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The large mass of buildings looms overhead intimidatingly in front of you and Gamzee. Gamzee frowned and shrunk in fear, tightening his grip on your forearm with his non injured hand before turning to look at you with hesitant lilac eyes.

"Do... do we have to?" He muttered softly. To you, he looked like a frightened baby wolf who lost his mama and was stuck all alone in a snowy forest. He was scared, and you honestly felt bad for him. The sight of fear on Gamzee's face made your heart wrench.

"Yeah... w-we have to..." you stuttered out in response. You didn't want to be here either, as it brought back bad memories, but you'd do anything for Gamzee. It's your job.

"Gamzee... Makara?" The receptionist asked, her face draining of all colour. You suppose that is because of the fact that Gamzee is known to be violent and sporadic, an unpredictable creature with a temper that rivals that of a rabid animal. Gamzee looked down in shame, a look that made your heart twists in painful ways. You shot a glare at the receptionist as she sputtered out which room you were in before you aided Gamzee to the ward.

The ward for X-rays luckily was on the first floor, quite possibly because if there was an emergency you would want to see any possible breakages almost immediately. You were thankful to any architectural gods that existed for the fact you didn't have to climb up stairs, as your leg was already in bad enough shape as is.

As you made your way to the X-ray ward, Gamzee grabs your shoulder slightly.

"Tavbro... do you think I'm a mother fuckin' bad person?" Gamzee asks solemnly. You sputter and jolt, unable to answer that question. You looked into his eyes to see that he didn't want you to lie, you could see it in his eyes. He wanted the truth.

But could he handle the truth?

"Well... um..." you start, racking your mind for the right words and you seem to have gone brain dead.

"I-I don't think you're a bad person... but you aren't necessarily a good person either..." you explain. "You have done some bad things, some willingly and some not, but y-you regret them... which means there is some good in you that overrides the bad... it's there Gamzee..." you place your hand on his, stopping slightly in front of him to move his and your hand to his heart, your palm pressed firmly against the back of his hand as your fingers weave themselves into the crevices between his bony digits. You feel his hand heating up, almost able to feel the quickening pace of his heartbeat as you look up to him with a reassuring smile.

"You have good in you... I promise..." you finish with a smile, staring into his glistening lilac eyes. His eyes, god you could swim in them, you wanted to bask in their glory forever... they were wonderful.

Being so close to Gamzee you notice small things about him, three faint scratch like scars lie covered by the clown makeup, a detail you hadn't noticed before. His lips were thin, but not too thin, and they were slightly cracked. His nose was a bit crooked, but that didn't matter to you. All that mattered right now was the black haired, clown obsessed juggalo that stood in front of you with an ever quickening heart beat.

After a few moments of remaining in that position, you slowly slide your hand out from Gamzee's, almost whining out from the lack of warmth. Gamzee's face fell as you removed your hand from his, his own bony hand stationed at his heart where yours had been only a few moments ago. You begun to continue forth, the sign overhead indication that the X-ray ward was just down the hallway to the left. You walk ahead and soon hear Gamzee walking up behind you.

You two quickly reach the X-ray room, in which you are greeted by a few nurses who payed special attention to Gamzee. You were instructed to wait outside of the room as they did the X-ray and were told that you would be called in if Gamzee got out of their control to calm him down again.

About ten minutes passed and Gamzee came out with a small bright purple cast on his wrist, two wrapped lollipops in his other hand and the most childish smile you have ever seen on a man.

Gamzee handed you a purple grape flavored lollipop, whilst he unwrapped the brown cola flavored one. You both walked back out to the lobby, quickly giving a wave and a glare towards the still frightened receptionist before heading back home, a warm feeling in your hearts that instilled a sense of happiness and safety.

But how long was that going to last for?

For you, I'd do anything {GamTav}Where stories live. Discover now