• T H I R T Y •

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"I've found more horrors in the light than the dark and more beauty in this dark than the light."
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Nekoda's POV

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Being here, at this illegal fighting competition, is all sorts of thrilling. I love reading and watching movies and books and comics about superheroes and these people, these fighters with powers are just like the superheroes I love the most. It's amazing to see the fighters that I'd only heard about through online chats with other fanatics.

I suppose I could've gone to see the fights on my own, but I really didn't have a reason to go. I guess, too, I was scared. Scared of the unknown and the rumors of how terrible these rings are. Now that I'm here, though, it really isn't scary at all. Or maybe I've just changed that much.

Watching Rage fight is an incredible, beautiful torture. Watching her get burned was physically painful for me. Not only could I vividly imagine how bad that would hurt,but my stomach and heart also hurt at the thought of Rage in pain. But no one could deny her incredible talent.

Rage's style of fighting is fierce and warrior-like, just like Rage herself. My eyes are fixed on her as she moves on stage, her suit of lava now a shiny black rock as she storms over to the other fighter and begins blasting her with flame after flame. I wince instinctively. Her opponent is an ice elemental just like me and I can just see how easy it would be for Rage to defeat me in a fight like that. But I know she wouldn't. I trust Rage so much, more than I've ever trusted someone in my life.

She looks out on the crowd and I grin, knowing she's looking for us. Her eyes stop somewhere else, though. I try and see what she is looking at but can't. When I turn back to Rage, she is standing there pale. So pale. Her already pale skin is white and her eyes are wide with fear.

What could shake Rage?

Quickly exiting the stage, Rage stumbles slightly in her rush. Unconsciously, I begin shoving my way through the crowd as I try to get to her. When she disappears out of sight, I'm snapped out of my almost trance-like state and I run for her. I run for Rage.

Recklessly pushing everyone out of the way, I get to Rage far before the others.

"Rage!" I shout, causing her to whirl around, her yellow eyes wide in surprise. "What just happened?"

"Nothing," She snaps. "Calm the hell down, Nekoda."

"Don't lie to me," I tell her angrily.

I normally hide my emotions, conceal all feeling. But not tonight. No. I feel it all. All for her.

Rage's eyebrows raise even higher and she slowly says, "I just saw someone that I know. Can we be done talking about this now?"

I don't want to let this go, but I know that she needs to not think about it anymore.

"Come here," I mutter and hold out my arms.

Rage collapses into my arms, tightly holding me. I can feel her sigh deeply, tiredly.

"Thanks, Nekoda," She murmurs before stretching up and placing a light kiss on my lips.

Startled, I blink rapidly, completely stunned and caught off gaurd. I quickly snap out of that though. No way can she get away with just a tiny kiss like that. I kiss and push her up agains the wall and she threads a hand through my hair as I cup her face gently.

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