Chapter Ten

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“What do you think of this color, Lenora?” Olivia’s elegant voice asked.

“I’m sorry?” I was dazed. I couldn’t stop thinking about Gil. The whole night before we spent time talking about our favorite novels and plays.

“I must ask Gil,” I remembered saying, “Why aren’t you out fighting in the war.”

“I’m only seventeen.” He snickered. 

“And you’re already in college?”

“Well I am quite smart.” His blue eyes shined.

“Lenora?” Olivia’s voice rang again, “Do you plan on listening to me or not?”

“Oh yes, I was thinking the olive green would work well.” I snapped back.

“That’s what I thought. It should match perfectly with Drew!” She twirled happily.

“How long have you been engaged to him?” I asked.

“Oh since I was fifteen and he’s seventeen.”

“What But that was three years ago?!”

Olivia examined the rest of the schemes, “It’s just a fact of life, Lenora. Our parents thought we’d be suited for each other. I didn’t like him very much at first, no, I hated him. But it wasn’t until I really looked into his hazel eyes that I just decided he was the one for me and I’ve been in love with him ever since.”

I looked at her dumbfounded. I’d never been in love and the feeling wasn’t anything I was interested in.

“Don’t worry, darling, one day you’ll find your gentleman. Hopefully nothing like the likes of Mr. Yeardley.” She shuddered.

“What’s wrong with Gil—um Mr. Yeardley?”

Olivia’s blue eyes widened, “Have you talked to that boy? He’s so, what shall I call him…trivial.”

Gil? Trivial? Hardly. “He’s quite nice once you get to know him.”

She stopped in her tracks, “You’re not smitten with him are you?”

“No, of course not! He’s just my brother’s friend.”

“Well you should tell Cousin Jerrold to find better friends,” she scoffed, “Oh I think this velvet color will look wonderful on you! Don’t you think Lenora will look wonderful, Frank?”

I hardly noticed Frank since we arrived. It’s almost as if he disappeared. “Yes, my lady.”

“Good then. We found our material. More for Mademoiselle Sherrie to work on!” Frank and I followed Olivia as she finished at the shop.

“Frank?” I patted his shoulder.

“Yes, Miss Lenora?”

“Why didn’t you tell me your nephew was studying here?”

He smiled shyly, “I rarely see him. Gil is always so busy in his studies.”

“He hardly seems to be studying at all.” I laughed.

“Well, he studies most of the time. Gil is just like his father, some time to work, some time to play.” The two of us continue to follow Olivia towards the carriage. The air was still even chillier than the day before and caused me to shiver a bit. I took Frank’s arm holding on. He looked down at me and smiled and held on to my grip.

“Why do people keep staring at me? It’s as if they’ve seen a ghost.” Ever since I’d been in town, I’d noticed how people kept eyeing suspiciously.

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