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You've seen movies where the person wakes up from a coma gracefully, eyes fluttering open softly as they stretch out their limbs, everyone rejoicing when they awake in messy sob fest.

Except when you woke up, it was abrupt and painful, your eyes flying open as you go to scream before finding your voice scratchy and painful, sight fading in between black and white. Your body ached, and your leg was numb. You couldn't feel it.

When your eyesight returned, you found there was nobody there waiting for you. You almost felt disappointed, but you knew the chances of a worker being in at the time would be slim, the chances of Gamzee being there even slimmer. And it wasn't like you had any family that live near you... or really that care...

You turn your tired head to your left, a red button visible among other buttons. Although your eyesight was still hazy, and you still have trouble focusing, you could faintly read the words 'NURSE' and 'EMERGENCY'. You slowly pieced the puzzle pieces together and came to the conclusion that the button called a nurse to your room.

You shakily extended a hand, weakly pressing your fingers against the button and wincing from the unpleasant buzzing noise it made. You lie back for a few minutes before the clicking of the door rings throughout the quiet room.

"Ah, your awake," the doctor smiles slightly. "It is good to see that you recovered so nicely."

"Secovered gove whah?" You slur whilst trying to get up, unable to form proper words. You don't know why, most likely due to still being under the influence of anesthesia.

You go to lean forward, trying to place weight on your leg only to find you can't. You figure maybe whatever left you in here in the first place is the cause, so you go to survey the damage.

Oh dear lord.

"Oh my gog..." you gape. Your leg, your only good leg left, is gone. It's completely gone, you have nothing from the hips down. Oh god... oh god oh god oh god! What happened? Where is your leg? Why are you here?! Why can't you remember anything?!

Stupid, stupid, stupid! Remember something, please! Please!

You panic, you can't lose the other leg! It was bad enough when Vriska sent you barreling down that hill in the first place, you can't stand losing the other leg! Tears are streaming down your face now, you sob and sob and sob.

You begin screaming, you scream at Vriska for causing you so much pain in the first place, you scream at Gamzee for not being there for you, you scream at the gods for not helping you...

You scream at yourself for not remembering what happened.

You scream, and scream and scream, you don't hear the doctors trying to calm you down. You don't hear them calling for another nurse. You don't feel them injecting your arm with a needle.

But you do feel yourself going to sleep.


"Dude let me drive!"
"No it's my car, go away!"

That voice is familiar. Ah yes, it was Terezi Pyrope. A justice loving girl with synesthesia whose favourite flavor was red. You remember this. This was the day you lost your leg.

"Nitram you can't drive for shit, pull over and give me the keys and I'll drive!" Another voice screamed. Your recognize that one to, the narcissistic, spider loving, fortune telling Vriska. If she were to offer to read your fortune, run far away.

"N-no! Rufioh got me this car, I'm not having you crash it!" Oh, sweet innocent Tavros. How you should have known that Vriska takes everything she wants, when she wants it.

Before you knew it, Vriska had popped her seatbelt and was leaning over the back seat, grabbing ahold of the steering wheel and trying to drive it herself. Two people trying to control the car didn't play out well, and the car started swerving. It wasn't a busy road, it was nighttime and they were driving down from a party a few kilometers away, but there were still cars there and they were easily doing about 90 kilometers an hour. An out of control car with three passengers going 90 km/h is just asking for trouble.

None of you had time to react properly, to slam on the brakes or do something that would stop the life changing crash as you swerved in front of a large semi-trailer going the opposite direction. Everyone has started screaming and crying, panicking and praying for a savior who wouldn't save them as Vriska veered the car off the road and out of the trucks path...

...directly into a tree situated off the side of the road.

You aggressively begun swiveling the wheel, the car turning sharply to prevent a head on collision before the side of the vehicle slammed directly into the tree, which in turn collapsed under the pressure smashing the car and barely missing the now unconscious passengers.

Of course the person in the truck wasn't stupid. The first thing they did was call 911. They then pulled everyone out of the burning wreck before it exploded and begun checking for pulses, doing chest compressions and basically anything else that could save their lives.

By you knew, even though they had helped immensely, they didn't save anything.

They just damned you to a lifetime of suffering and blaming yourself for an accident you couldn't control.

For you, I'd do anything {GamTav}Where stories live. Discover now