ten. freshman in collage

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I haven't seen Taylor in a few weeks. She told me that she needed time to get ready for college that starts very soon. I was at Target getting a few things for my apartment I'm sharing with Jay. Kelsey and Taylor are rooming together since we are all going to the same college with different things, obviously. I got somethings for my room and I wanted to get something for Taylor since I haven't seen her in a while. I grabbed her favorite snacks and a yellow birthday bag to plop everything in it. I checked out and went home. I didn't see Kelsey's car in the drive when I arrived. She's probably with Taylor to figure out their color pallet. I walk in the house mom was watching television. "How was Target?" mom asked. "Busy, but I got some stuff" I smiled swinging the Target bag. "That's good, how's Taylor?" she asked. "I don't know, I haven't talked to her in a while" I placed the bag down and rubbed the back of my neck. "She looked sad, she's usually so happy" mom says sadly. "What happen?" I asked plopping down next to her. "She wouldn't say" mom says sipping her herbal tea in a pink floral cup. I nod playing with my lip. "Is Kelsey with her?" I asked. "Yes, they left about five minutes ago, I don't know when they'll be back" mom told me. "Gives me enough time to wrap her gifts I bought her" I smiled jumping up off the couch. "You bought her gifts?" mom raised her eyebrow. "Yeah, it's nothing I just haven't seen her in a while" I say grabbing the bag.

I headed to my room to wrap her gifts. I kind of splurged on her but I'm not mad at it. I wrap the ring I gotten her and put it in the bottom. I hope she likes it. I wrap the necklace and put it neatly on the bottom as well. I put her favorite candy and drinks on the top. I inhaled and then exhaled sharply at my work. Just then, I heard two sets of footsteps walk up the stairs. I poke my head out. "Taylor?" I called. "Hey, Harry" she smiled softly. "I got you something" I say handing her the bag. Her eyes widen. "Wow, thank you Harry" she smiled taking it. "You're welcome" I smiled as she hugged me. "I love you" I told her in her ear. "I love you too" Taylor smiled. "Can I open it in your room?" Taylor asked. "Yeah, you can Kelsey can come too" I smiled. "Want to come?" Taylor asked Kelsey. "Sure" Kelsey smiled. As I walked into my room. Taylor crosses her legs as she sat on my bed. Kelsey sits next to her. I sit in front of them. Taylor opens her gifts I got her when she reached the ring she looked up at me. I smiled and took it from her. "Taylor, I know we haven't seen each other in a while but, this ring I promise you that I won't leave your side unless you want me too" I say opening the box to revel the princess ring that every girl wants. (In my opinion, I think those rings are ugly lmao if you don't know what I'm talking about then look it up) "Oh my god, Harry it's beautiful" Taylor clasped her hands over her mouth to stifle a gasp. I smiled putting the promise ring on her finger. Taylor hugged me and I hugged her back. "For a beautiful girl" I smiled as she kissed me. "Alright are you going to have sex because I don't want to be there for it" Kelsey scrunched up her nose. Taylor blushed as she looks at me. "Later" I told my sister staring at my girl full of passion.

A few days has passed and I'm on the road to the college. Nerves bubbled in my stomach, I never been so nervous for something. I put on Rex Orange County to calm myself down. I wish Taylor was here with me to calm me down but she's leaving with Kelsey in an hour. I tap my fingers along with the beat. The sky was a dark gray, almost black. It was going to thunderstorm soon and I hate driving in the rain, especially thunderstorms. I stop at a gas station like forty minutes into the drive. I got gas and junk food I never eat on a daily basis. I pop open my chilled caramel Starbucks drink and opened the cheez-it bag. Taylor texted me that they were on the road and can't wait to see me. I replied saying that I can't wait to see her too. She sent me the ring I gotten her a few days ago and the necklace. I smiled brushing my hair back with my fingers. I took out the gas pump and paid for the gas. I put my phone on the charger and continued my drive. It was a slow drive considering the downpour of heavy rain pelting my windshield and the soft squeaking of my windshield wipers going back and forth pushing the water away. I stopped at a red light to change the song. It's been an hour now and I'm not even close to the campus. I grew irritable from the slow as fuck road trip. I groan loudly to myself when I hit traffic. I took a deep breath imagining Taylor grabbing my hand giving it a calming squeeze. I instantly relaxed.

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