2| did i ask you to fucking like me?

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I felt a wry smile make its way up on my lips. Now it made sense why that guy, Jungkook, was in every. Single. Goddamn. Class on my schedule. "Taehyung, this is Jeon Jungkook. He'll be your helper for the rest of the school year," Mrs. Nam, the principal, announced, in her overly-cheery voice. I relaxed my limbs, to make it seem like I was unperturbed with the situation, although in reality I wanted nothing more than to chuck my cane at that brat's head. "Oh, it's you," Jungkook mused. I heard him take a few steps closer to me, and stopped only a foot away.

"Hmm? You two already know each other?" Mrs. Nam asked. I shrugged and nodded, with an easy smile on my face. "Yes. We've become acquainted with each other yesterday. It's nice to know that you'll be my helper, Jungkook." I stuck out a lazy hand, waiting for the latter to shake it. His grip was tight, but I let no emotions of discomfort show on my face. "A pleasure," he replied.

We walked out of the principal's office, once she'd dismissed us. I heard Jungkook's steps halt, making me stop and turn to him. "Well? Let's go to class, brat." I heard him click his tongue, "you're still annoying no matter what. I can't even pity that you're blind." I grinned, widely, "I don't need you to pity me, Jeon. Now, let's go to class." I heard him take a few steps closer to me, and felt his breath fan my face. "A little too close there, Kook. Back up a bit," I said, whilst pushing his, surprisingly, hard chest. The younger boy snorted, "did you just give me a nickname?" I shrugged, "yeah. You like it?" There was a pause of silence, before I spoke up. "If you're glaring at me or shaking your head I can't see."

He sighed, deeply, before knocking on my head, lightly. "My friends already call me Kook, so you're nothing special." That brought a smile to my face. "Oh? How about Kookie? Cute, right?" I heard him take a few steps away from me, and I followed the sounds of his heavy shoes. "My girlfriend calls me that," he responded offhandedly. "Is she your girlfriend or a slut that you'll keep around for a few weeks, before moving on?" The younger groaned, in irritation, "can you shut up, please?" Grinning, I widened my steps to match his, and strode beside him. "Hmm...how about no."

"This is going to be a long year," Jungkook muttered.

We stepped into first period, and I sighed, hating that I had to depend on this egotistical shit. "Jungkook, can you take me to my seat?" I grumbled. It was like I could feel the smugness radiating off of him. "Sure," he responded, almost too gleefully, taking ahold of my elbow. "If you try something funny, you'll be finding my cane shoved up your ass," I threatened. "Like you can see where my ass is," he mumbled. "Taehyung!" I heard Jimin call ahead of me. I grinned, and reached my hand out, where he took it and lead me to my seat. "How are you holding up?" He asked, patting my hand.

"I'm doing alright. Oh! Jiminie, guess what?" I smirked. "Kookie is my helper for the rest of the year." That made Jimin choke on a laugh. "Did you just call him Kookie?" The elder chortled, smacking something that sounded like his knee. "Yeah, apparently his girlfriend already calls him that, but I think it sounds better when I say it," I grinned, leaning back into my chair. "Yah! I'm right here!" Jungkook growled. My desk vibrated, when Jungkook sat down, and his chair hit my table. "Oh, we know, Kook, we know," Jimin responded, his tone teasing. "I'm seriously getting bullied, here," the younger grumbled, making Jimin burst into another fit of laughter.

Once first period was over, I stood up from my seat, and reached out to grip on Jungkook's shoulder. "Huh? What?" He asked, startled. "I can't find my way out of the class, stupid," I responded, cheekily. The younger sighed, but began leading me out of the room. Suddenly, he halted to a stop, making me bump into his back. "Ow, what's the deal?" I grumbled, rubbing my nose. I felt him turning around to face me, and waited for him to speak.

"Just so you know, just because I'm helping you doesn't mean I suddenly like you." I sighed, and crossed my arms, impatiently. "Did I ask you to fucking like me? Hurry up, we're going to be late for our next class." I reached out and tugged on his arm, walking a little ahead, pulling him along. I shook my head, and sighed. Unbelievable. My helper, who has vision is getting dragged to class by me, who he's helping, who is blind. "Come on, my trusty helper," I yanked on his arm, so that he was walking beside me. "Fuck you, you damn spoiled brat," he growled. I grinned, "you wished you could." There was a moment where he didn't speak, due to my answer, before he responded, "for someone who's blind, you're pretty confident." I shrugged, "just because I can't see doesn't mean I can't help myself." The younger clicked his tongue, in annoyance, "then why am I assigned to you?" I only shrugged again in response, "ask the administrators. They all think I'm handicapped for some reason."

It wasn't really the school's fault, per say. The culprits were actually my parents. They're too protective of me and coddle me too much. It's not like I don't appreciate it, and I don't mind extra help, but sometimes it irritated me when they don't believe that I can do things on my own. It was like I became a newborn baby for the rest of my life. It's actually ironic that they want me to take over the company, which is a fashion brand, in the future. I still don't know how I'm going to manage a clothing company, when I can't even see the clothes. It's frustrating and really counterproductive of them.

I clenched my fists, and gritted my teeth. Why me? Why did I have to get sick and be disabled for life? Why is it me?

Jungkook, noticing that I wasn't speaking, placed a hand on my shoulder, "you okay? You didn't answer me." I shrugged off his hand, "I'm fine. Let's just get to Calculus, alright?" The younger didn't answer and continue to lead me to our next class. He wouldn't understand if I told him how I felt anyway. Someone with perfectly working eyes wouldn't understand how miserable I felt. To have something that I took for granted to only be ripped away from me just like that. To be encased in darkness forever. He wouldn't understand. He probably doesn't even care.

After all, I'm nothing of significance to him. I'm only a hassle to everyone.

A burden.

No one could understand the pain that I have to bear. Especially some egotistical jerk who only cares about his own well-being.

Ooh, angsty.


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