• T H I R T Y • F I V E •

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"Sometimes human places create inhuman monsters."

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My eyes snap open and I sit up, wide awake as questions begin to dart through my mind.

Why was I asleep?

Why do I still feel tired?

My mind races with questions and thoughts as my eyes begin to take in my surroundings. White floor, white walls, white ceiling. A long mirror in the middle of the wall that stretches across all four walls. A camera in each corner. There is no sign of a door. The walls are identical with no seams or places where a door could be hiding. I have no clue how I got in this small room that is more like a box than a room.

Anger overtakes me and I call fire to my hands and try to turn my skin to stone.

Fear replaces anger as I realize that I can't use my powers. Quickly, I try my other powers, hoping that one of them will work. It's no use though.

I launch a fist towards the mirror, wanting to test its strength. There's a popping noise as I dislocate my finger. The mirror took no damage at all. Gritting my teeth, I slam my finger back into place, pain shooting up my arm. Pure rage fills me, the adrenaline taking the edge of the pain. Okay, fine. The mirrors won't give. I'll find a different way to get out of this. There is always a weakness, a flaw, a way out. If there's a way in, there's a way out.

My eyes turn to the cameras next. I back up into one of the corners of this small box. Leaping up, I raise my fist and bring it slamming down into the camera. An electric jolt shoots through me and knocks me backward. A new burn mark is on my hand. My forearms are still red and scarred from my last encounter with lightning that night in the fight.

The fight.

The boys.

We had spent nearly the whole day competing. It was the fun kind of competing, full of laughter and lively conversation as the boys tried to outdo each other. As dark drew near, though, I called it a night and told Asher and Seraphina to spend the night with William. They were all a bit surprised, but they listened when they saw how serious I was about it.

At my house, I pulled out my gun, turned my skin to stone and got prepared to fight for my life. I don't know how long I sat, waiting and on guard. I don't know how Kitrina kidnapped me. All I know is that I woke up here without my powers and dressed in a pair of cotton white pants and a matching shirt. No gun, no necklace.

Anger turns to fear once more. If the boys were captured as well...




A stream of curses burst from my mouth as I realize exactly what this is. This is Kitrina fulfilling her promise. This is what Scintillate warned about.

"Have you calmed down enough to speak yet?" A sharp voice asks in a bored tone.

The voice seems to be coming from all directions. My eyes scan the small box that I am in for the source of the voice before landing on the cameras.

Have I calmed down? Hell, no.

"Yes," I grit out instead of the truth.

"Well, I'm sure you've figured out who I am by now," She says.

"Kitrina Meade," I spit, adding in my head, "The little motherfucker."

"Correct. And you are Rage Danger Falls. A bit of an over the top name, if you ask me," Kitrina replies. "I've been watching you for quite some time, Rage."

Well, that doesn't sound creepy at all.

Biting my tongue, I settle for just glaring at the cameras. Honestly, that doesn't even deserve a verbal response.

"Hmm, perhaps you have more self-control than I had originally thought. Actually, thinking back to your display only moments ago, I can't say that," Kitrina announces in that condescending voice of hers.

"Did you touch the boys?" I demand lowly.

I already plan on ripping her apart limb by limb, but if she touched a single hair on one of the boys' heads, then I will take pleasure in slowly torturing her beforehand.

"Those ridiculous children that hang around you?" She scoffs. "No. They are of no use at all to me."

"Oh?" I say with a raised eyebrow, relief filling me. "And what is my use?"

"Your powers," Is her short response.

"What do you want with them? And why aren't they working?!" I question, my anger and volume rising with each word.

"Perhaps I should come back later when you've calmed down."

Closing my eyes, I force the anger down, using a visual technique that's always worked well for me. I imagine my fury, my sadness, all my emotions as water in a well in a desert. I mentally cover the well and successfully conceal all emotion, tucking it away for another time. By the time I open my eyes, I am emotionless, focused, calculating.

"I am calm," I say into the camera, telling the truth.

Calm does not mean docile, though. As soon as I get the chance, I am going to kill her and get out of here. After all, this isn't the first time I've killed someone and ran. I did the same with my own family, my own blood.

"Interesting," Kitrina murmurs before clearing her throat and answering my questions. "Your powers aren't working because these walls are laced with tech that disables them. As for your first question, I want your powers. It's that simple. I am going to study you and your powers to learn as much as I can. And then, I'm going to take them from you."

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Be sure and check out my new short story, I am the Villain!

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Q: Would you rather have unlimited money or unlimited time?

A: I have to choose unlimited money. Sure, you could earn a fortune with unlimited time, but I'd rather live a much shorter life full of experiences, and these days, experiences often come as a trade for money.

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