fifteen. december kisses and blossoming relationships.

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Jay and I were on a break. So, where Taylor and Harry since they lost the baby, she took it so hard so did Harry. They even picked out a name and everything. Her name would be Harriet Rose Styles but then they went for the checkup they told them that they lost it... She was heartbroken. Now, Taylor and I were in the campus café drinking hot coco and trying to keep warm in the light snowfall. Two men walked in. One of the men had blonde perfect styled hair and the most amazing blue eyes I can see from here. He was wearing a flannel and ripped black skinny jeans. "Wow, they are..." Taylor say wide eyed. "Hot?" I say looking at the boy with brunette 'emo styled' hair his eyes were a dark blue color. He was wearing a white V neck and black jeans. One of the men had tattoos it was attractive. "They have to be seniors" I say dreamily. "Yeah, I agree" Taylor says staring at the blonde one. "I see you called dibs on the blonde one" I joked. "I know you like guys with tattoos" Taylor laughed. I just shrugged. "We'll be late for class" Taylor stated looking on her phone. "Yeah, want a refill?" I asked. "Sure, that'll be great" she smiled handing me the empty mug and followed me. "Ladies" the blonde boy says; he had an accent I think Irish but, I'm not sure. "Ladies" the brunette says, his voice was nasally but husky. "Boys" I say with a smile. "Sophomores or freshmen?" the brunette asked. "freshmen" Taylor says. "You sure? Cause I definitely see you ladies before" the brunette smiled at me. "Oh really?" I flirted with him. "What's you guys names?" the blonde asked. "I'm Taylor, and that's Kelsey" Taylor say. "I'm Nathan and that's Louis" Nathan says patting Louis on the back. "Nice to meet both of you" I say with a flirty smile. "Yeah you too!" Louis winked at her.

The boys walked away. "They are super-hot" I said handing Taylor her cup. She takes a sip looking at Nathan. "He seemed into you" I say walking with her. "Is it to early to go guy hunting?" I asked. "I mean you guys are on a break, do you want him back?" Taylor asked. I put my index finger under my chin, thinking. Do I want him still? We gotten into a fight because he thought I was back with Markus... I mean I was having sex with Markus but I was drunk so was he... "I dunno" I confessed. "You never told me what happened with you two" Taylor says taking a sip of coco. "He thought that I was with Markus at a party when you weren't here with Harry" I rolled my eyes. "Wait, your ex Markus?" Taylor's eyes went wide. "Yep" I laughed. "Did you?" she asked. "Yeah, we were both drunk as fuck we started kissing in a dude's bedroom and Jay walked in on us in the sheets... we fought about it for a week then he decided we need a break from each other so he packed his things from our apartment and walked out without saying goodbye" I say putting my head down feeling the tears swelling up in my eyes. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, that's awful" Taylor says putting an arm around my shoulder. "It's fine... what happen with you and Harry?" I asked. "Well, after the baby incident he told me that he got Alice pregnant at that party... I told him that we need some time away from each other so he went back home" Taylor sadly stated. "That's why I haven't seen him around" I say. "Yeah, it hurts" Taylor inhales. "He'll come around, he still loves you" I smiled. "You're an optimist and I hate and love it" Taylor laughs. I laugh with her as we took our seats. The boys we met at the café. "I didn't know they were in our class" I whisper as Louis winked at me. I felt my face flush. "Yeah, me neither" Taylor says as the boys took a seat next to us. "Ladies" Nathan stated. "Boys" Taylor smiled. "I didn't know you where in our class" I told them. "Yeah, we didn't neither" Louis laughs the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard. "So, there's this dance the Winter Wonderland it's a stupid thing" Nathan says to Taylor. "We wanted to ask you guys to the dance" Louis told me. Taylor and I look at each other. "When is it?" Taylor asked Nathan. "December seventh" he replied. "We'll think about it" I say. "Cool" Louis smiled writing down his number. "Thanks" I smiled writing down mine. Nathan and Taylor do the same. "We'll keep in touch" I wink. "I hope so" Louis smirked. I blushed.

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