• T H I R T Y • S E V E N •

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"Today will be one of those days where even my coffee needs a cup of coffee."
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Boaz's POV
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"Come on," I groan in annoyance. "Rage is probably sleeping. Ya know, what you do when you're tired and your body is exhausted? What I wanna be doing right now?"

"Normal people sleep," Asher agrees before saying, "But Rage is anything but normal. When I sleep at her place, no matter what time of night, I normally find her awake."

I grit my teeth at the mention of Asher sleeping at her place. We all wish we were as close to Rage as Asher is. They both promise that nothing goes on, and I trust them, but I can't help but feel jealous that he gets to spend so much time with her. Then Rage comes along, smiles at me, helps me with my training, and makes it all better.

But she isn't here now. We have no clue where she is.

"So you're sure that this is hers?" William asks, wrinkling his nose in distaste towards the pistol.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Darkon answers. "I've seen her use it a couple times just for target practice and carry it around as a precaution."

"Lot of good that did her," I snort at that. "If she really is missing, then the gun did nothing."

"Guns never do a thing except escalate the situation," William spits.

Nekoda glares at him and opens his mouth to argue but is cut off by Gage saying, "Knock it off, you two. Now's not the time for that; now is the time to find Rage. Maybe she's in danger, maybe we're overreacting and she's going to be mad and make fun of us for it for the rest of our lives. Who knows?"

"Really inspiring," Kolton snorts. 

Gage's hazel eyes pierce him with a glare.

"I wasn't finished. Either way, we have to find Rage so we know. I don't know about you guys, but I won't be okay until I know Rage is okay," Gage finishes.

"Great," I sigh. "Now I feel bad."

Darkon chuckles quietly at that and I stick my tongue at out him, pretending to be annoyed at him laughing at me.

"Now, come on, you guys," Gage says. "We need to check all her normal spots."

"I'll check at her place again," Asher offers.

William decides, "I'll ask Seraphina, Victoria, and Trey, see if they know anything."

"I can check out the gym," Nekoda volunteers, completely emotionless.

Since he heard that Rage could be missing, he shut out all his emotions. Now he's acting like that icy, emotionless boy he pretends to be for his family and everyone at school. Like he's shutting us out too.

I don't blame him though. When they told me that Rage could be missing, I shut down for a few minutes. I went into that blank state again, but it didn't last too long, thankfully.

"I can check the school," Kolton offers.

"It's a Saturday," Gage reminds him offhandedly.

"Oh, yeah," He mumbles.

"I'll check the restaurant and determine whether or not she's just working," Gage informs us.

"I'll check the store nearby her place where she normally goes," Darkon says with a ghost of a smile.

"I'll check the cabin," I sigh. "Kolton can come with me and check the woods around it."

Do I really want to walk all the way out to the cabin? No, not at all.

Do I really want to go back to sleep? Definitely.

But we all have to make sacrifices. It's how relationships work, I hear. 

"Alright, then," Gage says. "It's settled. Let's get going now."

I trudge off with Kolton in tow. He's bouncing along talking a mile a minute about the dumbest things ever.

"Do you think brown cows have chocolate milk? Do penguins have knees? Or do they just waddle like that for fun?"

Next thing I know, Kolton is trying to waddle like a penguin. Shaking my head, I sigh again. Taking him along was a terrible idea. This is what I get when I try to be nice and social and stuff.

"I'm bored of waddling now," Kolton announces sadly, running a hand through his golden hair.

"I'm bored of everything," I mutter grumpily.

"Ya know that factory near the school?"

"Yeah?" I reply wearily, not sure where this is really going.

"Well, it's cloud factory. You told me it was steam that came out the top. It's not. It's cloud. Rage told me herself," Kolton tells me in a matter of fact way.

"Oh, well if Rage says it, then it must be true," I say flatly.

"Hey, Boaz, are you okay? You seem kinda upset," Kolton says, scrunching his face up and looking at me.

"No, I'm not okay," I say tightly. "I'm missing my sleep and my Rage. So basically, my whole life is missing right now."

Kolton whacks me on the back in what I think is supposed to be a reassuring manner.

"Don't worry, we all are missing Rage," He tells me with an odd mixture of understanding, sadness, and cheerfulness.

"Could you just... not talk?" I ask carefully.

"Sure!" Kolton agrees, far too easily. 

I squint at him, but he doesn't talk so I decide it must be fine. That was stupid though. Not even a minute later, the most obnoxious humming starts as Kolton starts humming aimlessly as we walk.


Is this how Rage feels all the time?

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A bit of a head's up: I won't be on Wattpad much/at all tomorrow. 

Also, I have a new book called Hue coming out soon. It won't start until this book is finished, but I'll have the first chapter up soon. If you like Rage and Boaz, you'll like this book.

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Q: Do you prefer hot foods or cold foods?

A: I love cold foods! I like hot food if it's supposed to be hot, but otherwise, I'd much rather have cold food.

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