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Oh god. Is all you can think right now. I've fucked up... oh god oh god oh god.

The day started out as usual. Tavros made breakfast and you had a small conversation filled with love and affection. However, just as you were leaving you got a phone call from work saying there had been a gas leak and the whole place is shut down until further notice.

You didn't mind, you told Tavros what had happened and he shrugged.

"I guess today we are staying in," he giggled. You nodded in agreement.

Although, you didn't manage to prepare yourself for when a certain narcissist sent you a special video.

Beforehand, you had gotten a text from the blind girl. You at first questioned how she got your number, but discarded the thought and read the message.


You ignored her. I mean, what harm could a video do? Besides, who would listen to the creepy blind girl anyways?

So when Vriska sent you the video, you decided to throw all anxiety and doubt out the window and just go fuck it.

Heeeeeeeey there, it's 8een a while :::;). I have a really cool video to show you, I think you'd like it :::;)

You looked at the video attached to the message. It didn't seem like much, so you decided to go ahead and watch it.

Which of course, was a fucking mistake.

The entire video was a blatant poke at your miraculous religion! How fucking dare she! You swear, when you see her next, you're going to strangle her-

"Gamzee?" Tavros called from the doorway. You stared at him, anger in your eyes and knuckles white from clenching them into a fist.

"What!" You snapped, making him flinch.

"I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go somewhere... are you ok?" Tavros asked timidly. You could practically see the fear radiating off of him. The disgusting fear, you hated it. You hated yourself for scaring him. You hated him for being scared.

Fear makes him weak, weak links don't deserve to live.

You tried to push back the voice in your head, ultimately failing when you embraced the message and even agreed with it.

"What's the motherfucking matter, AM I SCARING YOU?" You roared, chuckling dryly as tears welled up in Tavros' eyes.

"N-no! I'm just startled that's all!" He squeaked. How motherfucking dare he lie to you!

Kill the little thing, he is being so mother fucking disrespectful to you and lying right to you face.

"LIAR!" you screamed, jumping up from your spot and stomping to where Tavros was. Tavros screamed, hyperventilating and trying to wheel away. You grabbed him by the throat and threw him to the ground.

"What am I, A MONSTER? You gonna LIE TO ME LIKE I AM AN IDIOT?!" You screamed into his ear, relishing in his pleas for you to stop and his crying. You kicked him in the stomach, watching in amusement as his sobs grow more intense, the cola eyed boy coughing up blood and bile.

"G-Gamzee please I'm sorry- ACK!" You didn't let him finish, grabbing him by the mohawk and slamming his head into the wall, once, twice, thrice... you lost count. You stood up straight, pulling your leg back and kicking him repeatedly in the stomach. Tavros' cries eventually stopped, his ragged and heavy breathing slowing as his eyes begun to shut.

"...I'm sorry.... g-....amzee..." Tavros murmured before his breathing stopped.

You stared at him with a wicked grin on your face as your mind processed what you just did.

Wait... you thought as your sanity came back to you. Oh god... holy fuck what have I DONE.

You choked back sobs, covering your mouth at the sight as bile forces its way up your throat and out of your mouth, mixing in with the bright red blood on the floor. You scrambled towards the phone, frantically unlocking it and dialing 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" The operator asked.

"Oh god... please I need an-an ambulance... and a police car..." you sobbed, frantically drying your eyes as tears flowed down.

"Sir, please explain to me exactly what happened," the operator said in a calming voice.

"I-i didn't mean to hit him... oh god... please help..." you sobbed.

"Sir, please explain to me what happened. Who did you hit?"
"M-my boyfriend- oh fuck I don't think he's breathing please help me..."

"Please, tell me your address, and I will have police and ambulance come over as soon as possible." You told the operator your address through heavy sobs.

"Help is on the way sir."

Minutes later, police and ambulance showed up at the scene of the crime, arresting you and picking Tavros up onto a stretcher. You stared at his lifeless body and choked out the final words you could say before the team of doctors left.

"Please save him..."

And with that, you were thrown into the back of a police car and driven away in the opposite direction of Tavros.

Hello there my children of angst. Guess who is almost done with the story? Almost there, just got to wait a liiiiiiiittle longer ;).

For you, I'd do anything {GamTav}Where stories live. Discover now