• T H I R T Y • T W O •

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"He fixed the hole in her heart but didn't notice the hole in her mind until it was too late."

• • •

My eyes snap open as I hear a rustling to my left. I wasn't sleeping; I'm far too on edge to sleep. I sit up and my eyes dart around. The cabin is pitch black, but my shadow powers allow me to see perfectly in the darkness. Gage is missing.

Climbing out of my sleeping bag as quietly as possible, I creep outside, hoping it's just his insomnia and not Kitrina's doing. Outside, I breathe a sigh of relief as I spot him sitting on the ground, his elbows on his knees and his chin propped up on his fists.

"Hey," I whisper as I approach, not wanting to startle him.

"Rage?" He responds, surprised. "What are you d—never mind, shadow powers, right. I forgot."

"Your insomnia keeping you up?" I guess, sitting down next to him.

"Mmm, something like that," He answers vaguely before hesitating and saying, "Rage, you would tell us if something were wrong, right?"

"That depends," I tell him honestly. "It depends on how serious we're talking and if it has anything to do with you guys."

He turns to look me dead in the eye and tells me, "Rage, everything with you became our business the day you passed out in the woods and we took you into the cabin. The day you found out about our powers and agreed to train us."

"Well, maybe I'm not ready to tell you guys everything," I mutter, my anger brewing.

"You misunderstood," Gage assures me in a calming voice. "You don't need to tell us anything. You can tell us everything. We're here for you whether you want to talk today, next year, or never. Whether you want us to go beat up some guy for you so you can watch and laugh. Whether you want us to just smile at you and call you beautiful. We are here for you, Rage, and we'll do anything for you."

A tear drips down my cheek and I am grateful for the darkness as I hastily wipe it away.

"Thank you," I whisper. "I don't want to talk now, but I am here for you guys too, ya know."

"We do, don't worry," Gage chuckles. "You've shown us over and over again. Beating up Darkon's brother, getting Kolton contacts, letting Asher stay with you, helping Boaz so much with his powers, and just listening and being there for all of us. You've shown us that you do care, Rage."

I scoot closer to him and lean my head on his shoulder. I don't have words to express what I'm feeling. The closest word, I suppose would be whole. They make me complete.

"There's so much you don't know," I confess sadly. "And I hate to keep it all from you guys. I feel like I have too, though. To protect you, to keep you."

"Rage, we might not have as many powers as you or as much experience, but we can certainly protect ourselves," Gage tells me with a raised eyebrow. "It's about your family, isn't it?"

"Part of it," I admit, closing my eyes and burying my head into the crook of his neck as if I can just hide with him forever.

"You don't have to tell me about them, where they are, or anything like that, but would you want to tell me a story about them?" Gage asks curiously. "I know they're dead, you told us that at the skate park."

I take a deep breath and gather my thoughts before speaking.

"We were a big family," I begin quietly. "Five fathers, eight kids. My mother d-died giving birth to me. All of us had powers, but I didn't for a long time. I was a late bloomer, you could say."

"Did you get along with your brothers?" Gage asks, not realizing how hard, how dark of a question that really was.

"Sometimes," I reply with a half shrug. "Sometimes we got along well. Other times, it seemed like we all hated each other. Sometimes they helped my fathers."

"Helped?" Gage echoes.

I stiffen. I didn't really think when I said that, but I didn't expect him to catch that. I could lie, but I feel like I have to tell him.

"You know how we don't all exactly have good lives?" I say haltingly.

It's Gage's turn to stiffen and say lowly, "Rage, what do you mean?"

"My parents were... Kinda like Asher's, I guess."

"Your fathers beat you?" Gage says, his voice breaking with emotion and dread. "Were all of those scars from them."

"Yeah, they beat me, but not all of my scars are from them. Just most of them," I mumble, burying my face in his shoulder again.

He wraps an arm around me and pulls me into a hug.

"I... I am so sorry you ever had to get those scars, Rage," Gage breathes.

"I'm not," I tell him with a sigh. "I'm proud of my scars, as strange as that may seem. They prove that I am stronger than whatever hurt me. It could've killed me, seriously hurt me, but it didn't and I all I have is a scar. A reminder of my strength. A sign that I'm a survivor. Like a tattoo with a better story."

Gage chuckles lightly, "You really aren't like other girls, are you?"

"No," I reply. "Because really, we're all different people. Of course, I'm different than what you would expect. No one is who you would expect."

"True," Gage agrees.

We sit in silence, listening to the sounds of the night. It's peaceful. Calming.

Whatever happens, whenever Kitrina comes, I am ready.

I am whole.

  • • •  

Q: Would you rather have an extra hour of sleep or an extra hour of alone time?

A: *sighs* This question is honestly so hard... Probably alone time, though. I don't like sleeping until I am asleep, if that makes any sense, lol.

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