• F O R T Y •

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"Do you really not see my pain? Or do you just not care?"
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"Nobody beats Rage Danger Falls," I hiss icily.

Glaring at him, I throw down the cards and smirk at him.

"Danger?" Abraham snorts. "And I thought my middle name was silly."

"Oh? What is it?" I ask, leaning forward.

"Sorry, Rage, but there is no future in which I tell you my middle name. Believe me, I even doubled check just to make sure," Abraham replied with a smirk of his own, his tired blue eyes gaining a spark.

Groaning, I flop backward onto the hard floor.

"We're never going to be set free, are we?" I ask him, my voice just above a whisper.

My eyes scan over the ceiling, looking for an imperfection, a difference. It's all the same. All perfectly clean and white. Gives me a massive headache.

Besides, I don't want to die inside. I want to die outside, at least. Surrounded by my elements and staring at the moon. Most of all, though, I don't want to leave anyone behind.

Losing someone... it's terrible. A raw, gaping hole in you heart. Gage, Nekoda, Asher, William, Boaz, Kolton, and Darkon—they managed to begin to heal that hole. Only time and myself can fix it all the way. I suppose you could say that the boys really didn't heal or fix me or my issues. No, instead, the dulled the pain and gave me a reason to heal.

A reason to stay.

"No, we don't get set free," Abraham answers finally.

"What's Kitrina's deal anyway?" I question, shifting my gaze back to Abraham. "I mean, you can see the future and the past, right, Abe? So you can tell me?"

Abraham sighs, "You know that I hate to talk about the visions I get. However, since you are her prisoner, I think that gives you the right to know."

I sit up fully at that and look him dead in the eye. Closing his eyes, he folds his wrinkled hands and begins to explain.

"I'm not going to give you the details, but Kitrina grew up in a good home with a good family. A couple of the people in her family had powers, but not Kitrina herse!f," Abraham says in a quiet, solemn voice. "She was sheltered, naive. That is until her family was killed.

"They were killed by someone who had just gotten their powers. Their element grew out of control and no one was able to stop them. Kitrina was just barely able to survive. She vowed to eradicate those with powers and stop anyone from dying that way again," Abraham tells me.

My throat feels like it is closing up and my stomach and chest feel heavy.

Maybe she's actually doing the right thing.

I mean, when I received my powers, I killed my family. People with powers are dangerous. Especially when they don't have any control. Maybe if the government weren't so anti-powers, then people would step forward me, at least

My brows draw together as I realize a flaw in her plan.

"I understand why she would want to take my powers," I say slowly. "To be strong enough to take people like me out. But how does she expect to take out everyone in the world with a certain gene? Not only is that a helluva lot of killing, but it isn't realistic. There are just too many of us."

"So you're saying the murder and kidnapper isn't quite right in the head?" Abraham responds flatly. "What a genius and original thought. What would I do without you?"

"Die of boredom," I scoff. "I may irritate you, but I also spice up your life with variety, Abe."

"That's one way of putting it," Abraham snorts.

He looks at me softly before adding, "But I'm glad your doing better."

"But I'm not back to normal. It still hurts," I confess, noticing the not-so-subtle change in conversation. "And I'm not even sure what normal is at this point, Abe."

"I said better, not normal," Abraham reminds me gently. "And besides, normal is just an idea, a concept."

We were no longer talking about our status as prisoners. We're talking about me.

Abraham, as creepy as it may seem, has seen my whole life. He didn't ask to, but his powers are too powerful for him to not see my life when he is around me.

However, instead of getting mad or freaked out, I actually appreciate it. I appreciate the fact that he can understand my life without me actually having to tell him.

Abraham saw when I killed my family. He saw when I denied that it ever happened and went to school, pretending like things were normal for weeks. Abraham saw when I spent a month looking for someone to try and bring them back. Searching for someone with the element of life. He saw when I slipped into my anger, grew into my name.

And I absolutely hate what brought us together, but I am grateful for it. Over the last few weeks, Abraham has been a counselor of sorts to me, a friend. This is the most progress I've made with my mental health in a long time and he knows it.

"Thanks for everything, Abe," I tell him seriously, looking him in the eye.

Hesitating slightly, Abraham says, "I need you to do something for me, Rage."

"Name it," I reply firmly.

I don't have a clue what he wants, but I know that I need to at least hear his request.

"Leave me," Abraham orders leaning in close and talking quickly. "There's a small chance you might get out of here. Very small. But you will only succeed if you leave me behind."

"Don't be stupid," I snap, my stomach heavy with dread. "I wouldn't leave behind, leave you hear to rot and die."

"No!" Abraham barks, louder than I'd ever heard him speak. "You need to listen, Rage. I die here, in this prison. This is the only ending for me. There is no way to change that or avoid it. If you were to escape and leave me, my death would be much faster. Please, Rage. I'm begging you. Leave me and let me die."

"I can't agree to that and you know it," I reply roughly.

"Don't agree then, just remember it, Rage," Abraham tells me. "We will never be set free. However, there is a very, very small chance that you can escape, but you will not succeed with me. Leave me, Rage."

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This is the last update for about a week. I'll try and update, but I'll be on a road trip with highly limited access to Wattpad and/or internet.
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Q: What would you do in Rage's situation?

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