• T W E N T Y • N I N E •

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"Respect our existence or expect our resistance."
• • •

"And please welcome to the ring, our first fighter!" The announcer declares.

The crowd roars as my opponent walks out into the ring. Although the fighters are separated from the audience by several feet of some strong, clear material, the audience is able to clearly see all that goes down in the ring.

The fighter is a tall man with a shock of the yellowest blond hair I have ever seen. From the twitchy way he moves and the sparks emitting from his hands, it is clear to see that he has electric powers.

Normally, we would see each other while we waited for the fight, but this time, they wanted to build suspense and make it so we don't meet our opponent until the fight begins.

I frown, somewhat disappointed in my opponent. Surely an electric is not the best fighter of a ring?

"All the way from Axxel Underground, is Tesla!" The announcer calls before yelling, "And here comes his opponent! Our hometown champion, a fighter from right here... Raven!"

I burst into the ring, hovering about six inches above the ground as I harden the air beneath me. My shadow cape swirls behind me. Scowling, I snap my fingers and it vanishes, dissipating into the darkness that surrounds at all times.

My approach gets a huge reaction from the audience, but my opponent doesn't pay me too much heed. Interesting. Perhaps he will be a challenge, after all.

With a few final words, the fight begins. I dissapear into smoke and instantly reappear behind Tesla and shoot a burst of water out at him. His reaction, though, is unexpected to say the least.

He merely spins around raises his hand, and takes control of the discarded water. He redirects it and blasts it with electricity and shoots it straight for me.

Startled, I can only do my best to duck from the blast, but it is too late.

A strangled scream fills the air and the smell of burning hair rises. It takes me a few seconds to realize the scream is my own.

I look down and see that my arms took the worst of the blow and are now red with rising white blisters. The fake tattoos are completely burned off. The ends of the emerald green wig are now singed black.

Huh. I think to myself, disoriented. Now my wig matches Boaz's hair.

The sound of electricity snapping and sparking draws my attention. Quickly, I rise, not wanting to be a sitting duck, an easy target.

I got up just in time and leap out of the way of another burst of electricity.

It is so rare for someone to have both water and electricity, but it is possible. It cancels out the effects of water on the electricity. The person with the electric powers can be around water and come into contact with water and even control and create when they have water powers.

"So you're the one I've heard about so much?" Tesla snarls, launching another blast of lightning my way. "I expected more from the infamous Raven."

My lip curls in annoyance. I hate it when my opponent tries to converse while we fight.

I ignore him and throw up a wall of stone to block the electricity and stop it from getting to me.

This is bad.

I'm on the defense.

I dart around, watching Tesla carefully, looking for weaknesses, indicators, anything that would help me gain the upperhand. With powers like his, it'll be easier if I settle this like it were a non-powers fight.

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