Chapter Twenty Four

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    "Repeat after me," said Drew as the train bustled throught German countryside, "Mein name ist Karla Schultz."

    "Mein name ist Karla Schultz," I repeated.

    "Ich bin ein Doppelagent arbeitet für die Regierung."  Drew said.

    "Ich bin ein Doppelagent arbeitet für die Regierung," I repeated, "What on earth am I saying?" 

    Drew chuckled a little bit, "If you had a better accent you would be saying my name is Karla Schultz and I am a double agent working for the government."

    I pushed his arm, "I'm not that bad."

  "It did take you an eternity to say yes and no." He smirked. Drew put his arm around me and whispered in my ear, "You'll do fine, love." He nuzzled his nose in my hair. 

   My heart started beating faster as I thought of what it could be to kiss Drew. Wait, no. I couldn't be thinking of that, no. To much was at stake, "Drew." I pushed him off.

   "What? We're protraying a husband and wife." He said putting his arm back around me, "Might as well be realistic." I gave him a evil stare and he gave a sigh taking his arm off of me.

    "I'm sorry, Drew. I'm just--"

    "Not interested I know." Drew sighed looking out at the sun rising. I didn't want to tell him that I was having feelings for him. I knew that even if Olivia wouldn't admit it, she still cared for him. And I knew he still had feelings for her. Even if they both wouldn't admit it to each other.

     My eyes soon began to close and I let my dreams take over me. I dreamt of my brother and Gil, both in a toture chamber. Skinny and sickly looking begging me to save them. I ran towards them trying to break the chains, but I was too weak. Tears ran down my face as my brother's green eyes turn into dark pupils and his once bright smile formed into mere crusted lips. Gil laid on the floor limp as I screamed begging him to wake up telling him how sorry I was how much I loved him...

      "I LOVE YOU!" 

      "Lenora?" I heard Henry's voice as someone shook me.

      My eyes opened while sweat overcame me. Drew eyed me with much concern. I must've looked like a mess while I couldn't stop breathing heavily. "Are you alright?" Drew asked.

     "Yes," I said trying to calm done, "Just a bad dream." Henry looked me up and down before letting me out of his grip. Drew kept looking at me, I could've sworn he didn't even blink. I gave him a reasurring look so he could go back to sleep.

       Soon enough, both of them returned back to their slumber. I looked out the window trying to think of that there is hope to find my boys. Refusing to think that they were dead and rotting, I began to pray that they were safe somewhere and that God would have angels as their guards. I laid my head on my little pack only to find a paper slipping out. I opened to see similar handwriting of my father. Anna must've slipped this in and I never had a chance to look at it:

                  Dearest Lenora, 

                        Times can be difficult, but know that God is control. Never fear, let Him work His Will you may be surprised. As long as you have confidence in Him anything is possible. You are a strong young woman, I know that you are. Since the day I first held you in my arms I knew you were something special, that you would make a difference in this world. Never forget that. You are special. You are making a difference. It  doesn't matter whether you are a duchess or not, you are making a difference just by being a light in this world.

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