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Authors note [30/9/2021]

This story is very old. I wrote this when i was roughly 13 or so, and I'm 17 now, so i would like to give a quick message.

Please, for the love of god, do not take any of the mental health shit i spew in this story seriously. It is wildly inaccurate to the point of being offensive and could potentially feed into stigma about people who are mentally unwell. I wrote this years ago and with little proper research and it shows.

Looking back now, with my own mental health suffering, it makes me uneasy to see how offensive the writing  was. If you are anywhere near as young as i was when i made this and are reading this, please, god, do not take it seriously. Don't take any of the mental health information i put in as fact, it was all bullshit i made up from half arsed Google searches to justify the flimsy plot.

(3rd person POV)

The young boy hobbled up towards the apartment door, feebly raising his hand before knocking faintly.

A few seconds passed, then a few seconds more.

Suddenly, after a rough 30 seconds of bubbling anxiety and contemplation on whether he had knocked on the right door, the sound of clicking became evident as the door slowly slid open.

"...what do you mother fuckin' want," was the grumbly reply that Tavros had gotten from the other side of the very small crack in the door, making him jolt back.

"O-oh um... Mr... M-Makara, was it?" Tavros stuttered, slightly intimidated by the man on the other side of the door. "I-I was sent here by the council?"

The door slid open further, revealing a man who seemed to be in his early twenties. He appeared to be in his pajamas still (odd considering it was 11:30 am but Tavros wasn't really one to judge) and was built with rather lanky and tall limbs.

Atop the mans head lay a mop of unruly black hair that shined an almost cola colour from the light that seeped in from a window down the hall. The only thing that Tavros would have struck as particularly odd was the smudged white face paint that covered his face.

His eyes were a striking violet colour, droopy from a lack of sleep, and his lips were turned up in a scowl.

Tavros internally screamed in slight panic. In truth, he didn't want to be here, but this man was in desperate need of medical attention and utterly refused to admit himself into a mental hospital.

Now, the man (whose name Tavros remembered to be Gamzee) was prone to violent outbursts. Tavros had suspected schizophrenia or even psychosis when he first read the strange mans profile, but of course couldn't confirm that as Gamzee would completely reject any form of help.

The council, however, couldn't allow Gamzee to go his daily life without medical guidance, as his last outburst led to a girl being hospitalized with severe brain trauma after being bashed in the head. Gamzee was lucky the girl was kind enough to drop all charges (or maybe it was stupidity due to the fact she was just bashed in the head).

So, knowing that Gamzee lacked the money or care to admit himself into medical rehab, the council hired Tavros to watch over him. This included making sure Gamzee ate, drank and slept at regular intervals, but his other priorities were providing therapy, making sure he took his medicine, and calming him if Gamzee were to get... violent.

They sent Tavros as he was gentle and kind, as well as understanding and quiet. They had initially wanted to send someone else but he was far too aggressive and outspoken, and would probably just end up worsening Gamzee's condition. So, they settled on Tavros.

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