11| i'll kill him

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We ended up skipping the rest of the day; just sitting up there on the roof, holding each other, and talking about the smallest things. There was a lot about Jungkook that I didn't know, and wished that I'd taken more time to be considerate, and learn more about him. The younger wasn't a bad person. His ideals and his perceptions of the world were marred, sure, but he, himself, wasn't a bad person. Maybe a scarred one, perhaps, but not a bad one. If only I'd stopped to think about why Jungkook was such a jerk in the first place, maybe we wouldn't have the misunderstanding between us.

When the last bell rang, I raised my head up from Jungkook's chest, disturbing him from his sleep. "Mm? Is school over?" the younger mumbled, sleepily, sending my heart on a marathon. "Yeah, time to go home." The other male stiffened at what I said, making me raise an eyebrow. "You don't want to go back, do you?" There was a pause of silence, before Jungkook uttered a small "no." I smiled a bit, and raised my hand up, to touch something that felt like his face. I brushed his cheek, with the pad of my thumb in, what I hoped was, a soothing way. "You can get through this. I'll even help. I'll get you a private investigator, I'll hire the best lawyer, I'll get your father thrown into jail." Strong arms slipped around my shoulders, and pulled me tight against a hard chest. "Thanks, Tae," the younger mumbled, into my hair.

I smiled, "Tae? That's a cute nickname." The younger snorted, slightly, "I mean...you gave me one, even though my ex beat you to it. I'm just returning the favor." I scoffed, "like I said before, Kookie sounds better when I say it." Jungkook sighed through his nose, and nodded, with his face buried into my hair. "Yeah, yeah. Sure, it does."

Grinning, I patted the younger's shoulder, "come on, I'll give you a ride home." It took a moment for the latter to respond, but eventually he stood, and pulled me up on my feet. Carefully, he led me back down the stairs, and out of the main entrance, where I could hear the familiar hum of the car, Mr. Lee usually picks me up in. I gripped Jungkook's fingers, as he walked me down the front steps, of the school, and towards the car. He opened the door for me, and helped me inside, before sliding in.

"Mr. Lee, could you kindly bring my friend back home? I insisted that I'd give him a ride," I asked, sweetly. Mr. Lee chuckled, lightly, "anything for the friend who saved you from those boys." I snorted, "I was handling the situation just fine, thank you." I pouted, slumping back into my seat, with my arms crossed over my chest. "If you say so, sir," Mr. Lee replied, with a grin in his voice. "You are not a nice person," I grumbled. "I was not hired to be nice to you, sir. Now, where is your friend's house?"

Once Jungkook told the elder man where he lived, the car started moving, steadily, pulling out of the school parking lot. Suddenly, Jungkook reached over me, and pulled the seatbelt over my chest, and clicked it in. "Don't want you getting thrown around," he murmured, settling back into his seat. I grinned, "aww, you care about me." The younger scoffed, "it's my job as your helper, Tae." I rolled my eyes, "that's during school. We're currently no where near that hellhole, so you're off caretaker duties."

He was silent for a bit, before replying, "whatever, Kim. Whatever. Next time I'll just let you flop around in the car, like a fish out of water." I gushed, "ohh, there will be a next time?" The other male was quick to shoot a "shut up" towards my way, before remaining silent. Smiling, I leaned my head against the head rest, and closed my stinging eyes. I've left them open for too long.

I was nearly about to fall asleep, due to drowsiness, until Jungkook muttered a small, "oh my god." Not long after he said that, I heard the ringing of sirens, and the honking of an ambulance. "Kookie? What's going on?" I asked, reaching to grab his arm. "That's my mother," he breathed. "She's on a stretcher..." There was a pause of silence, before the younger growled a "that motherfucking son of a bitch. I'll kill him," and ran out of the car. "Jungkook, wait!" I yelled, but he'd already left, with the car door slamming shut.

"Is there...something I should know about Jeon Jungkook?" Mr. Kim asked, breaking the stunned silence. My throat was dry, once I managed to process what the younger had uttered, before he ran out of the vehicle. I managed to explain the situation, right before I heard the sound of the ambulance speeding away, past us. "Follow them to the hospital, Mr. Lee," I ordered, quickly.

"Yes, sir."

I felt the thrum of the engine, as we picked up speed, and climbed up onto the highway, towards the hospital. "I never thought Mr. Jeon would ever do that to his own family," Mr. Lee muttered, honking the horn at, what I assumed was, a bad driver. "I guess you never really know someone, until you dig deep."

We arrived at the hospital, in no time, and rushed out of the car. Well, as close to rushing, as a blind boy and his driver can go. We hurriedly, entered the cold building, and Mr. Lee led us up to the registration desk, to ask where they put Mrs. Jeon. With a steady hand on my shoulder, the elder man pulled me down the hall, as soon as the nurse told him where Jungkook's mother was situated. Currently, she was in the ER, and we were told that we couldn't visit her, but at least I could locate Jungkook near that room; and sure enough, I heard his quiet sniffling, when we approached our destination.

"T-Tae?" I heard him stutter. I raised my arms up, and felt him dive into them. I carded my fingers into his hair, aware of his injuries that he was hiding underneath his shirt. "What happened?" I asked, softly, hearing Mr. Lee's footsteps retreat; probably giving us space. "There were divorce papers on the lawn, so I assumed that she brought it up, and then that sick bastard started beating her. She managed to run out of the house, but due to all of her injuries, she fainted. Luckily, there were plenty of people around to witness it, so that son of bitch couldn't drag her back into the house."

I smoothed the younger's hair, and whispered sweet nothings into his ear, hoping for the best. "How long do you intend on staying here?" I spoke softly, as if he was a hurt animal, ready to sprint away, at any sudden movement, despite its injury. "Until they tell me something about my mother. I want to be here when they determine whether she can or cannot make it. Either way, I'm going to kill that motherfucker."

Nodding, I continued to stroke Jungkook's hair, soothingly. "Well, call me when you want to leave, and I'll come and pick you up. In the mean time, I'm going to get my parents to hire that private investigator and lawyer. Don't worry, Kookie, we'll get your father thrown into jail for a long time." The younger nodded against my neck, and sighed through his nose, tickling my skin. "You need to go home, Tae. I'll call you like you told me." Frowning, in concern, I nodded. I felt Mr. Lee's hand on my shoulder, turning me away, and leading me out of the hospital.

"Don't do anything stupid, okay, Kookie?" I called over my shoulder. "I won't," he replied. Will you really keep that promise, though?

The weather felt disgustingly wonderful, as I stepped outside of the hospital building. How can the world continue to be beautiful and at peace, when things such as this continue to happen?

"I feel so bad for that boy and his mother," Mr. Lee tsked. I nodded, not in the mood to talk anymore.

"You just never really know people, huh?"



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