eight. moving on.

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It was her idea to break up with me. I wasn't mad at her for doing so. It was fun while it lasted. We had some good memories and some bad. The bad ones include Harry interrupting us. I know he still loved her when she picked me first. He just got my sloppy seconds. I pack my last box and look at my childhood room. I decided to move out so I can be closer to my college. Summer is close to be over. Noah sits on my bed with a sad face. "Don't worry kid, I'll still be visiting and calling but not as much" I ruffled his hair. "Why do you have to leave, it's not fair" Chloe comes in my room with a pout. "Sometimes, people move if they are sick of their surroundings, in this case I'm move close to my school" I told her. "But we'll be so bored with out you" Noah wines as I carry the box down stairs. "You can come and visit me when I'm all settled" I told them. Mom was in the kitchen making lunch for Chloe and Noah. "Please be careful" mom said coming towards me. I place down the box and hug her. "I will, I'll call when I get there" I hugged her. "Please do" mom says smiling sadly as I hug my little siblings. I open the front door and picked up the box and walked to my car. I texted Harry, Kelsey and Taylor that I'm leaving. They wanted to take me out to lunch to say their goodbyes. I accept since it's 2pm. I drive to Olive Garden.

I saw Harry's car and an empty space next to his. I park and get out. The air was getting cooler now which I liked. I hate summer, I hate being hot. I walked into the cool aired restraint sending goosebumps across my arms and legs. "How many?" the hostess asked looking up and down at me. "I'm looking for my friends" I told her. She nods as I walk through the restraint. "JAY! OVER HERE!" I heard Harry's voice echo. I look over where the voice projected from. The girls and Harry where they were sitting in a booth. Kelsey was sitting across from Harry and Taylor. Harry's arm was wrapped around Taylor's shoulders. "Hey" I smiled sitting next to Kelsey. "Hey" Harry smiled. "Where you moving too?" Taylor asked. "Florida" I stated. "Wow, that's far" she raised her colored eyebrows. "Yeah, but I'll visit sometimes" I told them. The waiter asked what I would like to drink and I said iced tea. We continued to talk and reminisce in the memories. We ordered a salad and bread. "So, what are you going to study?" Kelsey asked me. "Music" I simply say taking a sip of my drink. "Nice, to start your band?" Taylor jumps in. "Yeah, I think it'll be cool" I told them. "Hey, if you need a song writer, I'm here man" Harry says taking a sip of his drink. "I was just going to ask you if you want to join my band" I told Harry. "Um, yes! You know that was our dream" Harry smiled as the waiter placed our lunches in front of us. "We can be your wardrobe designers!" Taylor chipped in. "Yes! I can finally get myself out there!" Kelsey squealed as the girls high-fived.

We finished our lunches and they said goodbye to me even though it's two hours away. I got in my car and put on some My Chemical Romance (pls get back together, I'm dying still...). I began my road trip to Florida. I like driving on my own. I like doing stuff on my own terms. I like having control of the music. I just like being engulfed in the scenery and in my thoughts. I stopped at a gas station to get gas and get some snacks and energy drinks. I crack open one energy drink and ate a bag of chips then headed back on the road. I was so close to my dream I can almost taste it. Nerves now erupted in my stomach, I never been so nervous to start a new life, alone. I hit the shuffle button on my playlist and out on Panic! At the Disco's new album. I love the unique sound that Brendon produces that's like what I want to produce one day.

I finally arrived at my hotel in Orlando, Florida. The warm air hits me in the face when I open my door. I inhale deeply in the warm air filling in my lungs. I felt like I was home. I walk into the hotel. "Hello, how can I help you?" a man asked at the front desk. "Um, I'm checking in" I said. "Name?" he asked. "Jay Humphrey" I replied. "Ah, yes! You're staying for" he pauses fixing his glasses, "for, three months" he looks up at me. "Yes, sir" I replied. He nods "why you staying so long?" he asked. "I'm going to school here and I want to save money so I can get a place for myself" I explained. "Nice, well my name is Daniel, if you need anything let me know" Daniel gives me a wink. "Thanks" I replied as he gave me the key. "You're welcome" Daniel smiled placing his thumbs in his bright red suspenders. I walked to the elevator and walked into my room. I kicked off my shoes and heaved my heavy suitcase into the closest room which was huge. I put my clothes in the closet and drawers. I grab my car keys to go grocery shopping since there's nothing in the fridge. I dive to a place called Publix. It was bigger than I expected and it was colder than I expected as well. I grabbed a cart and went to the fruits and vegetables aisles first. The made my way to junk foods and of course I picked up milk, pop, and a pack of waters.

I checked out and packed my car full with goodies. It took me a few trips to get all the stuff to my room. "Wow, you got a lot of stuff" Daniel's eyes widen. I chuckled "Yeah, I eat a lot" I told him as I stopped at the elevator. This was my last trip to my car. I put in the last bit of groceries and headed to the balcony hearing the waves for the first time in a while relaxed me. the sky was now a tangerine orange mixed with a hot pink and a dark blue. It was so beautiful. I took a picture and posted it on my Instagram. I went back inside to cook myself dinner. I grabbed some peas I gotten earlier today heated them up and made some pasta. My phone buzzed it was mom. "Hi mom" I say putting her on speaker. "Hi honey, how are you?" she asked. "I'm good, I'm just making dinner" I say taking out the peas. "What are you making?" mom asked. "Your pasta" I smiled putting the water on the stove and putting the peas in a container. "You are making pasta?" I heard dad say. I laughed. "Yeah? I can cook!" I stated pouring the noodles in the pan as the water started to boil. "Well, I'll call you tomorrow Jay we miss you already" mom yawns. "I miss you guys too! Tell Noah and Chloe I'm safe and I miss them" I say as mom hums and hangs up. I pour the sauce on the noodles I put in a bowl and took it to the table and flipped my laptop open and put on Netflix.

I put my bowl in the sink and carried my laptop to the room to let it charge. I change into my pajama pants leaving me topless. I never been so tired in my entire life. I looked at my phone it was going on three am. I never stay up this late. I yawn and fall into a deep, deep slumber.

// a.n

like my Save Me// h.s fanfic this story is coming to an end~ there are plethora of stories to come in the near future! if you have any ideas for stories, please leave a comment!

forever and always,


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