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You stare up at Gamzee- or at least, in the direction you hope he is in- and await his reaction.

"...why the fuck do you care about Tavros," he growled threateningly.

"Tavros was an old friend of mine," You stated calmly. "I was one of the people involved in the car crash that left him crippled. I heard about what happened recently, and I wanted to investigate." You heard the man grumble incoherent curses under his breath, before sitting down on the sofa.

"So, if you're all up and mother fuckin' kind enough to answer, how can you operate a laptop blind?" The man asked, making you choke on your spit.

"Wow. Aren't you observant," you replied, your tone snarky and dry. "I didn't think you would notice my lack of vision, considering how spaced out and lazy you smell."

"Well the walkin' cane and glasses kind of give it away, besides I can see there blank look in your eyes." Gamzee leaned back- or you think he did by the sound of the couch creaking. "Also that is really mother fuckin' weird. Answer my question now."

"I can use the laptop because it has Braille lettering. I have someone to read it out to me and help me fix any grammatical errors," You stated, pretending to type away on your laptop for dramatic affect. You have to add dramatic affect to everything, it makes everything seem so much better.

"Alright, fine. Ask your mother fuckin' questions. It's not like I have anything better to do..." you heard Gamzee grumble. You looked up at the purple blob and grinned widely.

"I'm sure it won't take too long."


"Tavroooooooos~" a familiar voice cooed maniacally. You opened your eyes to come face to face with the psychopathic spider bitch known as Vriska. You turn over to the other side of the bed, refusing to face her.

"...go away Vriska..." you muttered solemnly. Vriska begun to cackle hysterically.

"Ohh Tavros! I find it amusing how all you need is to be hit by a car to regain your confidence!" Vriska taunted. "Why couldn't you tell me this stuff before, hmmm?"

"Just leave me alone or I'll get the nurse! I'm sick of you, Vriska! You've ruined my life!" You screamed.

"Hey I'm not the one who caused you to drink til you got hit by a car!" Vriska shrugged at you. Your eyes widened in surprise.

"What do you mean...?" You stared at her with wide, fearful eyes.

"Your precious little Gamzee left you aaaaaaaall alone, he completely ignored you! And so you drunk yourself into a stupor and ended up being hit by a car!" Vriska giggled, smirking widely and your face contorted into that of despair.

I'm sorry but all that above these words is 413 words and I'm just-

"I-I-" You stuttered. Before he could say anything else a nurse walked into the room and gasped.

"Ma'am this is the fourth time this week you've broken into this patients room! Any longer and you'll be banned from entering here inside visiting hours!" The nurse threatened, ushering a cursing and angry Vriska out of the room. Sighing in frustration, the nurse turns to look at Tavros.

"Good news Mr Nitram, you have recovered enough to be released from hospital. Do you have anyone you could stay with?" The nurse asked. You thought for a moment before sighing.

"...Gamzee Makara..." you mumbled. The nurse looked skeptical and a bit worried (understandable considering his history of violence and aggression), but dismissed it and continued to speak.

"And what is your relationship with Mr Makara?" She asked. You rubbed your temple for a bit, looking for an answer. I mean, you can't exactly just say to a medical professional that you're the personal caretaker for a person with severe anger issues and violent tendencies and you're stuck here with nothing but pathetic little stubs for legs!

That would sound stupid!

"He's my... boyfriend..." you replied hesitantly. I mean, it wasn't a complete lie? You did love him, you just didn't know if he loved you back, besides it's better than telling her the truth. The nurse looked at you weirdly, but just rolled her eyes.

"To be honest I'm not really surprised. He seemed very nervous when you were in a coma still, and would visit you whenever he could," she said, walking out of the room. "I'll inform him of your state and tell him to come pick you up."

And with that, the nurse left the room and you were alone again.

Short chapter because I'm sick and lazy :P

The chapters may take a bit longer to come out idk I'm just feeling really shitty at the moment and I wanna work on some side filler bullshit for my original story that I can't seem to fuckINg GeT DOne so I'm slapping some half assed ominous world building bullshit onto the table and hoping that the world isn't gonna hate me for being a lazy assfuck.

So uh see you whenever folks

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