eyelids will split apart if you open them any wider. You cannot fathom the idea of causing such immense pain to Tavros over something so stupid.

But we all know it wasn't stupid.

What you did was stupid, acting like a stubborn teenager over a simple thing he said. What happened is mortifying and tragic, an irreversible effect that will surely leave Tavros hating you for the rest of your lives.

You could really go for a drink right now. Or maybe some dr-

No, you won't. You can't. Your impulsive actions caused this, you are going to do everything in your power to right this mess.

"I'm sorry Tavros..." you breath, salty tears beginning to cascade down your face.

"I'm so sorry."


"He should wake up anywhere from 1-2 days from now," the nurse says, looking down at his clipboard. "The impact caused possible brain damage, so he may not be discharged until about a week after waking up." Now that just got you morbidly curious.

"Possible brain damage? The fuck happened to him?" You spat. You were very on edge recently, it has been ages since you took your medicine, possibly about a week. You were still adjusting to not taking the pills, so you were still easily angered. You will have to change that when Tavros wakes up.

"Sir, language please." The nurse glared at you with irritation shining in his eyes.

"Sorry..." you respond. 'I'm not sorry, assclown.' "What's the diagnosis?" The nurse rolls his eyes. Did you say something wrong?

"We suspect Tavros may have temporary amnesia, and we also suspect that he may have difficulties forming coherent words," the nurse reads off of the clipboard. "The doctors believe that he may never fully recover, but with some physical therapy he should be back to some state of normal." The nurse finishes. You nod your head in understanding.

"With all said and done, visiting hours are over." The nurse pats you on the back and begins to usher you out. "We will be sure to remain in close contact and let you know when Tavros wakes up."

'If he wakes up.' You can practically hear the unsaid sentence dripping off the mans tongue, just begging to be said. To be spoken and to watch you crumpled up into a heaping pile of sobs and screams. But you are glad those words remained unsaid, just as thoughts that are never to be uttered.

You can only hope that when Tavros wakes up, he remembers who you are.


Pain. You are in so much pain. Everything aches, yet is numb at the same time. Your bones tingle like thousands of tiny knives being jabbed into the marrow, they feel weak and brittle as if they will snap at any moment. You can't move anything, you are frozen still and drifting through a void state between conscious and unconsciousness.

You try to wiggle your fingers, failing to do so miserably. You cling onto the hope that something- something- isn't completely numb, that you aren't dead and this isn't hell.

We both know that hell is where you belong.

You would shake the destructive thought, but you can't move. You're stuck here, alone, with nothing but the harmful voices taunting you for your decision.

How did you get here? What is happening? Why are you in here? The last you remembered was crying into your pillow when Gamzee didn't come home for the 2nd night in a row. You don't remember what happened that morning, or anything after that for that matter.

You try to wiggle your toes. Again, nothing. Your fingers, your toes, hell even moving your eyes fails. You try to scream, but even if you could open your mouth your voice fails you. You begin to panic, your breath quickening as agony begins to engulf your body. A faint beeping is audible, speeding up as you try to writhe out of your dark void.

Suddenly, you feel nothing. You begin to get drowsy again, you reckon if your eyes were open they would droop down.

Before you know it, you are unconscious again.

For you, I'd do anything {GamTav}Where stories live. Discover now