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Mostly backstory.


You settle your bag down in the hallway, trying to stay away from the lounge room where your father was.

You had failed another test in class that you knew Kurloz had aced. Even with no voice he was still way better than you at everything.

You were just a failure who smoked too much and never knew when to shut up and calm down.

"Gamzee," a voice bellowed from the lounge. You gulped, turning to face the source of the frightening sound from your place at the stairs.

"Yes?" You responded, shaking slightly.

"I got a call from the school. Get down here now." You shivered, almost crying as you walked downstairs.

"Y-yes?" You repeated, fiddling with your bag strap. A hand lurched forward from the darkness and yanked a fistful of your long, black hair.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You failed ANOTHER MOTHERFUCKIN' TEST?" He growled at you. "Are you fucking stupid, you little twerp? Why can't you be more like your fucking brother? Why can't you be useful and put down the fucking weed for once in your pathetic life, get off your ass and actually TRY FOR ONCE?" You forced back tears that welled into your eyes, looking down in shame.

"I'll try better next time." You begin to walk back to your room, ignoring the incoherent screaming from your caretaker.


Graduation day. You dreaded today.

"Gamzee Makara!" The announcer yelled. You got up, your head bowed down as you took the certificate and sat down. You couldn't look the teacher in the eye, you couldn't see the disappointment lacing his irises.

You didn't think you would be able to stay stable if you saw something like that.

You met up with your brother, who was wearing a big smile on his face.

'Good job little bro' Kurloz signed to you. You sighed deeply, giving him the most real looking smile you could get.

"Thanks, Kurbro. Means a lot you could come," you responded. Kurloz looked down before signing again.

'I wish dad was here' his smile fell as well as yours.

Your 'Dad' went to prison a while ago for drug use, violence and child abuse. Though you may be glad he is gone from your life you can tell that Kurloz was not. Kurloz was his favourite, and now that he's gone Kurloz has nobody who cares enough about him to be quiet long enough for him to show them things he is proud of.

You would have allowed Kurloz to show you these things, but you are always so high that you won't remember it anyways.

Your father was right, you really are a failure


Anger. Pure blistering anger is all you felt.

It started out as you walking home, when an annoyingly cat obsessed girl begun to walk next to you. She kept looking over, her posture stiff and her eyes laced with intimidation. You could practically hear her thoughts.

'Who is this creep? Is he going to hurt me? Is he homeless? Is he a drug addict? Should I call the police?'

You got angry. Really angry, to the point of sheer rage, and you threw her from the olive hoodie into the wall.

"Let me guess, you're fucking terrified aren't you? I'm just a big scary monster, is that it?" You growled, your grip on your sanity slipping with every word that slipped out of your mouth.

The girl didn't- couldn't- respond, her face frozen in terror as she hyperventilated.

Suddenly, a feeling almost like cats claws scratching you hit your face as the girl swiftly swiped her long nails on your face, dragging them across the skin and leaving deep cuts. The blood trickled down from the deep scratches and into your mouth, the taste of copper spreading as well as anger and amusement.

To her horror, you threw your head back and laughed.

Then, you kicked her in the stomach. Once, twice, thrice. The impacts blew the air out of her lungs and she coughed and gasped for air, throwing up bits of stomach acid and blood as you kicked and punched the poor girl.

"P-please- ACK! Please s-s-stop!" She cried, gagging and retching up red-yellow coloured bile onto the pavement.

You weren't done.

You punched her in the nose, smirking maniacally when you heard a crunch. You kicked her face, punched her into the wall. She slumped over into the ground, her conscious fading, but did that stop you? No. You kicked and kicked and punched until she was hardly breathing and then you stopped.

You spat on her nearly lifeless body, walking away from the scene.

You heard a person in the distance scream, a few other people running over and taking pictures. You begun to run away, realizing the weight of what you did. There were security cameras in that area, they are sure as hell going to find you.

Oh god, you've fucked up now.


You awoke from your slumber to a thumping headache and a light tapping on your You door.

You spent the night partying again, you drank til you were numb and snorted cocaine until you were stopped by Cronus. And now you pay the price, as a splitting headache forms in your head.

You get up off the floor, having been so smashed that you couldn't make it into your room you just slept on the ground, grumbling and reaching to the door.

You turn the door handle, listening to the hinges creak in protest as the door moves open slightly to reveal a tan skinned brunette boy with a mohawk who was standing there awkwardly with a bag in his bag, fiddling with his thumbs and refusing to make eye contact with you.

"...what do you mother fuckin' want," you growled, watching the cola eyed boys face recoil in fear.

"O-oh um... Mr... M-Makara, was it?" The boy stuttered stuttered, visibly intimidated by your presence. "I-I was sent here by the council?"

"So the mother fuckin' council sent ya, huh," You stated, a slight accent coating your words. "And who in the mother fuck might you be?" The boy breathed in, trying to calm himself down before opening his mouth to speak again.

"M-my name is... Tavros... Tavros Nitram..."

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