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Hit... by a car...

The words ring throughout your mind, taunting you with their sickly voices.

You know this is your fault, right?

You could have been there for him but you weren't. And now Tavros has to suffer.

"Sir... sir are you still there?" John says slowly on the other line. You don't respond, instead choosing to stand there flabbergasted with your mouth opening and closing like a pathetic goldfish.

"John the ambulance is nearly here," a girl says on the other side of the line, the sound of sirens drawing near making your heartbeat quicken. "Tell this guy to meet up at Prospit Hospital, we need to get this man there ASAP!" You snap out of your trance, going to speak before being cut off.

"Sir, I have to hang up. I'm sorry but we REALLY need to go!" John says as the sirens become even louder. The sound of screaming and crying pedestrians becomes apparent, the sound of people rushing over to see the damage making your face contort into a scowl.

"WAIT DON'T HANG UP YE-" silence.

You really have fucked up this time, haven't you?

You collapse to the ground, your phone slipping from your hands and onto the pavement. Hot, salty tears cascade down your face, dripping onto the pavement like raindrops. The night air turns still and cold, the only sound being the strangled sobbing noises that escape your mouth and the faint yet still blaring rave music from the party just a street away from you. The thought of losing your caretaker, your only friend...

The person who you've grown to love...

It's too much to handle.

You should have known this would've ended badly, should have known something would happen to the sweet man. And what did you do?

You fucking stood by, partying and drinking instead of helping the person who poured their heart and soul into taking care of you like a selfish, worthless prick.

You pick up your phone, breathing a sigh of relief to see it isn't broken, before turning it on and going into maps.

Directions to prospit hospital.

As the app searches for the route to Prospit Hospital, you slowly stand up, collecting your thoughts and drying your tears. You don't want to be crying when Tavros wakes up, do you? He wouldn't want to see you crying when he wakes up, he would get nervous and cry himself! You have to be brave when you face him after he wakes up!

That is, if he wakes up.

No. He will wake up! Haha, he has to! Tavros is strong, he has to wake up!

He has to...

"He has to..."

"He... he has... has to... wake up..." you refrain from crying as the app finishes searching, a map to the hospital showing up on your phone. You quickly dash down the street to your car, before getting in and lighting the ignition, stamping your foot on the gas and driving away.

He has to wake up.

He will wake up.

I'll make sure of it.

After about ten minutes, you arrive out the front of the hospital. Turning off the car, you hastily exit the vehicle and dash toward the entrance after locking it, running into the almost empty emergency lobby with aching limbs, panting from the adrenaline and fear. You jog up to the front counter and stare at the man sitting there.

"Can I help you sir?" The man says.

"Did you happen to have anyone come in by the name of Tavros Nitram?" You respond quickly, gasping out the words while trying to catch your breath. The man looks at the computer for a few moments before staring back at you.

"Yes, are you a friend?"
"He is my caretaker."
"Oh," the man mumbles tiredly, wiping some sleep from his eye.

"And your name is?" He says, glancing between you and the computer.

"...Gamzee, Gamzee Makara," you reply after some hesitation. The man huffs and continues to tip tap away at his computer.

"Please, is he ok?" You ask solemnly . Deep down, you already know the answer.

"We are not sure at the moment, he's fairly unstable at the moment." He glances down to shuffle some papers. "He had to be rushed in for emergency surgery when he got here. If all goes well then he should be in stable condition."

"He WHAT?" You shriek. 'Oh god no this can't be happening, please let this be a horrible dream. "Why? What for?!"

"I'm afraid I'm not allowed to disclose that information yet, sir," the man says lowly, staring you in the eye. "If you want see him when he wakes up, I suggest you either go home now or take a seat and wait for a long night of nothingness." Your head pounds as your vision blurs, the urge to pound this mans head in until it's nothing more than a mush of pulverized skull and bloodied tissue becoming increasingly evident. You push back these urges.

'For Tavros,' you think. 'This is all for Tavros.'

You sit down at a seat across the hall, resting your head on your arm and preparing to go to sleep.

It's going to be a long night.


"Who the fuck are you?" You growl.

You woke up just half an hour ago to the news that the surgery (whatever surgery that may have been) had been successful, and that Tavros was in a stable condition once again.

Albeit, he was still comatose and recovering from shock and anesthesia. You still don't know what they did to him, they won't disclose that information...

After a quick meal and a coffee, you dashed to the room where Tavros was laying dormant.

Only to find a woman there waiting for you.

"Well, isn't this interesting," the snarky voice replied. The woman turned and looked at you, an eyepatch covering her left eye and a robotic arm placed sassily on her hip. "How could you not know who I am? I'm disappointed that dear Tavros here didn't speak of me, tsk tsk." The woman fake pouts and clicks her tongue before turning towards you with a sickly, toothy smirk, extending her non robotic hand towards you.

"The name's Vriska, only the most amazing person to have existed," the woman in question flips her hair. You cringe, you can believe the nerve on this person! But you seem to recognize that name from somewhere... how did someone as sweet as Tavros know someone as snarky and horrible as Vriska?

"Come oooooooon! Don't you know anything about who I am?!" The woman clicked her fingers in front of your face making you recoil. You swear you've heard Tavros talk about her before... Your eyes drift from her eyepatch to her prosthetic arm.

'She must have had quite the accident...' you think. '...wait...'

Suddenly, everything clicks and you charge at the snarky, self obsessed woman with a throaty growl and pin her against the hospital wall by the throat.

"You- you BITCH! You're the mother FUCKING REASON TAVROS LOST A LEG!" You roar in her face, rage radiating from your entire being. Vriska smirks, throwing her bead back and letting out a bone chilling cackle before staring at you directly in the eye.

"And guess what, lucky stranger!" She giggles maniacally before leaning in close to your ear.

"You're the reason he lost the other one~"

For you, I'd do anything {GamTav}Where stories live. Discover now