• T W E N T Y • T W O •

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"She cut her chest open and searched and searched but could find no heart."
• • •

Asher and I spent a couple hours training in the garage before I noticed that he was significantly slowing down and growing tired. Still, he pushed on. His determination and the way that he did not quit earned him my respect.

"I think that's enough for now," I decide, wiping the sweat off of my face with an old towel.

"When do you normally go to sleep?" Asher asks before filling a cup with sink water to drink.

I pull some water out of the air and send it directly into me before using my air and water powers to purify Asher's water quickly.

In response, I shrug. "Some days I don't sleep, some days I just go to bed when I'm bored."

"That's right," Asher says. "I forgot that those with the shadow element don't need sleep."

"Yeah, but you can sleep whenever," I tell him. "I'll probably sleep at the same time since I don't have anything else to do, really."

I mean, I could go fight, but I have enough money for a while and I can't exactly get dressed up as Raven while Asher is around. That certainly wouldn't raise any questions.

Please, please note the heavy sarcasm there.

Asher touches a necklace around his neck. This is the first time that I can actually see it since it is normally under his shirt. It is a dog tag, worn down from the constant wear but still gleaming.

"Alright," Asher agrees hesitantly. "I'll take a shower now then and head to bed. Where will I be sleeping?"

Biting my lip, I realize there is only one bed in the house.

"There is a bedroom on the other side of the living room and the bathroom is just across from it," I inform him.

I guess I'll just sleep on the couch or not go to sleep at all tonight.

Asher nods without saying anything and heads out, grabbing his bag as he heads into the bathroom. Grabbing my book, I flop on the couch and begin to read the awful thing.

Banging my head on the wall, I yell, "Why the fucking hell would she accept his goddamn apology?!"

"Problem?" Asher says from behind me.

I turn around and retort, "Yeah, there's a problem! Jessica took Ryder back!"


"The "badboy" fucking cheated on her and comes crawling back the next week!" I exclaim, outraged. "And Jessica just started crying and it somehow ended up with them kissing and everything being perfect!"




"I'm dying and you don't fucking care!" I cry, a grin making its way into my face as I realize that I may have gotten a bit dramatic there.

Asher laughs, "All that and I'm still not sure what you're talking about."

I sigh heavily. "A book."

"Oh, okay then," Asher replies with a grin. "What book?"

Picking the book up off the ground, I pass it over to him.

"Oh, this is the one William gave to you, right?" Asher recalls.

I growl, "Yeah, that jerk gave me the worst book ever. Even the ending is horrible."

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