3| who'd be desperate enough to miss that jerk?

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The bell rang, signifying the end of fourth period. I flipped close my laptop and shoved my braille keyboard into my backpack. Sighing through my nose, I stood from my desk, and reached out, to grab a shoulder that I've become familiar with in the past few days. Despite the fact that this was the second week of the younger being my helper, he still stiffened at my touch. "So tense, I could've mistaken you as a statue if statues wore denim jackets," I teased. Jungkook snorted and moved forward, without warning, making me stumble over my shoes. "Bitch," I grumbled, tightening my grip on the latter's shoulder, till he smacked my hand away.

"You know what? I can't do this anymore. I'm heading to the office to tell them to get you a different helper, because I am done." I chewed on my bottom lip, not knowing how to respond, for once. On one hand, I felt bad for the way I was treating him. Yet, on the other hand, he'd started this little feud in the first place, and continued to stretch the situation out further. Deciding to play the role of the asshole, I placed a hand on my hip, and pulled my lips up in a smirk. "Go right ahead. I don't care. If that's all, I'll be heading to lunch." I didn't wait for the younger to respond, as I turned on my heel, and walked away.

I've finally managed to get a feel for the school, which meant I didn't really need much assistance to get around. Keeping my helper was just a formality, and for my parent's assurance. It's strange, really. It's like I could see, but at the same time it's all dark and nothing. As if I had just opened a third eye that really was never there before now. I could sense if someone was in front of me, and I can certainly rely on my ears, that have only sharpened after I lost my sight. But, it was only just that. I can only sense if a person or a decently sized living thing was around me. Otherwise, I'm still left in the dark, holding onto an invisible thread that keeps breaking.

Calmly, I walked to the cafeteria, my hands in my pockets. Jungkook's declaration of quitting to be my helper didn't really affect me. Honestly, I'd rather have someone new than continue having to deal with that bratty little shit. If he wasn't so hard in the head we could've become friends and the school year would pass by in a flash. A pity, really. I never had a problem, such as this, with my former helpers from my past schools. Though, in this situation, I find it amusing in a way. Back in my old schools, my helpers would be painfully sweet with me, and drench me in honeyed sympathy. Jungkook wasn't the case. No. He was new. He was different. He didn't care if I had a disability. The fact that I couldn't see didn't stop him from mocking and challenging me.

It was like I'd been wading in a sea of the same old toys and had finally found one that stuck out from the rest. But, like the other toys, this one would only be tossed away and forgotten. The younger had treated me like I was anybody else. He didn't sugar-coat anything and kept blunt. As much as I hate to admit it, I appreciated the gesture, even though he probably wasn't doing it on purpose. Even though he was the first one to treat me like a normal human being, and not some fragile glass package, it didn't bother me that he wanted to quit. Not one bit.

Not at all. Absolutely not. Who'd be desperate enough to miss that jerk?

I found the cafeteria without a problem, and pushed open the door, letting the loud chatter crash over me like a giant wave. I didn't really want to come to the cafeteria alone, since I wouldn't be able to know where to sit, and even where the line was. I, actually, didn't plan on what I would do once I'd reach the cafeteria. Usually, Jungkook would take me to the line, and we'd both get our lunches, and he'd sit me somewhere, and leave. He'd only come back to fetch me during the last few minutes, and take us to our next class.

Now that he's not here I don't really know what to do.

Sighing, I turned on my heel, ready to leave, and maybe just sit outside till the next period. I was almost at the door, until I heard my name being called. Slowly, I pivoted, not sure where to direct my attention to. Someone gripped my elbow, and pulled me down to a chair. "There you were, Tae!" Jimin exclaimed, throwing an arm around my shoulders. "I was watching the line for you and Jungkook, but you didn't come out. I was going to invite you to sit with us today."

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