four. your hand holding mine.

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I was sitting on the sofa when Chloe opens the door. "Taylor!" Che exclaimed as Taylor hugs Chloe. "Hello, Princess" she smiled. "You dyed your hair! It looks so pretty!" she smiled. "Thank you, Che" Tay smiled. "Hey, Tay" I say. "Hey" she smiled shyly. "You look... breath taking" I smile. "Thank you, so do you" she replied. "Now, you take care of Noah when I'm gone okay?" I told Che. She nods happily. Taylor hugs and kisses Chloe on the head and kisses Noah on the head as well. "They really like you" I told her holding her hand. "I really like them too" she looks at me. "hey Harry, Kelsey" I say as we reach the car. "Hey" the Styles siblings replied. With that, we are off to the party. I want to ask Taylor out at this party, not very romantic but I gotta try at least. We arrived at Markus' house. I get out and put an arm around Taylor. She smiled up at me. I can sense Harry's eyes bore into my soul, I didn't care. It was the competition after all.

We entered the house. Kelsey asked Taylor if she wanted a drink. She said yes. But I pull her away to dance. I never see her dance before, she seemed so... free. "Why did you want to dance already?" she asked me. "I wanted to ask you something" I say, "before I get to intoxicated" I added. "Sure, Jay what's up?" she asked her face dusted with confusion. "Can we go somewhere... quieter?" I asked. "Sure" she replied. I take her hand and guide her to an empty bedroom; the walls were a milk chocolate color with white trim separating the walls and the celling. There was generic wall plastered on the walls pictures of flowers and others. there was a book shelf that collected with dust over time and swallowing the books as well. "I hope this is okay" I say becoming nervous. "Yeah what did you want to ask me?" she asked. Why did she have to wear that dress? It's so distracting. She sits on the made bed. "Right" I cleared my throat. "We have been hanging out a lot and I like having you as company and being my friend" I started. Taylor's green eyes made me lose my train of thought. "Are you asking me to marry you?" she asked jokingly. "What? No, I'm asking you to be my girlfriend" I say. Her eyes widen and she looks down at the floor. "I know, it's a lot." I told her scooting over a little. "Can I think about it?" she asked me while glancing at me. "Yeah, of course" I smiled. We stayed there for a while. "Can I say something?" she asked. "Of course," I say. Before she can say what she wanted to say. Harry walked in. He stopped in the sight of us. There was a mischievous smile plastered on my face. "Harry I-" Taylor was going to say something but he just handed her the drink and left. "He'll get over it" I say to her. "I hope so" Tay gets up placing the drink on the bedside table. "You forgot your drink" I call. "Keep it" she told me, "I'm going for a walk" she told me. I nod following her.

I go in the kitchen to get a drink. Kelsey comes to me. "Where the fuck is she!?" she yelled over the loud music. "She's going on a walk" I told her pouring beer into a red solo cup. "And you just let her?" she grilled me. "Yes, Kel, she's her own woman I can't tell her to do something" I snap taking a sip. She groans telling Harry something probably go and find your true love... I mentally groan and went to dance with some girl. I get a text message from Taylor.

T: Yes.

J: What?

T: I'm answering your question, it's a yes.

J: Wow, really?

T: Yes, Jay really.

I have won. I finally got the girl. I wanted to tell Harry but I know he'll get mad so I'll tell him later. I continued to dance with the random girl until she had to go to the bathroom. One, puke or two, just use the bathroom. I throw my cup away and went outside to be alone for a while. I hear the door open and close. I look back it was Taylor. "Hey you" I smile. "Hey" she smiled sitting next to me. "What changed your mind?" I asked curiously. "Well, I was walking around the block and just pictured the memories we shared for the past couple days and I want to have more like that" she confessed. I put an arm around her "I would like that" I told her. "Yeah?" she asked. "Absolutely" I replied. She smiles as she leans her head on my shoulder. We listened to the nightly sounds for awhile until Kelsey comes out. "Tay, can I talk to you for a moment" she asked. "Yeah, sure" she replied getting up and pats my shoulder. I was alone again listening the nightly noises. I was bored already of the party. I walk in the house, Kelsey was making out with Markus. Harry and Taylor were talking. I was alone sitting on the sofa like a loser. "Hey, youuu" the girl I was dancing earlier slurred sitting next to me. "Hey" I answered flatly. "Want to have some fuuuun" she smirked attempting to kiss me. "Not really" I push her off of me. "Oh, come on babyyy" she held my hand I look at her. "I have a girl" I say out loud. "I don't see her" she smirked. "She's here, trust me baby" I told her walking over to Taylor. "Can we go?" I asked them. "Yeah, lets" Harry replied looking for Kelsey. "Don't bother her, she's having her moment with Markus" Taylor looked over at the pair. "Figures, I'll text her when we are home" Harry told us and takes Taylor by the hand. "Hey, Harry" I say. "What?" he asked. "You have your hand holding my girls hand" I told him with a smirk. Harry looks at her with horror. "Him? Really?" he asked. Taylor looked down. "Unbelievable" he puts up his hands in defeat. "I'm sorry, Harry" she mumbled walking to the car. Harry unlocks it and she gets in the back seat. "I can go in the back if you want" I say. "It's fine" she says quietly. I nod and getting in the front.

The car ride was thick with awkward silence all the way to Taylor's house. I shift uncomfortably. Harry just kept his eyes on the road and Taylor was texting on her phone probably to Kelsey saying we left her. She probably doesn't mind. We stop at Taylor's house. she gets out. "Good night" she says with a forced smile closing the door. when she closes the door, Harry turns to me. "How could you?" he asked me. "What?" I asked. "Asking out Taylor, I was going to do it" he told me. "Have to be quick, Harry" I smirk. "Goddamn it, Jay" he groans. "Hey, I won, H no hard feelings" I smirk again getting out of the vehicle and close the door. I smile proudly as Harry drives off. I open the door to my house. "How was it?" dad asked. "Great, I finally asked out Taylor" I say happily. "Tonight?" mom asked. "Yep" I said. "I'm proud of you son" dad says. "Thanks, I'm going to bed though, I'm tired" I say going up stairs. I plug my phone in. I changed and brushed my teeth. I hear my phone buzz. Her name appeared on the home screen.

T: Good night!

J: Good night! Is this going to be our new thing?

T: Do you want it to?

J: Yeah, I want it to.

T: Good lol. I'll talk to you later okay? I'm tired as shit.

J: Me too, lol what are you doing tomorrow?

T: Probably bake something or write, why?

J: Can I come over?

T: Sure, you can help me (:

J: Fine by me :)

T: Alright, come by whenever!

J: Okay (: good night, Sunny.

T: Gooood night!

I smile. I finally have the girl. Inever been happier to be perfectly honest. I play on my phone for a bit thenfinally went to bed. I never been so tired in my entire life. I never been so happy in my entire life.

// a.n

So, I finally figured out what inspired this three way romance lol. It's the show The Vampire Diaries! I love that show sooooo much I'm sad that it's over :( so, yeah... I hope you like my store so far <3

Forever and Always,


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