six. falling in love hard.

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After Taylor and I finished our coffees. We decided to go to the mall and spend the day together since we haven't had any time to hang out. We got into our separate cars and drove to the mall. I fell in love with my best friend in a coffee shop more than ever. I know I can't have her. It kills me some times. She gets there before me I can see her waiting for me at a bench texting somebody. Probably Kelsey. I park my car and walked to her. "You look lonely, miss" I say. She looks up. "I was" Tay smiled getting up. I smiled as we walked into the mall. The air conditioning made my hair stand up. "God, it's so cold but it feels so good" Taylor sighs happily. "Air condition doesn't work in your car?" I asked. "Yeah, I need to go and get it fixed" she groans. "I can look at it, Sunshine" I told her. "You know how to fix cars?" she asked. "Why does that surprise you?" I asked giving her my jean jacket since she was cold. "You don't look like the boy who works on cars" she says pulling the jacket closer to her.

We went into some stores. We picked out some things from our favorite stores and ate at the food court like we use to. We ate Chinese food and talked about life and everything in between. It was nice to hear her talk, I missed her whimsical voice. Her phone buzzes I looked to see who it was. Jay, of course. "It's Jay" she told me as she flips her phone over. "Not going to answer it?" I asked. "I'm with you" she smiled as she bit down on her orange chicken. I smiled at her as I do the same. Taylor's phone buzzed again. She sighs as she picks up. "Hello?" she answered. "Where are you?" I heard Jay's voice. "At the mall with Harry, why?" she asked. "Is that why you're avoiding me?" he asked. "What? No, I just want to spend time with Harry since I don't see him much" Taylor told him. "I'm your boyfriend, you should spend time with me" Jay told her. Taylor sighs in frustration. I reach for her hand and she blushes. "Jay, I like you but this possessiveness is disgusting" Tay snapped. "Taylor, please" Jay says. "No, call me when you can treat a lady" Tay snapped and hung up. "Wow" I say. "What?" she asked. "You, I never use that type of voice" I told her. "Yeah well, I don't like being treated like that" she snapped. I knew she immediately regretted it. "Sorry, H" Taylor sighed playing with her chicken. "Don't worry about it" I told her taking a sip of coke. She nods sadly stabbing a chicken and eating it.

We finished our food and then began to walk around again. I looked at her hand but put my hand in my pocket. "Are you okay, Harry?" she asked me looking at my hand. "Yeah, I shouldn't do anything that I'll regret" I told her. "Like what?" Taylor asked. "This" I take my hand out of my pocket and held her hand. She looks at my hand in hers. Taylor blushes as she leans into me. "Taylor?" I asked. "Yeah?" she looks at me. "I love you" I told her. She smiled at me her cheeks red. "I... Love you, too Harry" Taylor glances at me. "Yeah?" I asked her. "Yeah, it's been an experience with Jay but he's not like I imagined" she confessed. "I know you don't want to ruin our friendship" I told her. Taylor pulls her lip into her mouth and chewed on it. "I don't want to, you're the best thing that ever happen to me" Taylor sighs. "We don't have to rush anything" I reassured her. Taylor nods. With that we walked around more hand in hand. It felt right when I held her hand, I've had other girlfriends but they never held my hand like she does. We exited the mall it gotten hotter. "Oh god, it gotten hot" Taylor fans herself. "Yeah, no doubt" I said wiping the sweat with the bottom of my shirt. "You have a pool, right?" she asked. "Yeah?" I told her. "Great! I'm coming over" she declared as we made it to our cars. "Fine by me" I told her. "Good" Taylor smiled opening her door. "Taylor?" I asked. "Yeah?" she looked at me. "I got you something" I smiled digging into a bag. "Aw Harry" she smiled as I pulled out a ring box. She gasps. "Harry, you shouldn't have" she looks at it. "I know, but I saw this and I thought of you" I opened it. "It's my birthstone" she looks at my hand as I put it on her. "It's both of ours" I smiled. "It's beautiful, Harry thank you" Taylor smiled standing on her tiptoes and I kissed her. I knew she wanted to kiss me too. "You're welcome" I smiled, "I'll see you later, Sunshine" I add as I open her door for her. She kissed me again and got in. I walk to my car smiling. My phone buzzed it was Kelsey. "DUDE, WHAT THE FUCK?!" Kels yelled causing me to pull the phone off my ear. "What?" I asked starting my car. "Getting Taylor, a frickin ring!" Kelsey raised her voice. "I thought I was doing something nice for her?" I said but sounded like a question. "You know she's taken right?" Kelsey asked. "Yes, she's my best friend I wanted to get her something" I told her. My sister sighs. "I know it was wrong to her a ring but I couldn't help it" I told her putting her on speaker. "Take it easy okay?" Kelsey warns. "I will, I know she's with Jay" I told her.

