nine. sunflower meadows and flower crowns

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I was sitting on my bed with my legs crossed scrolling through Tumblr. When Harry wanted to face time. I answered. "Hey babe" I smiled. "Hey" he smiled. "What's up?" I asked. "Picking you up" Harry smiled as he came into my room. "Wow, I'm not even dressed yet" I say as I was still in my pajamas. "Well, get dressed you lazy bones!" Harry smiled sitting on my bed and attacked me with kisses. I giggled. "Okay, okay" I inhaled sharply and pushed him away. "Where are we going?" I asked. Harry smirked, that smirk I know all too well, it's his 'it's a surprise' smirk. I sighed "What should I wear then?" I asked going into my closet. "Casual" he replied laying down putting his arms behind his head. I nodded taking out a flannel I stole from Harry and leggings. "Close your eyes" I stated. "I've seen it before, baby" Harry says with a smile his dimples on display. I roll my eyes and took off my pink PJ shirt and put on my black bra. I put on my black tank top and my jeans. I went into my bathroom to make myself less looking like a mole rat. I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I giggle leaning into his body. "You don't need makeup, you are already beautiful" Harry smiled into my neck looking in the mirror. I look at him in the mirror as I put on mascara. "It makes me feel beautiful" I told him.

I did my makeup while Harry was still attached to me like a koala. "You look beautiful" Harry smiled detaching himself finally. I smiled and kissed him. I grabbed my white high tops. "Phone" Harry swiped my phone off the charger. "Thanks, what would I do without you?" I smiled putting my phone in my bag. I was home alone so I wrote a note saying I'll be out with Harry for a while. "Alright, let's go" I say. "You'll love it, trust me" Harry smiled as he opens the door for me. "I hope so" I smiled getting in. I love his surprises, they always amaze me. "I know you like the back of my hand" he smirked waking up the car. We drove into the country side. It was so peaceful. There were cattle grazing, horses enjoying the sun, farmers tending their crops. "Where are we?" I asked him. "You'll see, Sunny" Harry says using my many of nicknames. "I hope so" I smiled looking back out the window. I could live here it's so peaceful. "Tay? Did you hear me?" Harry asked. "Sorry, what?" I looked at him. "I said close your eyes" he smirked. I closed my eyes trusting him we were driving for a while until we stopped. "Okay baby, open your eyes" I heard Harry's voice I move my hands off my eyes. When I removed them, I was present with dozens of beautiful bright sunflowers. I clasped my hands on my mouth in pure shock. I looked at Harry who was filming my reaction. "What?! You took me to a sunflower meadow?!" I asked. "Happy belated birthday, baby" Harry smiled getting out. I got out as well my eyes fixated on my obsession since I was a kid. "Harry..." I trailed off still in pure shock. "I know you always talked about you haven't seen sunflowers up close, so I hopped on the innerwebs and typed in a sunflower field that was kind of close but not really, I wanted to spend some time with you even though we got into the same college but we want to different things" Harry rubs the back of his neck as he takes my small hand in his and guides me the meadow. "I love you, so much" I smiled hugging him as he spins me around. "I love you too" Harry smiled as we explored deeper in the field. I reached my hand to touch a petal of a sunflower. It was soft like silk, the odor that it produced was like honey. I inhaled the flower.

Harry took a picture of me smelling the flower and posted it to Instagram. I smiled at him as I plucked the flower. "Taking one home?" Harry asked. "Yes, yes I am" I smiled putting the flower in my purse. "You're so cute" Harry smiled taking my hand again guiding me even deeper to revel an open field filled with other flowers, they weren't pretty as the sunflowers but all flowers are beautiful in my opinion. I sat down with my legs crossed and began to make a flower crown with the dandelions and some random flowers that where around. Harry sat next to me stretching his long limbs, his hands behind him stretched out. "You're good at that" he says looking at me creating a crown. "Thanks, I use to do this when I was small" I replied plucking a long grass and weaved it into my master piece. "There" I smiled admiring my work. "Here" harry takes the flower crown and placed it on my hair. "Every princess needs a prince" I say making another one for Harry. "True" he simply says now laying down with his eyes closed. I laughed finishing the crown and placed it on his stomach. He opened one beautiful green eye at me then at the crown placed on his stomach. "Why thank you" he smiled getting up and placed the crown on his perfectly styled hair. "You're welcome my prince" I smiled kissing his cheek as I took a picture.

