• F I V E •

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"You win some, you lose some. Except for me. I always win."

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You'll never guess where Kolton and I went. The woods. Oh, how I love the irony of it. Kolton leads me down a dirt road into the woods. Then we leave the path.

"You know, most horror stories that take place in the forest start when people leave the path," I remark, tossing my black hair over my shoulder.

Kolton grins, "I've always wanted to be in a horror movie. It'd be so much fun."

"Agreed," I state with a dangerous grin. "Killing all those little people..."

"Oh. I was talking about beating the villain," Kolton responds looking at me kinda funny.

"Don't worry, Kolton," I laugh. "I'll be the villain to your hero."

Kolton smiles widely and announces, "Not too much farther now."

I take careful note of my surroundings so I can find my way back on my own if need be. Following Kolton, we end up at a cottage.

"Seriously? A cottage in the woods?" I snort. "Cliche much?"

"You're just jealous," Kolton replies playfully.

Calling it a cottage is a bit of a generous name. The place is more like a cabin, small and tucked away, hidden in the forest. It has large windows and a chimney with smoke coming out of it, showing me that Nekoda is already there.

Walking up to it, we enter through the door. There are no lights inside, just some flashlights, the fireplace, and the windows for light. Since it is the day, the sunlight and fire provide plenty of light inside. Nekoda is sitting as far away from the fire as possible.

"Boaz is going to be annoyed that you started the fire without him," Kolton snorts plopping down on the couch.

"Boaz? You guys know him too?"

Kolton freezes and looks to Nekoda. Nekoda, as smooth as ever answers, "Just in passing."

I nod and take a seat on the opposite couch, an old plaid couch that is surprisingly comfortable.

"So what do you guys do up here?" I ask curiously, looking around the place.

Kolton shrugs. "Board games, talk, hang out. You know, just the boring stuff."

Something about his answer feels off, but I ignore it and lean back.

"What are we going to do?"

Nekoda, completely blank-faced, replies, "We plan on sitting in complete and total silence for the next forty-five minutes."

"Just warning you," I laugh. "I don't do sitting still or silence very well."

"Don't worry, I don't either," Kolton remarks, running a hand through his golden hair, messing it up further.

Nekoda rolls his eyes. "Well then what do you have in mind?"

"What board games do you like to play?" Kolton asks.

"I played a bunch when I was younger. I know most of them, just not the newer ones," I answer thoughtfully.

"What's the matter? Too old for board games now?" Kolton calls playfully as he moves to grab one out of a cabinet in the corner.

I clench my fists at the accusations. I wish that was why. My brothers and I used to play them together. Ever since I—I mean, ever since they died, I haven't had anybody to play board games with. I have never had friends or family since my brothers.

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