
635 19 13

Nobody POV

"We have conducted some tests on Tavros to determine his exact state over the past week," the nurse stated professionally. "We were concerned at the time it took for recovery, seeing as the estimated time was 2-4 days, but all that aside we have a possible diagnosis."

"What is it?" Gamzee growled, slightly on edge due to the latest events and the lack of medication. He wished Tavros was there, in his arms, a silly smile spread on his face as they joked and threw sick raps with each other.

"Tavros has no recollection of the events prior to his admission, he cannot remember anything from a few days ago." The nurse set the clipboard down and stared at Gamzee with a slight look of sympathy lacing her eyes. "We believe he may possibly have temporary Amnesia. Do not worry, it isn't anything major. He just cannot remember anything since Sunday. It isn't all that common, but not something I haven't seen before," the nurse explains calmly. "We also think he may have sustained possible injury in the Limbic system, which would explain the memory loss. We plan on scanning to be sure there isn't any clotting or internal bleeding in that region."

"So, what will happen to him?" Gamzee questions, fiddling with a blank piece of paper that he found on the bench of his apartment.

"There is a plethora of different things, but the symptoms are different depending on the individual." The nurse pauses to breath before grabbing her clipboard and flipping over a page. "Some of the short term symptoms are confusion, migraines, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, changes in sleeping pattern, dazed and confused behavior and unstable mood swings. The possible long term symptoms are short term memory loss, consistent moods swings, and while highly unlikely there is a chance he could develop narcolepsy and cataplexy." The nurse finishes with a deep breath and sets the clipboard down again.

Guilt hits Gamzee like a tidal wave, everything beginning to spin around him. He clutches his head with one hand, grabbing a fistful of oily, matted, black hair.

'Oh god...' he thinks. 'I'm so fucking stupid...'

"I... I think I'm going to go home now..." Gamzee rasped out. The nurse nods understandingly.

"I understand. We will keep you notified on Tavros' condition. Please, have a nice day." the nurse smiles and waves at Gamzee as he closes the door.

Gamzee walked out of the hospital, fists clenched and teeth grinding against each other. Tavros was supposed to be released two days ago, but no. He still needed more time for recovery, more fucking time to be watched.

God damn it... if he hadn't of been so fucking stubborn they could be in the cozy apartment with each other, hugging and kissing and having Tavros tell him off for being silly with a grin spread on his own face!

Gamzee stomped into the apartment, slamming the door behind him with such force and rage that the walls shook. Seething, Gamzee picked up a stool from the bench and smashed it onto the ground, roaring in anger.

"FUCKING DAMN IT!" He spat, punching a hole in the wall nearby where the other had been patched up just days before. "YOU STUPID, STUPID ASSHOLE!" Gamzee picked up a few of the glass bottles that were left on the bench and threw them on the ground, sending shards of glittering green flying through the air, reflecting off of the dim light that cascaded from the small window. It was like time had slowed down, the shards falling to the ground like snowflakes of anger and chaos.

As the glass shards settled onto the ground with a satisfying clinking noise, Gamzee felt his legs give out, sending him barreling onto the glass covering floor with his head in his hands. He didn't care that glass was penetrating through the thin layer of his jeans, he didn't care that streams of crimson red were soaking through the fabric, nor did he care for the painful sting that accompanied the cuts. He sat there, on the ground, blood from his legs pooling around him as he cried in his hands.

"Fuck... fucking hell..." Gamzee hiccuped, violent sobs calming into quiet sniffles as he willed himself to stand up despite the burning ache in his lower legs. Glass clinked onto the floor as it fell from the small indents it made in his legs, coated in a thin layer of crimson droplets. Shakily, he stepped over the glass shards, hearing them crack under his feet as he walked to where the bathroom was.

Flicking on the light, Gamzee carefully opened up the medicine cabinet and grabbed some cotton balls, a pair of tweezers and a small bottle of antiseptic. Gamzee fiddled with the cap of the antiseptic before flicking it off and hearing it drop to the floor with a small clank, grabbing a cotton ball with the tweezers and coating it slightly with the deep maroon coloured fluid.

Gamzee carefully took of his jeans, hearing some more glass shards clink onto the ground before dabbing some of the small cuts with antiseptic.

"Shit!" Gamzee hissed in pain, the cuts stung enough
as is and the antiseptic wasn't much of a big help, but he didn't want any of them to get infected.

After sanitizing the small scratches on his legs, Gamzee felt an overwhelming sense of exhaustion hit him. Which he found odd, seeing as it was noon and he didn't lose too much blood. He could only assume it was the crushing weight of his actions and emotions weighing on him as if he is trying to shoulder the world with one arm, using the other to wipe away a waterfall of salty tears.

Gamzee staggers hesitantly towards his small bedroom, jeans still discarded on the floor of the bathroom. He shoves open his bedroom door, slamming it shut and locking it before staggering over to his bed and flopping on top of the mass of pillows, hearing the old springs creak in protest beneath him as his eyes slip shut, leaving him to succumb to a restless slumber.

Needless to say, his dreams weren't all that pleasant.

For you, I'd do anything {GamTav}Where stories live. Discover now