We stayed there for a few more hours just talking and laying in the warm sunshine. Harry decided that we should leave and get some food in a diner I agreed plucking few more sunflowers along the way. "You know they are going to wilt when we are eating" Harry told me. "Only a little, when I get home I'll put them in a vase" I told him gently placing my bag down. "Alright" Harry simply said putting on Troye Sivan's The Good Side. I hummed along whilst looking out the window watching the world go by. The thing about Harry and I's relationship is we don't have to talk we let the music say things to fill the void which is nice.

We arrived at a diner that Harry found on Yelp. It was different in a good way. A bell jingled when we entered. It was seat yourself kind of diner so, we decided to get a booth close to the window. "Want to split a milkshake?" Harry asked as we opened the menus. "Sure, what kind?" I asked. "You know that answer" Harry smiled and I smiled back. "Strawberry" I replied. "Yes" he replied as a girl came up to us. "Hello my name is Elle and I'll be taking care of you, what can I get you to drink?" she asked staring at Harry. "We'll have one strawberry milkshake please, with two straws" he stated. She nods looking at Harry one last time and walked away. "She was so looking at you" I grumbled looking at the menu. "I mean that's what waitress/ waiters do, baby" Harry says. "I mean... staring at you like she wants to pounce on you" I dryly stated. "Baby, I only see you" he reaches for my hand and gave it a squeeze. I smiled at him. "I only see you too" I told him. "You better" he smirked at me. "Of course, I do" I laughed closing my menu. Elle came back with the shake. "You ready to order?" she asked her heterochromia eyes fixated on Harry. "I would like a club sandwich please" I told her. She nods "what about you handsome?" Elle asked him with a flirtatious smile. "I would like a chicken finger peta please" Harry smiled up at her as he handed her the menus. "I'll get that in for you" she winks her long shiny blonde hair swishes behind her as she walked away. I scoff as I take a sip of the shake. Harry held my hand and gave it a slight squeeze.

After we finished we split the bill and decided to head home to watched some indie films that we do often. When we arrived home my parents were home. "Hi hon" mom smiled as dad was sitting in his usual spot reading a book. "Hi" I smiled. "Hello Harry, how are you doing?" dad looks at my boyfriend as I put my sunflowers in a vase after I cut the stems to make them shorter. "I'm well, how are you?" he asked sitting on the couch. "I'm well" dad smiled as I carefully walked up the stairs. I heard footsteps follow me. Harry opened my door for me. "Thanks" I smiled. "Of course," he smiled as I sat down the vase on my desk which was close to a window with plenty of sunlight. "It looks good there" Harry says behind me while wrapping his arms around my waist. "Thanks" I smiled looking at the flowers. "Want me to pick the movie?" Harry asked. "Sure" I smiled logging into my laptop. "Moonrise Kingdom?" Harry asked. "I love that movie!" I exclaimed. (I absolutely love that movie, my best friend showed me it when we were having a sleep over lol Amari if you're reading this, hello!). "Good now come here" Harry pats his lap I smiled sitting on his lap we cuddled as we watched. In his arms I felt save. When we kiss everything negative fades. I can see a future with him. I could soft snoring coming from Harry. He always sleeps when we watch movies. I kiss him softly. The end of his mouth twitches into a half smile. "You always sleep when we watch movies" I laughed. "I can't help it, movies make me fall asleep" Harry laughs as the end credits ended I got up and stretched. "Baby" Harry wraps his arms around my torso. I laughed laying back down facing Harry. "Baby" I mocked snuggling against his chest. "Can we stay like this forever?" I asked kissing his chin. He looks at me. "We might starve if we stay like this" Harry joked. I laughed facing away from him as he snuggled his head in the crook of my neck and his arms wrapped around my waist. I sighed happily as he kissed softly on my neck. "I love you, Sunflower" Harry told me. "I love you too" I replied happily.

// a.n

Okay so this might go on for a short while longer, I have more ideas for this story! So, yeah ^_^

Forever and Always,

Madeline <3

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