I drove up to my driveway and see Taylor's car in the drive. I park and get out I walk into the front door. Taylor and Kelsey were on the couch admiring the ring. "Ladies" I say. "Hey" Taylor blushes softly. "Hey" Kelsey said. I walk into my room and put my items away. Mine and Kelsey's door connects to the bathroom. Her room was open she was telling Taylor to try on bathing suits. I run into my bed as I heard this. "Shut the door!" I say. "You know you want see her" Kelsey smirked and Taylor smacked her with a pillow she smiled tightly and closed the door. I laughed and changed into my yellow swim trunks and walked in the bathroom. Taylor was in there I stared at her. "Hey" she smiled. "H... Hey you look great" I said as my eyes wander. "So, do you" she blushes she was wearing a white bikini. "Thanks" I told her as she puts her short hair in a pony tail. I grab her and myself a towel. "Thank you" Taylor smiled. "You're welcome" I told her as she went down stairs. "Ready guys?" Kelsey asked between breaths she was blowing up a beach ball. "Yeah" I say. "I'm ready" Taylor smiled. "Let's go then!" Kel smiled tucking the ball under her arm. I slide open the door for the girls. "Taylor, your ring" I say pointing to the ring I gave her. "Oh, thanks I forgot I had it on" Taylor looks at me. "You can leave it on the table" I say looking at her. "Please guys, get a room" Kelsey joked.

Taylor blushed as she put the towel on an adjustable chair. "Care to join me?" she asked Kelsey. "Of course," she smiled as they walked in I did a cannon ball causing the girls to get wet. They screech. "Harry!" Taylor says fake offended. "God that's cold" Kelsey says going deeper in the water. "It feels nice though" Taylor says floating on her back. "It does" Kelsey does the same. "Did you bring out the beat pill?" I asked. "Yeah, you can play music" Kelsey told me. "Cool, what do you want to listen to?" I asked hopping out of the pool. "Surprise us, H" Taylor told me. I put on a pop playlist on Spotify and jumped into the water. "We still need to discuss your birthday" Kelsey says to Taylor. "Ugh, I don't want anything big, just the three of us plus Jay" Taylor told her. "That's lame!" I swam to the girls. "We do it every year for my party" Taylor says. "She's got a point" Kelsey looks at me. "It's what? in a month?" I asked Tay. "Yeah" she replied. I nod. We swim and talk until mom came out with lemonade and snacks. "Thanks mom" Kelsey smiled. "You're welcome" mom looks at the ring. "Who is this?" she picked it up. "It's mine" Taylor says getting out of the pool. "It's gorgeous! Jay has great taste" mom smiled. "I bought it for her" I say getting out. "Really? Wow, Harry it's gorgeous" mom gushes. "Thanks mom" I blush softly. Taylor laughs taking a drink of lemonade. I look at Taylor with admiration. Kelsey nudged me. "Ow, what?" I look at my sister. "You're staring" she says. "So?" I asked. "She's taken" Kels reminded me. "I forget that" I admit. "Taylor told me that she's going to end it with Jay" Kelsey told me. I look at her. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, because of his rudeness towards her" Kelsey told me. Taylor and my mom were talking about her party I think.

Taylor's mom called her saying she needs her for something. I walked her to her car. "I had a nice time today, Harry" She smiled. "Me too, we need to do it again" I told her. "For sure" she smiled at me. I held her face and she leans into my touch. She stood on her tiptoes and I kissed her. "I'll see you" Taylor says as we pull away. "Of course, Sunny" I told her kissing her again. She smiled into the kiss. It just occurred to me that I'm in love with my best friend more than ever. Damn Jay for stealing her away. He won't treat her like I would. I love her with my whole heart.

// a.n

Sorry i haven't been posting lol. My computer is absolute shit and keeps updating and i lose progress which sucks ASS. So, stick with me lol. Have fun reading!

Forever and Always,

Madeline <3

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