• T W E N T Y • F I V E •

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"I don't want your apology. I want the guilt to eat you alive. I want you to drown in your thoughts the way I drowned in mine."

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Rage's POV

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"So here's what's going to happen," I tell Seraphina sternly. "I will allow you to stay here under a few circumstances."

Seraphina has grown on me a tiny bit. Kinda like a fungus. Or an ingrown hair. But I understand her situation a bit. Her parents aren't abusive, but they certainly don't help the situation. According to Seraphina, her boyfriend is like a son to them. They didn't believe their own daughter when she came to them for help. And as bad as my situation was, I was never raped, thank goodness. It just goes to show that things can always get worse, right?

She is stuck in a hard situation. As much as I dislike her, I can't help but feel the need to look out for her the way I wish someone had looked out for me. So I'll teach her enough about fighting so she can defend herself. Give her a place to stay.

"First, I don't have money to burn," I tell her. "I know you come from a wealthy family or whatever but that isn't true for me. Second, just because you have questions, doesn't mean I have to answer them. Any of them. There will be a lot I can't and won't explain to you. Don't expect me to be here all the time for you. If you need me for an emergency, call me. Third, you're sleeping on the couch. I already have someone staying in the bedroom. Got it?"

Seraphina nods, a huge smile on her face. "Thank you so, so much, Rage."

Is this what having a little sister feels like? Because, if so, I'm so glad I only had brothers. I miss them so fucking much.

"Whatever," I force out, blanking my face so Seraphina doesn't see the emotions. "Give me your phone and I'll put in my number."

Quickly, she pulls it out and hands it to me. I've never used a smartphone, so it takes me a second to figure it but I quickly type in "Rage Falls" and my number before handing it back.

"Damn, your parents must've hated you to name you Rage Falls," Seraphina snorts.

"Yeah, they sure did hate me," I agree absently.

"I can't really talk now," I tell Asher mentally. "But I thought it best to warn you that someone else will be staying at my place tonight."

"Aww, the heartless Rage, picking up strays," Asher teases in a way that makes my heart skip a beat.

"Sure. See you later, then," I say before retreating away from his mind.

"So who is staying here?" Seraphina asks curiously.

I hesitate before realizing that she would find out sooner or later.

"Asher," I answer simply.

"Asher?" She echoes, wrinkling her nose in confusion.

"Asher Levine," I supply.

"You mean that silent weirdo who always hangs out around Kolton?!" Seraphina screeches.

With a growl, I lung at her and wrap my hands around her throat and apply pressure, just enough to get my anger and point across but not enough to crush her windpipe.

"Don't you ever talk about him like that again," I tell her with an eerie calmness that is so unlike me. "If I ever hear you saying something like that, I will kill you. Slowly. Is that clear?"

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