thirteen. shattered hearts and corrupted dreams

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okay, so there might be a few more chapters (prob three more lul) then i'll end it. i loved writing this but i'm running out of ideas~ don't worry, there will be more harry styles fanfics in the future! ok, enjoy the chapter!

I walked straight into my bedroom. Alice and Harry burned fresh in my mind. I took off my heels and threw them in my closet. Unzipped my itchy dress and tossed it onto the floor then went into the bathroom to wipe off my makeup my eyes were bloodshot from crying so was my nose. I plugged in my phone since it was dead. My heart felt like it was going to explode inside my chest. I can't believe that he; my Harry, the sweet, lovable, the most amazing guy I've ever meant broke my heart, all the happiness I had with him vaporized. Tears streamed down my face again. I looked down at the rose gold promise ring and playing with it. "Was it all a lie?" I whisper to the ring as if it would reply. "I loved you, Harry" I whisper again through the puddle of tears as I placed the ring on the bedside table. I weakly inhaled then exhaled as I hit the pillow I was so tired; emotionally and physically. My phone buzzed nonstop I knew it was Harry trying to apologize. I wasn't having it.

Harry: Baby, I'm so sorry. Alice was on me and I couldn't get her off, please let me make it up to you.

Harry: Sunny, please I love you and only you <3 you're the only girl I see and want to be with.

Harry: I get it, you need space I can understand that... I will give all the time you need angel...

Harry: Goodnight I suppose, I love you Sunflower I hope you know that...

I read the messages and felt my heart tug slightly. I hate doing this to him but I can't look at him knowing his soft lips touched another girl's lips and giving her the sensation every time I kiss him. his lips are intoxicating but in a good way. I sigh putting my phone down and went back to sleep.

I love you. He stated as we glazed underneath the starry sky. I smile at him the long grass tickling my neck. I love you more. I told him. Taylor, can you see me in the future? With little tots running around living in Paris or New York? He's on his side now head in hand his curly locks fell in his face. I move a piece away from his face. I do, I don't think I see a life without you. I replied with a smiled inching closer to my boyfriend. I feel the same way. He inched closer. I smiled inching closer so our noses are touching. His smirk was deadly when he showed his deep dimples. I peck his soft lips softly. He wrapped one strong arm around my waist and turned me on my back I laughed as he kissed my neck. I love you angel. He smiled as he kissed my lips. I love you too my prince I smiled. I could stay in this spot forever with him. I loved him so much and I know he loves me too and he won't hurt me because I know him. Baby? I asked. He hums in reply looking at me with such love. Do you think we will be together in college? I asked anxiety bubbled inside my tummy. Of course, we will. He kissed me again. I smiled closing my eyes in contentment. Are you getting cold? He asked me. A little. I say opening one eye. Want to go back to my place and watch shit tv or movies? He asked. You know me well. I laughed getting up brushing off the grass. He takes my hand and we walk to his car. We drive home. I stare at him taking in his beautiful features. To his sharp as fuck jawline to his big beautiful evergreen eyes. Do I have something on my face, baby? He glances at me. Just gazing. I smiled. He hums placing his left hand on the door placing his head in his hand. I give him a weird look. Just tired. He told me. Oh. I replied. We arrived at his house we get out and went into his room. I flopped on the bed and let out a happy sigh. Comfy? He joked. I laughed.

We got comfortable and selected some movies to watch. We cuddled and watched movies. I fell asleep in his arms like I usually do because he was so warm. I heard Harry pause the movie and closed the laptop. He got under the covers and he put me under the covers and he fell asleep his breath was slow and steady. His arm was around my waist as I was laying on his chest. I love sleeping with him like this. I felt protected and safe

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